Sunday, March 30, 2014

Boy am I dumb!!

I am far, far away from being the smartest tool in the shed. Yes, I graduated from college, but with a C minus GPA. I used to take my freshman algebra home with me on weekends to have my brainiac kid sister tutor me.

However, today, I'm 78 years young and pretty adept at using the Internet. I purchase items from several outlets for my hobby. I purchase travel on the Internet. I make many hotel registrations on the Internet. I've downloaded several programs on the Internet. I also write a daily political blog to post on Google, Twitter, and the Tea Party.

Have I mentioned my 78-year old wife, who according to Reid  is also dumb? Better not tell her that Harry; she has a NRA license to carry. She's on a first name basis on Amazon, E-Bay, and any other website who sells women's shoes, cosmetics, etc. You name it. We have children and grandchildren spread all over the U.S., so many gifts are bought and shipped through the Internet.  Oh yeah, Harry we both have I-Pads.

I use the Internet to communicate with the daughters and grandchildren on face-to-face sites like Skype and Face time. So, I consider myself pretty computer and Internet savvy, but according to Senator Harry Reid I'm just one of many senior citizens that aren't smart enough to use the Internet, and that's the reason Obamacare is failing. Yeah, right Harry.

So, help me understand this Senator Reid. Four years ago, when your party held the majority in the House and Senate you mandated Obamacare into law, and yet Barry's possee still travel around the country trying to sell this failing law? And we're the dumb ones?

Since the Obamacare debacle was introduced your boss Barry has initiated thirty-seven changes, mandates, and waivers. Yeah, we're the dumb ones. Tomorrow on March 31st, there was supposed to be a deadline for young people to sign up, and now you've moved it to April 15h. Well, that's change number thirty-eight Harry, Yep, we're the dumb ones.

One more mention of delays Harry. I can imagine when I was in college if I went up to my prof, and told him my term paper had to be delayed for its turn in, and I needed to change it thirty-eight times.  Well, to be honest, I did screw up on a few term papers. Maybe that's why I "escaped" college with a C minus GPA.

Just one more shot in closing. I have a 25-year old granddaughter, who is working and finishing up her senior year in college. She's very computer savvy, and the one I go to when I need computer help. Her exact words; "thought I'd check out the Obamacare act and see if it was cheaper than what I get at work....I tried for hours to get on..I tried everything...I just couldn't activate the website on my computer...I've talked to a lot of friends my age that had the same experience. One of my friends said the website kept reporting it was down for maintenance. I know a lot of young people that are not going to sign up for that thing....we can't even get on to ask questions."  Hey Harry; that's a quote from a 25-year old college senior, who is very computer savvy, and certainly not dumb.

Most Americans re now predicting that the "Barry & Harry Show" will keep delaying the deadline until after the November elections. So Harry, you better look in the mirror and check your boss Barry to see who the dumb ones really are. We already have Maryland and Indiana that will not allow Obamacare in their respective states, with many states to follow.

It's OK though Harry because after the November election you can go to the back of the room and sleep till you term is over.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Then leave already!

Serving in the military for four years I had the opportunity, stationed in London, England to travel through Europe for almost three years. The highlight for me was visiting the country that both my parents were born in, which is Italy. I first went there in 1956 for a two-week stay with only $80.00 in my pocket.

Being a broke G.I. my buddy and I lived on one meal a day and stayed in the hostels where other G.I.'s and traveling college students stayed for $2.00 a day. Met some wonderful young people from all over the world. It was an experience I'll never forget.

One evening after visiting the beautiful sights of Rome, I returned to our hostel and penned a five-page letter to my parents relating to them of the beautiful things I had experienced in their birth country.

At the close of my letter to them I wrote, "this Italy is a beautiful and great country, but thanks for catching the boat to Ellis Island, cause the U.S. is still the best country ever....can't wait to come home".  I'll never forget that letter. I wrote it to my parents in 1956 from Rome, Italy.

What's my point in all this bloviating about my country? Well, I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of a lot of our celebrities continually downgrading our great country. It starts with Barry Soetero. Look what he did in his very first few months on office in 2008. He traveled to Europe to "apologize" for America's greatness.

He called America "dismissive and arrogant". Then he went on to announce that he would "bring America's greatness down to the level of other countries". It was then, back in 2008, that I felt this man, who attacked the very country and its people that elected him, would ever get reelected in 2012. Well, you know what happened.

Now enter Sean Penn, Louie Farrakhan, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnel,  Roseann Barr, Joy Behar, Pig Maher, and certain hosts on MSNBC. These people are being paid millions of dollars in their professions from a country that they continue to desecrate, verbally attack and bad mouth. 

All of the folks mentioned above, along with too many others, strongly believe our great country should be a Socialist state. Well, not only was our great country founded on Socialism, it has prospered over the years on a capitilistic belief. 

Here are some contradictions of Socialism here in America. While these Socialists call America capitalistic and greedy, we have half of the population on subsidies. And while half of the population is subsidized the progressive liberals want them to believe they are victims.

So those on subsidies that believe they are victims elect representative to Congress to run our government to keep the poor on entitlements, so they can control them to stay in office. So while these representatives keep running the government the "victims" keep getting poorer.

On of my favorite retired basketball players is Charles Barkley, and I always remember his quote, "poor people been votin' Democrat for a hundred years, and they're still poor". Think about that. The poor keep getting poorer and complain about our country, and yet the poor here have things that people in other countries only dream about.

I'm also confused about another idiom among poor people here in America; while the poor have things that people in other countries only dream about the Socialists here want America to be more like those other countries. This great freedom-loving country offers more opportunities for hard working people than any other country in the world.

So I ask Rosie O'Donnel, Sean Penn, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldbert, Pig Maher, Roseann Barr, and the hosts at MSNBC, if you hate our country so much why not just leave? We don't want you here. You don't deserve to live and prosper in this great country.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Turning God away

Remember the time when all Americans were proud that this great country, supported by what our Founding Fathers and declared in the Constitution, that we were founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs.  Having faith in those principals helped make America the greatest country ever.

Now it seems the religious beliefs in America are being attacked by the "politically correct", and are being supported by the non-Christian, Barry Soetero, who resides in our White House. This man, and his husband Michael and their two off-springs won't even declare a religion or a church to attend.

Now, it also seems fashionable to attack anyone who dare believes in God, whether of the Jewish belief or Christian belief. Our infamous ACLU conjures up lawsuits to have Christian crosses removed from schools, cemeteries, public hospitals, and government buildings.

Lawsuits have been successfully filed prohibiting Christmas mangers on public city parks. Children are being sent home from school for wearing religious jewelry or even T-Shirts with religious sayings on them.

Hold it now, wait a minute. These attacks are on all religious beliefs except one, and you know which one that is. Yes, the Islamic Muslim religion. Would you believe there are public schools that actually allow Muslim children to bring their prayer rugs with them to school, while providing time for them to get on their knees saying praises to Allah.

Our country even has a network that allows a program anchored by Pig Maher that allows him to swear about God. This Pig even calls God horrible names, even going so far as to call God and his son Jesus Christ murderers. 

Being raised by Italian immigrants in the Roman Catholic faith I really take personal all the attacks on the Catholic church. Sure, there are many man-made laws within the church that I disagree with, but my parents raised me to honor my Catholic faith.

So it is with great honor and pride I write about the wonderful contributions of the Catholic faith.
In New Orleans the Charity Hospital run by the Sisters of Charity, in sync with Upjohn company developed the plasma systems  in the 1930's that went on to save lives in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and today in the wars in the middle east.

As far back as the Civil War, over ninety per cent of the battlefield nurses were Catholic nuns. When the Catholic church was founded there were no hospitals, but today one out of five people in this country receive  their medical care at a Catholic hospital.

When the Catholic church was founded there were no schools, but today the Catholic church teaches over three million students a day, in its more than 250 Catholic colleges and universities, and its more than 5,000 Catholic grade schools.

Every day, yes every day, the Catholic church feeds, clothes, and shelters more people than any other organization in the world. Did you know that today's Obamacare mandate could end all of this, and hard working American taxpayers would have to make up the loss.

Also, did you know that all Catholic adoption services would come to an end under Obamacare?

There are more than 77 million Catholics in the United States today, and it takes an estimated 50 million Catholic votes to elect a president. Please remember this in 214 days, please.

Remember when Barry Soetero and his husband claimed "the U.S.A. is not a Christian nation"?
This coming from a man raised as a Muslim, and today will not claim a church or a religion to raise his two daughters in.

Barry Soetero and his fawning media, along with people like Reid, Jarret, Pelosi, etc., are constantly giving praise to the Islamic Muslim faith, but consider the following:

Have you ever been to a Muslim hospital? Have you ever heard a Muslim orchestra or band march in a parade? Do you know of a Muslim charity? Have you ever seen a Muslim shake hands with a Muslim girl scout? Do you know of any Muslim candy-stripers volunteering in a hospital?

To sum it up, has anyone known of anything a Muslim person or Muslim organization that contributes anything or service in a positive way to improve the American way of life?

This blog comes to you by a proud and devout Roman Catholic that wants to remind you that in 214 days you can take the first step in taking our country back to live in the Judeo-Christian values were were taught in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Heil Barry

In the 1930's Adolph Hitler just about goose-stepped with the teachings of Socialist-Communist Saul Alinsky. Also believing in the Saul Alinsky's teachings, like Adolph Hitler  were dictators like Mussolinni, Lenin, Castro, and Chavez.

Of course I'm not suggesting that Barry Soetero is as evil as the aforementioned ruthless corrupt murdering dictators, however as the curious quote states, "if you lie with dogs you end up with fleas". 

Let's review the philosophies and ultimate policies of these evil dictators starting with healthcare.
These ruthless leaders believed if their government controlled healthcare, then they controlled the masses. (See Obamacare)

They also believed if you keep the masses in poverty, and continue to raise the level of poverty, these "useful idiots" will not be able to fight back; therefore once again able to control.  Their view of the national debt is to continue to increase the national debt; thereby justifying to increase taxes; to increase more poverty. (See Barry's increase in welfare & food stamps)

Align strong government organizations like the Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) with strong union leaders to shut down non-union businesses; thereby creaing government union control over the free market destroying capitalism. (See Barry's union waivers on Obamacare)

Control the ability of the masses to defend themselves from the tyrannical control of the government. With this being accomplished a police state (Gestapo) is easier to form.These leaders created and expanded their welfare states, enabling to control the masses through housing, food (food stamps, unemployment, and income. (See Barry & Holders attempts to repeal the 2nd Amendment)

Make sure how are children are indoctrinated (educated) in schools in their philosophical beliefs, denying children the right to any freedom of education to make their own decisions in life. (See Barry's control of charter schools)

Assure that in public schools there will be no belief in God. Remove all Christian and religious beliefs in public schools that reflect any teachings of God. (What Christian church does Barry and his husband Michael belong to?)

And maybe the most impacting: These ruthless murdering dictators strong believed in a class system by dividing the masses into the wealthy and the poor. This will not only cause class warfare, but it will become easier to impose higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy.

Now, as I wrote earlier, I'm not suggesting Barry Soetero is as evil as these dictators I mentioned earlier, but take a long hard look at what this man is doing now. All I can write now is Heil Barry!
 We must stop this man, and take our first step in 216 days.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Good News/Bad News

This morning another old-timer like me and I were discussing the $17.5Trillion debt that Americans are struggling through now. We were discussing the spending problem our government is having now. My "old-timer" friend remarked, "Yeah, we just took in $1.4Trillion in revenue, but spent $2.3Trillion....that sure is gonna make the national debt grow".  

We weren't loud, the gym wasn't crowded, and most of other gym members had their ear-buds in listening to their own music.  Suddenly we hear from behind us, "Hey come you old farts are always trying to scare everybody"? We turned, and there he was; a twenty-something year old covered in tattoos, body piercings throughout his face, and stringy hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in a week.

We just ignored him, but that didn't stop him. He kept it going, "Sure, you old foggies don't care if thirty million people don't get good health care, or worry about mothers and kids going to bed hungry. Someone's gotta take care of these people".  I just couldn't let that go, so I replied, "And who do you propose is going to pay for all the those millions getting healthcare"?

Of course I knew his reply before he uttered it, "The rich fat cats on Wall Street, and people like you that hoard all your money in investment programs instead of helping people out".  

I just shook my head and walked away. However, it did give me an idea on how to finish today's blog with my assessments of Good News/Bad News.

Good news is set an all-time record of taking in revenue. Bad news is we're spending at a rate of nearly ten percent more than we take in.

 Good news is under Obamacare millions of uninsured Americans will now get health care coverage.  Bad news is the Obamacare enthusiasts can't find seven million healthy youths to start making premium payments to sustain this atrocity.

Good news; HHS lady Sebilius says five million people have already signed up for Obamacare. Bad news; Less than twenty per cent of enrolees are  in the 18-35 age range. More bad news on this; over six million have had their healthcare policies cancelled.

Good news is Barry Soetero claimed the cost of your monrhly Obamacare premium would be less than your monthly cell phone bill.  Bad news is Barry Soetero later claimed that in order to afford your monthly Obamacare premium you should cancel your cell phone, AND your TV cable.

Good news; Barry Soetero promised that American families would save on average $2,500. a year with Obamacare. Bad news; the CBO has calculated that it will cost on average an additional $2,500 year in Obamacare premiums.

Good news is WH spox Canarie Carny touting that over five million have signed up for Obamacare. Bad news is the White House or Sebelius can't tell us how many enrolees have sent in their first premium payment.

Good news is Barry Soetero claimed that getting to sign uup for Obamacare was as easy as going on line to book a trip through Travelocity. Bad news is that the Obamacare website has crashed so many times that it has been deemed a computer program nightmare, and has been down more than it has been up. Did I mention that there are states now suing Barry because of Obamarcare, and Oregon has no one signed up yet.

Good news is progressive libs keep screaming that we should all accept that four years ago Obamacare was signed into law, and we must live by it. Bad news is that nearly seventy per cent of Americans want Obamacare repealed.

And may I close with just one question: If Obamacare is now mandated into law, why is Barry Soetero and his pack still trying to sell it to Americans, while million of youths still refusing to sign up?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Friday, March 21, 2014

Snake oil salesman

Living in California for thirty-five years I often watched a very successful used car salesman on TV named Cal Worthington. This man practically dominated the TV commercial community in Southern California for many years, and wow was he successful.

He would appear in one of his car lots dressed in his western garb, and have a lion or elephant or some other exotic creature with him; even saw a large yellow snake with him once. All this hoopla would be going on as Cal was touting the sales value of his autos. His catch phrase was, "Go see Cal". 

Cal Worthington passed away in 2013 at the age of 92, after several successful decades selling his cars with his unusual carnival atmosphere sales delivery. You can still walk the streets of Southern California and yell out, "Go see Cal", and you're bound to get a smile or laugh from someone.

What's my point in highlighting this flashy used car salesman in my blog?  Well, today all of America, especially our youth, is experiencing the same thing with Barry Soetero. The only difference between Barry and the old affable Cal Worthington is Cal had some great deals with great cars to sell.

Barry has become a "snake oil salesman", that is trying to force an expensive disasterous product on the American people that is just plain horrible, cost too much, and certainly doesn't work.  This product, Obamacare, is now four years old, and has gone through thirty-seven changes/waivers/adaptions; whatever you want to call them. There must be something wrong when our snake-oil-salesman-in-chief has to go around the country touting his horrible product that has actually been the law of the land for four years.

Barry, and his band of sneaky snake oil comrades; namely Sebilius, Reid, Pelosi, and even Chief Justice Roberts, are also supported by Barry's Hollywood friends, and his fawning media. However, as I wrote in my previous blog, America is gaining momentum pushing back against Barry's failed policy.

Youths are not signing up, and most all of Americans are discovering that they can't afford Obamacare. all this is going on while Sebilius and Carney are telling lies about the number of people that have actually signed on to Obamacare. How come we don't know how many have actually paid for their first premium.

Americans know that Barry's Obamacare was instituted to give away free health care insurance to his masses that would be eternally grateful and forever vote for the liberal progressive party. However, now ALL Americans are realizing an old idiom, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Somebody, somehow, some day, some way this "free lunch" will be paid for, and by hard working American tax payers.

And now, even with all of Harry Reid's lies, Americans are seeing through all the phony charades of the country's most notable snake oil salesman, Barry Soetero.  Can't help it Barry; the truth always prevails.

Remember four years ago when that group of Doctors from the AMA were standing behind Barry on the White House lawn declaring that Obamacare was going to be good for Americans?  Well, today that very same group, the AMA, is stating Obamacare will burden Doctors, clinics, and hospitals with extreme hidden costs that are buried in the 2,977 pages that Pelosi said "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it". 

As recent as yesterday America discovered that many cancer patients are actually being turned away, and refused medical assistance due to their healthcare insurance coverage changes caused by Obamacare. Even though this atrocity is happening in all fifty states, Dingy Harry Reid still claims these are all lies.

Progressive liberals are screaming that Obamacare is the law of the land and even with all its failings and the burdensome costs we must adopt this law and "live with it".

Well, there's news for you progressive libs; we Americans do not have to live with this dicatorship law, and in 226 days we're taking our first step to repeal it, and in 2016 we'll bury it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Gettin' our mojo back

When you look back in world history you begin to understand what all the evil dictators had in common. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Asaad, and so many others were all overcome and defeated by the good people in their countries; some with the help of other good people from other allied countries. Now, I'm not putting Barry Soetero on the same evil plane as the rest of the world's evil dictators, but just take a look at the path he's on, and where he's trying to take us.

Forget about Fast & Furious, the IRS, the DOJ, and Benghazi. Take a look at what he's doing right now on the home front, and how he reacts when a crisis hits  Putin is laughing at him, probably saying, "sanction this Barry". He'll probably end up bowing to Vladimar at the G7 Summit. 

Remember Barry sucking up to Medveded at the last summit when he said, "tell Putin that after this next election I will be more flexible". We're all still wondering what he meant with that utterance. Was he telling Medveded about his golf or basketball game?

However, have you noticed lately there's a slow, but powerful push-back against the failed leadership and dictatorship of Barry Soetero? More and more Americans are seeing through the utter failure of this man to do what's good for Americans of this great country.

He refuses to issue tort reform for medical lawsuits, and still refuses to allow health insurance companies to cross state lines, creating much needed competition which will help lower premium prices. He refuses to frack and drill for oil and construct new refineries here in our country, so we can become energy independent, while creating tens of thousands of jobs.

Not a lot of Americans know about central California. Living in California for thirty-five years I had the opportunity to travel through the farmlands of central California. I remember the acres and acres of farmland being sunny and green, while farm workers were planting and harvesting their crops to sell to markets so they could provide for their families.

Then along comes the Evil Propaganda Anarchists (EPA). Hard to believe; can't make this stuff up. The EPA, fearing the demise of a quarter-inch smelt fish actually has shut off the water flow into central California. This has caused acres of farmland to dry up, sowing and reaping of farm products to cease, therefore leaving  thousands of farm workers idle and unable to provide for their families.

And while this is on-going Barry Soetero and his band of Evil Propaganda Anarchists have no intention of allowing water to flow into the farmlands of central California. How can anyone believe this lying man when he stands in front of a teleprompter and tells us our economy is rebounding. 

Well Barry, we've had it with you; we are finished ingesting your lying diatribe. We are taking our first step in exactly 227 days. We are moving in the positive direction of taking our country back from Barry, Sebelius, Holder, Hillary, Jarret, Reid, Pelosi, and even Barry's husband Michael. Here we come. People, don't let people like Barry Soetero overtake this great nation.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Take it-it's yours

Starting with Fast & Furious, and continuing on down the line; IRS, DOJ, Benghazi, Obamacare, $17.Trillion debt, etc., etc., etc., it seems these horrific tragedies are nothing more to our youth than fodder for the late night comics. 

We've even taken it a step further; TV entertainment shows are now doing "man-on-the-street" episodes for their respective shows. Oh, it's hilarious all right. The reporter will ask a young person a simple question, i.e., "Do you think Sarah Palin is doing a good job as Obama's vice-president". Or how about, "Who is the governor of the state of Washington D.C.?".

I could fill a book of blogs with ridiculous  humorous questions and equally ridiculous answers that are meant to make Americans, especially young Americans appearvery uninformed. Ask a youngster to recite the words to Beyonce's latest song, and they'll light up and ramble on with the correct lyrics. But ask the same youngster, "Benghazi is the capital of what state in our country?"

While living in California I served on the board of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children as the media relations representative. I spent many hours talking to children of all ages about "stranger danger", and many other topics surrounding the protection of our children.

Many times I spoke to teens on the subject, "Power of Choice".  I tried to drive home the important issue that "someday us old-timers are going to turn this country and world over to you to run it". I tried to tell them that the late heroes and leaders of this great country worked hard and will on pass this reins of our country to them for the future well being and growth of this great country.

I also tried to drive home the fact that someday it will be their decisions that guide our country. I would ask them, "Are you up for the challenge to make this country great?"   A few of the young teens would show an interest, and in the discussions periods we would have interesting topics.
But it's so sad to write that most were just hoping the hour would pass soon so they could get back to their cell phones.

I always closed the hour starting with a few moments of silence, then in a stern, and a little stronger decibel output, I would say to the teens, "Guess what...I've got news for you...whether you like it or not, whether you want to or not, us old-timers are going to turn over this whole entire world to you. It'll be up to you what you want to do with will work hard to make this country great to leave to your children someday, or you can sit back and let the world pass you by".

I'd get a lot of questioning and eye-opening looks with that. Then I'd close with a quote from one of my favorite heroes, Lee Iacoco, "When you're in this world, and as you grow, you will either lead, follow, or get out of the way of those that want to make this a better world".

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Sunday, March 9, 2014

EPA= Erratic Propaganda Anarchists

The Erratic Propaganda Anarchists, known as the EPA, is likely the most corrupt government agency we have in our country today. Probably the most terrifying news surrounding this corrupt government organization is they could very well be the most powerful organization we have ever had in this country.

This corrupt EPA group is on a mission to destroy employment opportunities in our contiguous 48 states, along with Alaska and Hawaii.  It is extremely difficult for citizens and businesses to combat this corrupt Erratic Propaganda Anarchists, as they have the complete support of the DOJ, also known as the Derelict Overpaid Jerks. These Derelicts are being led by another overpaid and corrupt jerk, Eric "Goebbel" Holder. He is in charge of Barry Soetero''s Gestapo.

I've often wondered just what help this Erratic Propaganda Anarchy gives to America. There certainly is no argument that our economy strongly needs jobs for Americans so families can be provided for, so businesses can flourish to invest and create more jobs, stimulating our economy to grow. 

Isn't it tragically sad that we have man in OUR White House that is actually afraid of the Erratic Propaganda Anarchists. Ever wonder why this man is so afraid? Barry Soetero's main goal is to assure the mid-east oil and Asian coal dictators that our United States of America stay energy dependent on them.

In turn Barry receives millions from these dictators for his own personal coffers. Another thing I wonder is how this man in OUR White House has amassed so much wealth since he's spent most of his time on the golf course beginning in 2009. You thin maybe donations from....well, you get the message.

The Erratic Propaganda Anarchists (EPA), along with the support of the Derelict Overpaid Jerks (DOJ), has almost single-handedly stopped the wheels of growth in employment in this country.

While Americans are paying nearly $4.00/gallon for gasoline, the EPA will not allow Barry Soetero to drill, frack, or even open the Keystone Pipeline. Our great neighbor to the north, Canada, is standing by ready to turn on the spigot to let the oil flow into the U.S., but the EPA is making Barry say "no way".  These are pure facts. Opening the Keystone Pipeline and drilling and fracking here and in Alaska would serve a two-fold purpose. 

We would put thousands to work and drive the cost of oil down. Beneath the soil here and in Alaska we have more oil reserves than the entire mid-east. Of course if we do this then Barry stops getting his millions from his Muslim friends in the mid-east.

Barry Soetero has remained silent while the EPA has shut down over 200 coal mines in West Virgina, while he travels around the country reading from his teleprompters just how great our economy is recovering. Congressman Joe Wilson was correct when he called Barry a liar during his state of the union lie brigade a few years ago.

The EPA wants to protect a small smelt fish in central California by prohibiting water flowing into their dried up acres of farmland stopping the good farmers of California to harvest their lands.
Someone please tell me how this will help a nation that has a true unemployment of nearly 13%.

Please don't be misled that this group of Erratic Propaganda Anarchists are looking to "prevent global warming" by making Barry stop oil and coal drilling. This is all political, and it's time we stop taking the "whatever" attitude. If we don't stop these EPA and DOJ regimes we will pass on an economically devastated country to our children and grandchildren.

Yeah, yeah, I're asking "what the hell can I do"? Well for the few of you that may read this blog you can do what I'm doing: (1) contact your House and Senate representative to let them know how disappointed you are in not trying to stop the EPA and DOJ from raping our economy. And then (2) get to that voting booth in 238 days, and vote to stop this bureaucratic nonsense.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops 


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thank you, Barry, thank you

Remember nearly six years ago when Barry Soetero took up residency in OUR White House? The ignorant (Rush calls them uninformed) masses who voted Barry into office actually believed this community organizer was going to "fundamentally transform" our great country by feeding them all the freebies they needed and taxing the hard working American people to fund his transformation.

The ignorant (Rush calls them uninformed) didn't even blink an eye when Barry told Joe the plumber that he wanted to "spread the wealth". Soon, after taking office this man started a division of people in this country like we've never witnessed before.

As the ignorant (Rush calls them uninformed) masses kept getting freebie entitlements off the backs of hard working tax-paying Americans, the division among Americans grew into a chasm, figuratively speaking, comparable to the Grand Canyon.

And then within the past few months, almost magically, the division between the ignorant (Rush calls them uninformed), and the hard working people started to close a little. Soon, Americans began to question what Barry Soetero was really doing in OUR White House. 

Barry's approval ratings began to drop, and now are the lowest any second term president has ever experienced. Then with help of Fox News, Rush, Mark Levin, and a "smidgeon" of other news outlets, even the ignorant (Rush calls them uninformed) masses have begun a slow but moving alliance with the hard working Americans.

Maybe one of the biggest revolts against this man is when his Democrat-controlled Senate voted down Barry's nominee for Assistant Attorney General/Civil Affairs. Even the entitlement happy people could not allow a man who represented a cop-killer into the AG office. And now there are eight Senators, most in "red" states in danger of losing their reelection because they voted with Barry.  Even my "favorite", the old leg tingler Chrissy Matthews is already predicting the GOP will keep the House and take back the Senate in just 242 days.

Abandoning a sinking ship is not as patriotically inspiring as how the American people are joining forces in expressing their profound disdain for this man Barry Soetero.  Yet this man continues to think he's fooling the American people. He has given over thirty changes/waivers to his infamous Obamacare until the elections are over. He actually thinks we don't see through this. At the rate, with all his self-induced changes/waivers he's going he'll repeal Obamacare all on his own.

So we should thank Barry Soetero for helping to join all Americans together in our quest to rid our country of this man starting with the first step in 242 days.

And don't forget to thank God for sending Barry to us for a wake-up call.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Monday, March 3, 2014

You're finished Matthew!

Matthew McConaughey's career is over. He will never make another movie in Hollywood. He committed the unpardonable sin last night in his Oscar acceptance speech. He had the audacity to mention "God" in his acceptance speech. How dare he!

It's obvious that Mr. McConaughey stepped over the line by praising "God", and even had the nerve to say that "God" had something to do with Mr. McConaughey's success. How terrible is that? I'm sure his roles for upcoming movies are being cancelled as I'm writing this.

I'm also confident that Hollywood producers and directors will not be sending movie and TV scripts for Matthew to review any further. It's terrible that an actor as talented as Mr. McConaughey would make a serious mistake by uttering the word "God". 

And if that wasn't enough he compounded his gigantic mistake by offering some semblance of praise to "God". Where does he get the right to do this? I know it wasn't in the Oscar script and protocol.

I can just visualize the demise of this very talented actor. First there will be numerous protests by the politically correct, led by the Westboro Baptist Church.  Next, Al Sharpton of MSNBC will label McConaughey as a racist. Then, you can just imagine Chrissy Matthews and Rachel Maddow sending "research" teams to uncover anything horrible and unlawful that Mr. McConaughey did, such as kindergarten playground squabbles, parking tickets, speeding tickets, and even if he jaywalked or drank a beer while in high school in Texas.

I'm sure the IRS and Eric Holder will be investigating Mr. McConaughey and his entire family. Don't be surprised if the IRS even investigates Matthew's late father's tax returns. 

How dare you, Mr. McConaughey showing this public display of love and adoration for the creator "God".  I'm sure in the eyes of Hollywood and the ever so politically correct media your days at working in Hollywood are surely numbered.

As for me Mr. Matthew McConaughey I only have on thing to say: GOD BLESS YOU for giving praise to him who has created us all. My wife and I got chills when you said, "my success could not have been planned by me or any other human's hands".

As my grandkids would scream out, "You da bomb". Again, God bless you Mr. McConaughey. Not many in your profession have the guts to praise our Lord.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hey, look at me!

A long time ago I was told by a mentor of mine that a true favor is when you do an act of kindness, a warm gesture, a donation when no one expects you to, or when you don't expect anything in return. My mentor further said, a true favor is when no one but you knows about the favor, and at times the receiver doesn't even know where it came from.

This mention from a mentor long ago sparked something else I've become aware of lately. Have you noticed when gazillionaires donate a paltry $1,000. to their favorite charity they will make sure that everyone knows about it. How about if a billionaire donated half their fortune to a worthwhile charity.....and do it without telling anyone, and no one knows about it?

I've always found great admiration for those who donated money, or time, or volunteer their services free of charge when they themselves had very little.  It is so heartwarming when you notice people who will give of themselves without ever being asked to do so, and never expecting others to find out about it.

It is also so very heartwarming when the recipients of any others money, time, or service do not even expect any charity, and are so grateful to receive the help, with no strings attached. Some receivers of charity don't even know who their benefactor is.

OK, what is this message doing in a "Politics with Pete" blog you might ask? For me it's a two-pronged stabbing. First, I know I'm not the only American out there that is sick and tired of this man in OUR White House just spending our money on worthless projects such as Solyndra, along with worthless studies including shrimp on a treadmill, or bovine flatulance, and many more.
He bloviates while reading from his teleprompters about all the funding he's giving to his "masses" in welfare and food stamps. Oh sure, this is great for's our money, not his.
 Secondly, I'm also not the only one who's upset at the masses in our great country that actually expect the free money and services that they receive. It's hurtful when you realize these people not only do not appreciate what they receive, they actually EXPECT others to send their money and services to them free of charge, with no strings attached, and no expectation of going to work to pay back their freebies, or pass it on to others later.

Of course my biggest disdain is directed at the man in OUR White House who brags about giving aid to those on welfare, without spending a dime of his own personal resources. He is a strong believer in the "OPM" syndrome. He's very gallant at using Other People's Money to prop up his masses assuring votes for his party to stay in power. 

There was a time when the less fortunate Americans that relied on welfare/food stamps/unemployment, just wanted a "hand up", but the overwhelming sadness is that now it seems people like this expect   their freebie "hand outs", and expect it to continue. 

And this is how the little man with a mustache was able to control his masses in the '20's and '30's in Germany and parts of Europe. Today, we are faced with another person in OUR White House who seems destined to repeat this and for the same reason; to control the masses.

Don't let this man continue this. In 247 days we can take the first step to stop this man. Please join me as you step into the voting booth this November.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops.