Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Thank you Mr. President

We conservative Republicans have been waiting a while for GOP candidate Governor Romney to wake up and start becoming aggressive during his campaign.  It seemed he didn't have a "starting point".

And thanks to the President's speech last Friday in Roanoke, Virginia he gave Governor Romney the ammunition and starting point that was needed when President Obama said,
"if you have a business....you didn't start it".

This was like waking a sleeping giant. President Obama wants to raises taxes on everyone.
Of course he's hiding that with his famous slight of hand gimmicks, i.e., increase in payroll taxes, increase in estate taxes, increase taxes on home sales, medical equipment manufacturing taxes, and the list goes on and on. 

And to that he now openly insulted some great Americans, i.e., Jobs, Gates, Henry Ford, Edison, and the list goes on. What a beautiful gift he gave Governor Romney.

When the President proclaimed that all business owners did not start their businesses he may have created a Howard Dean or Dukakis moment for himself. Remember when Dean was ahead in the Democrat convention in 2000 until he let out his famous scream at a rally?  Remember the image we'll all have of Dukakis with his helmeted head sticking out of a tank?

Well, after watching and listening to Governor Romney's speech on the President uttering, "if you have a business.....you didn't start it", you can bet this will be rightfully used in the GOP campaign from now to November. Thank you Mr. President for that ammunition.

Suddenly, Americans are now observing the true Barack Obama. He wants to squelch the private enterprise. He must because he's satisfied with the private sector. He even spoke to that.

It's now coming to the fore front that this President has no accomplishments to run on. There is nothing he has done that Americans want repeated if he is reelected. Do you blame him for smooth talking the Americans about Bain Capital? The same Bain Capital that contributed millions to the the Obama campaign in 2008.

Just a little side note off the subject, but bears noticing. The President lied in Virginia when he said Governor Romney was going to create 800,000 jobs, but they were all in foreign countries.

The reason the President lied is so you would not draw attention to the jobs he created with our stimulus money creating solar panels, sports cars, General Motors cars and parts.  All along GE's overseas job markets in 32 countries and not paying taxes on the profits.

Is this a great country or what? Thanks again for the ammunition Mr. President.

And that's Politics with Pete for today 

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