Friday, July 6, 2012

Bain vs. China

There is so much controversy over the issue of Governor Romney's association with Bain Capital.  It really comes down on what side of the fence you're on. Or how you want to define your loyalty.

Some will argue that many companies like Staples were restored under Bain, and Governor Romney left Bain was it was very successful. Some argue that Governor Romney didn't care about the workers, and paid heavy dividends to investors and shut factories down.  The Obama campaign is full of TV commercials reminding you of these or lies.

As I wrote earlier: it depends on your own interpretation, and where you stand on the issue.

Just for the sake of a good old GOP vs. Democrat argument, let's say the Dems are are right.
My question is: What business is it of yours Obama?  This was all private sector money and investments. It's called capitalism. Not a cent belonged to the taxpayers of this great country.

Now, there's not enough room in this blog to list all the companies and investments that President Obama has invested in with taxpayers' money that have failed.  I could go on and list several of these endeavors that failed, but you know who they are.

This morning I saw the news where the President is traveling through Ohio and Pennsylvania campaigning to everyone that"the private sector is fine".

I became bemused because our Administration just granted several Chinese contractors the rights to repair several bridges across the USA. It's a large number of bridges, and I haven't verified the correct amount yet, but is well over one hundred. By the way, did I mention the actual workers on these bridges are from China?

Now, in the greater San Francisco area a brand new bridge is being constructed. Yeah, it's another contractor awarded to China, with workers also from China. I was just thinking Obama's buddy Reid represents Nevada, which is now suffering 13.7% unemployment. Maybe, just maybe Obama and Reid could've found a few bridge construction companies in the great state of Nevada to work on these bridges. Might reduce that Nevada unemployment a little.

I now know why Obama is not getting reelected in November. Right  now he's flying through Ohio and Pennsylvania campaigning that he's working hard to get Americans back to work.
He actually believes the people of Ohio and Pennsylvania are drinking his Kool-Aid. The folks did in '08, but you've awakened a sleeping giant. 

But, let's give our President some credit. He created an enormous fourteen jobs in OUR White House, and raised the revenue status. We went from 454 employees to 468 in the White House, and their combined salaries went from $37.1 Million to $37.8 Million. What a great jump President.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.


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