Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Eight versus Two

Really? Do the Socialist Dems, Hollywood elites, and media really think the American people are buying into the propaganda that is being fed every hour of every day? These aforementioned groups all worshipped at the altar of Barry Soetero and his husband Michael (aka Michelle) for eight years, and gave him a free pass on every issue that evolved, never challenging him or his worthless policies.

Since January 20, 2017 the entire world has been comparing Barry Soetero to our current President Donald Trump. Let's do a "fact tour" of what these two Presidents have accomplished while residing in America's White House.

First let's review what Barry's accomplishments were in his two terms. And let me remind you that these are pure facts; no rumors, gossip, speculations, or bloviating. OK?  Here goes: 
(1)  In eight years our GDP never rose past 2%. (2) Unemployment rose to 9.9%.  (3) Over 5 million jobs were lost. (4) He failed to give aid to four Americans who were killed in Benghazi. 
(5) The approval of the IRS to target conservative business groups. (6) Weapons in Fast & Furious given to Cartels, where border agent Terry was killed. (7) Pioneered Obamacare which failed. (8) Welfare and food stamp assistance rose to its highest level since the Great Depression.(9) Outright gave $150 Billion of taxpayer's money directly to Iran that was used in terrorism against America. (10) Approved Democrat Mayors and Governors to initiate sanctuary cities throughout our country. Supported in the rise of Muslim population by over 200% from 2009 through 2016 funnelling into the U.S. (11) Created DACA, allowing refugees to freely walk across our southern borders.

OK, now let;s take a factual look at what our 45th. President, Donald Trump has accomplished since January  2017. And yes, despite CNN and MSNBC, these are also pure facts, no rumors, gossip, or bloviating. Here goes: (1) Reduced taxes for ALL Americans. (2) Slashed EPA regulations that previously stymied our economic growth. (3) Created over 5 Million jobs. (4) GDP rose to 3.2%, and is still climbing. (5) Welfare and food stamp participation reduced drastically. 
(6) Unemployment dropped to 3.6%, which reflects there are more jobs available than unemployed people. (7) Has given more key appointments to women and minorities in two years than Barry did in eight years. (8) Started building a border wall to protect Americans
from illegals pouring into the U.S., and continues construction in spite of the Socialist Den party, and is continuing border wall construction.

So, if any objective logical person takes a hard look at the comparisons between the"Manchurian Candidate" Barry Soetero and President Trump. The media gives several platforms to those groups mentioned above.
 However, and this is a very big however, I know of 63 million voters who pay very little or no attention at all to CNN, MSNBC, and all the never-Trumpers that appear on their shows.

I call these 63 million, including myself, as Trump's silent warriors. No one gives us a platform, but there are subtle innuendos that really reflects fewer and fewer Americans believe  the diatribe coming from the Socialist Dems and their followers. Question: Why is Fox News the number one news outlet on TV? Answer: 63 million Pro-Trumpers get their facts and news from Fox. Trump's silent warriors know Donald Trump is a great President and we all predict a landslide victory in 2020. Just watch us!

And that's Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country and our troops