This morning while working out at the gym I started to think about the topic of today's blog. We're 103 days from election, and I've promised to write a blog a day to encourage any in range of my blog to help vote the President and his administration out of OUR White House.
I was thinking that today's blog could be on "Racism", or that term the President uses on his campaign trail in front of his teleprompter just about three times a day, while he's asking for our money; "Fair Share".
Then I started to listen to TV and radio at all the "marching back" and false justification of the President's comment that, "if you have a business, you didn't build it, someone else did everything for you".
Mr. President, this is one of the most degrading comment you have ever spoken to the great Americans of this country that, on their own, started their own businesses.
Then you tried to justify it by saying your comments were taken out of context. You said you meant that bridges and roads were built by the government to help people get to their businesses
No, no Mr. President...I, for one am not letting you off the hook for such a disgusting statement. You have insulted all Americans and derided hard working Americans that took a chance by stating, that being smart doesn't have anything to do with creating your own business.
This from a man we know nothing about, and what we do know verifies that you never created nor ran your own business. Mr. President, you have never created a job on your own without using tax payer's money.
Mr. President, I do not believe your statements were taken out of context. You knew exactly what you were saying. My own personal opinion, and I have ammunition to strongly support it is that you believe we need to grow government, and the private sector, by your own words, "is doing just fine".
All business owners; large, medium, and small have paid taxes to the government to pay for the roads. Also, the roads built were from American business owners and American workers. Did government workers from the Pentagon, Congress, or the White House go to the road sites and pick up a shovel? Those were Americans, and the construction companies were most likely privately owned.
And under your Presidency unemployment, welfare, and food stamp distribution has grown at the highest rate of any President since FDR. You have increased our national debt to $16Trillion. You have not passed a budget in 3.5 years, and have not even met with your jobs council in over six months.
As New Jersey's Governor Christie recently said, "Mr President, what the h_ _ _ are we paying your for"?
Get off the darn basketball court and off the golf course and start leading. That is if you know how. Remember what Lee Iacoco said, "Lead, follow, or get out of the way".
Here's hoping, Mr. President that in November you get out of the way. The great Americans that started business on their own, and the rest of us Americans in this great country cannot afford to to pay you anymore.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our Troops
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