Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Today, I read in the op-ed page of the News-Herald where an individual wrote in  the praises of Obamacare. After I initially read it I wanted to stand up and start singing Kumbayii, and dance around the room.

Then I started to ask a few questions to myself, and remembered some pure facts about the new Obamacare law. Suddenly I didn't want to sing and dance anymore.

Remember when then-Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, was standing at the podium, and was giggling as she said, "you have to read the bill to find out what's in it"?

Well, Ms. Pelosi, some people did read the 2,970 pages, after it was enacted into law, and a few very interesting facts and pieces of information became public to the American people.

The first fact fact that emerged was that approximately 20-30 million people are going to be added to the rolls of Obamacare, and the majority of these 20-30 million people are unemployed, so where is the money to pay for them coming from?

We also discovered that part of the funding for Obamacare was coming from cutting the funds for Medicare and Medicaid. I guess the White House thinks that's OK, cause it's just for us old people.

And of course the media won't inform you that twenty-seven states will not honor Obamacare in their respective states.  And what's with the provision that young people can move back home with the folks, and hide in their parent's healthcare plan?

When I turned 18 my loving father placed his right foot in the small of my back and gently nudged me out the front door as he said, "you're on your own now...either go to college, or join the military, or get a full time job. You can still come to dinner Sunday, after Mass".

I never expected my parents to "carry" me in any way. So three days after high school graduation I got a full time job in the local steel mills. Seven months later I joined the military for four years, then went to college under the G.I. Bill.   Unless I was physically impaired I can't imagine living at home, under Dad's healthcare plan till I was twenty-six.

Also hidden in the 2,970 pages is a provision that all U.S. manufacturers of medical equipment must pay a healthy tax as the equipment rolls off the assembly line. Hidden in these 2,970 pages is also a mandate that when you sell your house you will pay a 3.8% tax on the sales price that goes directly to the White House to help pay for Obamacare.

Would you like to know why the IRS is going to employ 16,000 new agents? These agents will be at the IRS to monitor you if you can afford a healthcare and don't purchase a plan you will be assessed a Tax? Penalty? Mandate?  

Whatever you choose to call this newly formed penalty, you're still going to pay, and then you still must go out and purchase a healthcare plan. By the way the IRS has the authority to take the Tax? Penalty? Mandate? from your savings or checking account or even your tax return rebate.

A very prominent surgeon, who is also a registered Democrat, warned the American people to get ready for two-hour waits in the waiting room to see your Doctor for your scheduled appointment, and possible up to a year for scheduled surgery.

Of course it would be great to extend healthcare to all, but to pay for it through Mandate-Tax-Penalty from hard working people is not going to help the growth of our country, nor is it going to speed up the recovery of those receiving healthcare that have no jobs.

To be very truthful and factual there are twenty-two hidden taxes in the new Obamacare plan. We must be reminded that Obamacare could not be enacted into law on its own merits. It had to be hidden under a congressional tax to be passed.

Why is it never mentioned that a big help to affordable healthcare would be to initiate tort reform in healthcare lawsuits? Or why is it never mentioned that we can buy auto insurance across state lines, but not healthcare insurance? Think about it. Is this about getting Obama reelected by offering free healthcare on the backs of hard working Americans.

While not factual, a prediction has been made that 83% of Doctors may give up their practice if Obamacare continues, and 70% of Americans want Obamacare repealed. 

To all those who are happy to see Obamacare enacted, well be careful what you wish for. For the rest of us, let's try to repeal Obamacare and Obama in November.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.


1 comment:

  1. Love your blog and your attitude! Been enjoying reading them. Most of us know that this was not designed or enacted because Obama or his group of Czars, or the other radical 'democrats' love the poor, underprivileged, or minorities. It is solely because they follow and passionately embrace a socialistic ideology. Controlling the nations health care is a prerequisite to changing over a democracy to a European style socialistic nation. God help us if it doesn't get repealed. I wrote a blog about a small book I read called: The Road to Serfdom, sent to me by The Heritage Foundation. You might enjoy it. My blog is on the same page as yours. (ImJusSayin)


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