Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dingel in hell?

Short blog today. Just want to say a few words to support my President, Donald J. Trump. To me, this President is exactly what our country needs. He has worked tirelessly to 'drain the swamp'. We all know the history of what has happened since he took office, and even before he was inaugurated. His accomplishments to advance our country will probably never be surpassed.

The Socialist Dems, fake news media, and the Hollywood elites have very short memories and also own the title of party of hypocrisy. Since last night when President Trump said 'just maybe the late John Dingel is looking up'.  Wow, that's just terrible according to the Socialist Dems and their water-carrying fake news and "above the law" Hollywood elites.

Let's review their on-going comments and personal attacks against President Trump and his family. A well-known Dem comedian said he wanted to 'pimp out Melania' to the gangs in L.A.  A former well-known talk show hostclaims she has proof that Barron Trump is the result of President Trump sleeping with his daughter Ivanka. A Hollywood elite said he'd like to see Barron put in a cage of pedophilles. 

Another well-known talk show host on national TV proclaimed that President Trump's mouth was a holster for Vladimir Putin's co*k.  A Hollywood movie star said on national TV that he wants to physically attack our President an 'beat the crap' out of Pres. Trump. Our President Trump has done so much for us in just three years, He has withstood relentless on-going lies by these liberal losers.

The two Jabba-the-Huts on the View, Joy and Whoopi, are daily throwing outrageous slams and names at our President. And there's Caryn Johnson from the View bragging about her six abortions. Wonder how many fathers this involved. Maybe she's pregnant now, but we'll never know under all those tents she wears on the show every day. She had these six abortions so she could continue working on her career. Yeah, you know her as Whoopi Goldberg.

Yeah, yeah, I know the Bible says to turn the other cheek.Well not me, not anymore. I admire this fighter for our President. He knew it was gonna be difficult, but by now the fake news media, Socialist Dems, and all the elites know when you attack this President he's gonna punch back twice as hard, and these liberal whiners just can't take it.

Well, our President has much more class than me, so I'll say it. I sincerely and 'prayerfully' hope that Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, Whoopi, Joy, Colbert, Waters, The Squad, all rot in hell for ten eternities. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Armistice Day???

One of the saddest things I have ever noticed is that so many Americans have no idea  just what Veteran's Day (Armistice Day) is all about. Sadder yet, is so many Americans don't even know the definition of 'Armistice'. Look it up in Webster's.  Simply, it means two warring factions end their opposing war, with no sides declaring victory, and the segue to begin peace talks. Pretty neat huh?

There are some who argue that Armistice Day was changed to Veteran's Day because so many didn't even know the meaning of armistice.   Ever since our great country began protecting itself from tyranny with the Revolutionary War against Britain's tyranny we have been involved in several wars; Civil War, WWI and II, Mexican-American War, Korean 'Cold War', Viet Nam War. 

Yes, there were some Military obligatory drafts, but for the most part over 90% of the Americans who fought in these wars volunteered to fight for our freedoms since George Washington beat back the British. Is it me or was life just simpler then? Of course it was atrocious that young men and women fought and died to preserv the rights and freedoms for Americans they didn't even know, but they went in with just the desire to help protect and defend America.

A few years ago I visited the traveling Viet Nam War Memorial here in N.E. Ohio. I was in awe of so many old timers that were there, wearing their ribbons, medals, and gear that signified the outfits they served under during the war. As we all greeted each other I realized that all these men and women, like the men/women portrayed on the 'wall' had one glaring thing in common: We all volunteered to serve. No one had to draft us, or even ask us to serve.

I talked to a Viet Nam veteran who was proudly standing there with his ribbons and medals displayed. I thanked him for his service, and  told him I was feeling a little guilty because I had never see any combat during my 4 years in the USAF, as did the heroes on the 'wall' and like many veterans there honoring those on the 'wall'. I'll never forget what he said to me, "Don't you dare feel guilty. When you raised your right hand you were signing a blank check that the Air Force could send you anywhere they wanted and could order you to any duty they saw fit".

I have never forgotten those words. He made my day. Please let me go on with another story that I had to endure a few months ago. Don't know if I'll get sued so I won't say this happened at a Pizza Hut. I was there picking up a pizza I had ordered. The gentleman ahead of me was also there to pick up his order, and he asked the cashier if there were any military discounts.
She was very nice and said she would go back and ask the manager. A minute later the manager came storming to the pick-up counter raising his voice to the military vet. "I'm so sick of you guys coming in here for handouts. Just because you put on a uniform you feel you have freebies coming. Well not here".

The veteran didn't say a word or didn't protest; just turned and walked out. As he was walking out the clerk asked, "Sir, do you want your pizza"? He didn't reply, and just walked out. The girl at the counter was all smiles at me and said, "Hi for your pizza? Name please." I too, never spoke a word, just turned and walked out. I felt the greedy manager now has two pizzas to eat. I also decided I would never use that pizza place again. Now I'm not saying it was Pizza Hut because I don't want to be sued. 

Do you think that so many Americans just plain take our rights and freedoms for granted? Yes, we do. It seems we feel we are entitled to these rights and freedoms. Once a year, on November 11th. we reflect and hold high esteem for  all the service men and women that served and continues to serve and protect our country. Please don't ever forget many have paid in blood shed and even lives for those rights and freedoms. And maybe the most heartwarming thing is all these warriors volunteered to fight for your freedoms; no one made them enlist.

And that's it for Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country and our troops.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I'm still handsome?

I'm 84 years young, with a little Pakinson's going on and so I spend a lot of time in my motorized wheelchair I named "Ferrari". Yesterday I was bragging to my wife, "Hey, I'm still a hottie". Without batting an eye my wife replied, "Have you looked in a mirror lately?"
So, I hobbled in the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and hollered after my wife saying,  "Yeah, you're right", and we both got a big laugh over it.

This is my once-a-year blog focusing on the billions, with a B, of dollars that are spent each year just to make us 'feel good about ourselves'. Yes, I'm an 84-year old with sags, wrinkles, and even a small pouch for a stomach,  I actually feel good about myself and my appearance. I realize I'm 84, and supposed to look like it, even if my wife claims I act like a spoiled  brat.

I actually feel a little sad for people who are so insecure, and are so afraid of 'getting' old they will spend millions to get Botox, tummy tucks, breast and buttock implants, and even skin peeling. Are these people so ashamed of the way they look or so fearful of aging they feel that their self-esteem will escalate if they only get one more face lift and/or a Botox injection.

The argument that this makes someone feel better about themselves if they receive cosmetic surgery is nothing more than the world's most infamous claim.  If you really want to feel good about yourself, forget about making yourself the center of the universe, and instead do something for someone less fortunate than you. 

Just think for a minute if the billions spent on 'making myself look better' was really spent on poverty, education, and crime/drug problems. Wouldn't that be more beneficial to America than all the ridiculous cosmetic surgery being performed every single day. Maybe the saddest statistic of all is that over 90% of cosmetic surgery is completely unnecessary. 

And by the way what the hell is wrong with looking your age?  It's apparent that these insecure and self-centered people are actually ashamed of the way they look. Their only answer is to spend billions to undergo useless surgery just so they can 'think' they look better. The truth is they really don't look any better....they just 'think' they do. I have a family member that has cheeks and lips blown up with Botox. The truth is they actually look comical with all that injected puffiness in their face, but to themselves their perspective is they look young and fabulous. 

One last thing, and it angers me. What the hell is wrong with the way us old timers look with our wrinkles and sags? It shows our wisdom,  longevity, and pride. If only the cosmetic surgery world would just understand that society really doesn't care what you look like. Yes, the Hollywood world and TV talk show world try to justify their cosmetic surgery expenditures by feeling their careers are in jeopardy and it has nothing to do with talent. It's how you look, and that's sad.

So before you spend hundreds or even thousands on making yourself look younger, give some deep thought to skipping the Botox and enhancing body surgery and focus on paying it forward. There are so many organizations that would welcome any help through donations; Wounded Warriors, Tunnel to Towers, St. Jude, Shriners, and the list goes on and on.

Remember, you never stand so tall as to when you stoop down to help those less fortunate than yourself.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

...and now, MY parody!

Well, if the great liar-in-chief, Shifty Schiff, can deliver a lie on national TV and when caught lying just brushed off his lie by saying "it was just a parody". So if pencil-neck Shifty can do a 'parody' on national TV, then I should be allowed the same on my blog.

Here goes: Adam Schiff has received millions from the energy company in Ukraine, as did the Bidens and John Kerry's family. At least Kerry's step-son saw through this danger and removed himself from the venture.  Schiff further promised every Democrat House member, if they vote for the impeachment, will be given a great reward in the men's room after the vote. He further stated he would bring a pillow to the men's room for his knees, so he can do a great lengthy job.

Nervous Nancy Pelosi is telling all Dem House members that if they didn't vote for Trump's impeachment, their name will be submitted to the Democrat executioner, Hillary "Evie Braun' Clinton.  Hillary promised Shifty that she will 'take care' of those Dems that didn't vote for impeachment if he will do any devious methods available to help her with another run for the presidency in 2020.

A 'whistleblower' that is unnamed, but is a very reliable source, has announced that Pencil Neck,  Crooked Hillary, and Nervous Nancy engage in three-way sex party once a week in Hillry's mansion in Martha's Vineyard, with the ladies performing their famous golden shower routines. Now that Schiff is under Dr.'s care for a STD he may be replaced by Steven Colbert, or even Chris Cuomo. Medical reports of Schiff's STD will be announced by Schiff's 'whistleblower', or some other unnamed reliable source.

Slick Willy Clinton and Crooked Hillary are now legally separated. Slick Willy has recently began dating Pocahantas Warren, in his hopes to be her vice pres. running mate. Warren says 'it's a match made in hell', as she approves Slick Willy as her VP choice. At the same time an unnamed reliabe 'whistleblower' says they have heard from another unnamed 'whistleblower' that Crooked Hillary has been seen in cozy compromising settings with the prison guard that supposedly fell asleep while Epstein died in prison.

California governor Newsome calls Pelosi 'Aunt Nancy', as he is her nephew. Governor Newsome has promised 'Aunt Nancy' that as long as he's governor he won't move against her deplorable, filthy, drug-infested, crime ridden, and homeless district. He is caught on tape from an unnamed 'whistleblower' saying, 'don't worry Aunt Nancy, I've found more space for the homeless to set up their tents, so don't worry about your district....just keep your focus on impeaching Trump....never mind the other stuff...I got your back'. 

It has just been "confirmed" that Slick Willy will be delivering the eulogy at Epstein's funeral. An unnamed 'whistleblower' source has learned from another unnamed source the contents of Slick Willy's eulogy. Slick Willy will sing the praises of Eppstein, especially thanking his buddy Jeff for introducing him to some very nice underage future voters. 

Dem Congressman Jerry Nadler and congresswoman Maxine Waters will not be available to participate in future congressional hearings. The two have been carrying on in a torrid sexual relationship and were found out.  An unnamed reliable 'whistleblower' has reported that the two are happily in love and will move together to Cuba where thet will be warmly welcomed.

Of course I want to tag this blog as a parody, much like Shifty Schiff did on national TV as he lied while reading the false telephone call from Pres. Trump and the Ukraine President. On the other hand, if I substituted all these Socialist Dem names with prominent Republican names, you can bet CNN and MSNBC would run with the story repeatedly.  On the other hand, maybe my parody is true after all. Now if we could just identify these 'whistleblowers' and reliable unnamed sources.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

"Gonna impeach the m****r f***er"

How about we start today's blog with all the things thrown at President Trump and his family that began even before he was sworn in as our 45th. President.  There are so many ugly vicious swipes it's impossible to list them all, but here's some highlights: 

Stephen Colbert, on national TV claimed to all of America, "Trump's mouth was a c**k holster for Putin". Actor Peter Fonda wants Barron Trump "thrown in a cage full of pedophiles".  Remember Kathy Griffin holding up a cartoon version of  Pres. Trump's head. Rosie O'Donnell claims Barron Trump is Ivanka's son, and her father impregnated her.

Remember when comedian George Lopez said he wanted to pimp out First Lady Melania?
Pres. Trump has been called a racist and a White supremacist, not only by the Socialist Dems, but also by the fake news media.  President Trump has been called unbalanced, unfit, mentally unbalanced, corrupt, a liar, etc.  As a matter of fact, with all that President Trump has accomplished there has been no objective news reporting by the fake news media.

Former criminal, doper, and all-around Trump hater went so far as to make a Trump "assassinated" video. You remember Snoop Dog right?On the day she was sworn into office Muslim Dem congresswoman Rashid Tliaba (D-MI) promised she would work her entire time in office advocating to 'impeach the m****r  f****r'. And there are many celebrities and even athletes calling for the death of President Trump and his family. Irrelevant actor Tom Arnold is calling for President. Trump to be assainated. 

The are billboards, stage plays, and talk show snippets degrading our President, while he continues to repair the eight-year damage Barry Soetero did to our great country. It seems the attacks are never-ending. There is so much evil lying diatribe thrown at our President, but he keeps doing great things for our country.

And the media, led by our favorite cry babies CNN and MSNBC continue daily to bash our President. Let's face it folks, the entire media network is just a bunch of never-Trumpers, but it's truly amazing that when you ask one of these never-Trumpers for any evidence that our President is corrupt, a liar, racist, xenophobe, obstructionist, etc., they just can't produce any.

The media will air anything, true or false, that is anti-Trump, but when the President starts using names like Nervous Nancy, Sleepy Joe, Shifty Schiff, Whacko Beto, Crazy Bernie, and Pocahantas the media will not broadcast his remarks calling the remarks inflammatory. Can you say double standards? 

It's actually comical to watch the Socialist Dems, Media, and Hollywood elites try to convince the 63 million not to vote for this great again in 2020. The Socialist Dems fully realize that none of their candidates can win in 2020, so they're doing what they do best; lie, cheat, call for a baseless impeachment, along with any personal attacks they can muster up.  

There were 63 million of us that voted to put President Trump in America's White House in 2016. The 2020 election will bring out a lot more than 63 million voting for President Trump's reelection. Does anyone in the Socialist Den party actually believe they have a candidate that will win next November. I don't think they even belive they have anyone.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our troops and our country.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Just the facts Ma'am

Many of us old timers remember a very popular TV series cop show starring Sgt. Joe Friday. Sgt. Joe had this dead pan no-nonsense demeanor and appearance. One of his famous quotes when he would question women was, "Just the facts ma'am". You could almost anticipate him quoting this while questioning a lady.

In view of the media and Socialist Dems' attacks on Justice Kavanaugh and the Ukraine lies from an unknown "whistle blower", the word FACT has become the most important word in journalism today. Just think how great our good old U.S.A. would be if all networks, and news reporting outlets would focus on facts instead of ratings.

Maybe my most personal favorite fact is that the Socialist Dems along with their fawning media refuse to accept that they lost the 2016 election. They have been trying to replace our President since before he took office in 2017, and they can't legally lay a glove on him even with the lies and personal attacks. Everyone knows this whistleblower-impeachment fiasco is nothing more than a distraction so the Department of Justice cannot look into the Obama-Clinton crimes.

Democrat Socialist Congressman Al Green even admitted, "We have to impeach him now or else he's gonna get reelected next November". Really? Is that how our D.C. lawmakers want to conduct themselves? Socialist Dems know they have the media and Hollywood elites in their back pocket, and can go on TV and maliciously fabricate all the lies they want to attack our President.  The biggest and most outrageous display of this is Adam Schiff (D-CA) who not only heads up the Intelligence committee, he's also leading one of the Socialist Dems impeachment inquiries. Would you call overkill?

Americans, especially the 63 million of us who voted for Mr. Trump, are seeing this charade for what it truly is; a purely non-factual attack on a man who continues to do so much for our country. The Socialist Dems realize they have no factual evidence that our President should be impeached, so they just continue with their onslaught of personal attacks against him.

ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, CNN, and MSNBC have now even resorted to attaching names to the 63 million of us who voted for Mr. Trump. According to the media I am a racist, xenophobic, deplorable, despicable, foul-smelling, and worthless human being because I voted for Mr. Trump. The media is quickly losing all their credibility with Americans, who realize there are no FACTS to substantiate their claims against our President. 

The tragic sadness is these news outlet organizations are becoming the National Inquirers of our daily news. Everyone giggles about the National Inquirer as we read their headlines while going through the grocery store check-out lanes. Yes, we are entertained and laugh at the headlines, but we surely don't ever believe any of their made-up drama filled stories. 

And that is precisely what the American pubic is experiencing today. Gone are the FACT reporting journalists we grew to rely on their factual reporting. Walter Cronkite is being replaced by Fredo Cuomo. Famed journalist Jessica Savage is replaced by Rachel Maddow, Edward R. Murrow is being replaced by Chuck Todd. We all remamber the famous nightly news program of Huntley-Brinkley. They are now replaced by the likes of Chrissy Matthews and Jake Tapper. Their mantra is ,"We don't care about facts...we want ratings.

And the Socialist Dems are not giving up their evil and fruitless battle to overthrow this President with manufactured lies because they know full well they cannot defeat this President at the polls next November. Fasten your seat belts folks. It's gonna be a messy campaign season next year. However, I feel so very confident that the 63 million of us will not waiver in our support this great President in his reelection bid. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Don't get lazy folks

When you woke this morning you probably started your daily routine. First, the bathroom, brushing teeth, jumping in the shower, dressing with clean fresh clothes, in the kitchen for fresh coffee, turning on one of your two or three plasma TVs to watch the morning news.  Then off to school, work, or if you're retired maybe golf, reading, gardening. or anything else you CHOOSE to do.

Than after school, work, golf, etc., it's home for your choice of what you want for dinner. After dinner and a nice tasty desert it's TV to scroll through over a hundred channels. or maybe it's off to night school, or anything else you CHOOSE to do. At bedtime you slide into a nice warm bed, or a nice cool air-conditioned bedroom. And don't forget you have the ability to CHOOSE what comfortable temperature you want.

My point in today's blog is Americans have so many wonderful privileges, including our freedoms, and right to CHOOSE each and every minute of our lives. These privileges, and freedoms were given to us by God and our Constitution. We must, in fact, we cannot ever forget what has been given to all Americans by the grace of our God and our constitution.

However, and this an important however, Americans must not get lazy, and just take for granted all our rights, privileges, and freedoms. Since the Revolutionary War and all the wars that followed so many men and women fought and sacrificed their lives for the freedoms and rights we have today. Americans must not take these freedoms and rights for granted.

Well, what can you do? Of course at the top of the list is to honor God, family, and friends each waking moment of our lives. We also must never forget the greatest tool our Founding Fathers gave us...The Constitution of the United States of America. So many times we hear people say, "But what can I do...I'm just a plumber, school teacher, construction worker." etc.

Please folks, don't ever, ever sell yourself short on what our greatest contribution can be. The most important and lasting contribution we can make is how we prepare our children for the future. BOTH parents have the responsibility and obligation to raise our children, at a very young, to be law-abiding honorable individuals. Parents have the responsibility of preparing and supporting our children for the proper education, and what lies ahead for them.

When there is no father figure in the home a working single mother has a difficult time giving attention to needs of her growing children. Never forget the greatest natural resource in the entire world is the child. ALL parents have the obligation and responsibility to nurture our children and prepare them as the future citizens who someday will be leaders of our earth.

This is the greatest country in the world, and to continue with our greatness we cannot take our freedoms and rights for granted. We cannot ignore the challenges and dangers that befall us and our future leaders. I've always maintained that raising a child the right way is the toughest yet most rewarding job you'll ever have. We owe it to our children, our country, and ourselves. We have a beautiful and strong country. Let's not take it for granted.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

I'm a Dem

I am a born-again Democrat. Joe Biden will make a great President. Time for a change to go back to the Democrat
 Party. Hope President Biden raises taxes, incorporates more EPA  regulations, return Obamacare, appoint better and more liberal Supreme Court Judges. 
Joe, you're certainly getting my vote. (Of course this is not true. I just wanna see if facebook will post this. They have not allowed any of my conservative views to be posted) 

Is this a great country, or what?

Some of us old timers remember the Russian comedian Yakim Smirnoff,  On stage he would say something funny about what's going on in the U.S., then he would laugh and with tongue in cheek say, "Is this a great country, or what"?  On a very serious and heartfelt response to the funny guy from Russia, you're right Yakim, this is a very great country.

If only the Socialist Dems on the left would just forget about Crooked Hillary's defeat and just focus on doing all they can to work with our President to maintain this greatness, instead of spending all their time with hatred and verbal assaults on him and his family. Their hatred is blinding them to the true realizations of just how great this country is. 

It's horrific when illegals swarm our borders, bringing MS13 and other criminals, along with diseases, unrest, and yes actual hatred for our great country. They even bring flags from their home country while proudly burning our American flag. And yet when they get to our border they are demanding free EVERYTHING  from us including housing, food, healthcare, and education. Does anyone think for a second these 2nd and 3rd world country leaders are letting their Doctors, engineers, teachers, etc. migrate to America? But we definitely know they are using our great country to send us MS13, drug and sex-trafficking criminals from their own countries.

Why aren't these illegal staying in their own countries and fight to have a better way of life?
Maybe they can take a page or two from our own great country. First, our great country was dominated by the tyrannical British Empire, and with our overwhelming desire for independence and peace we defeated the evil tyrants in the 1770's which gave birth to our United Sates of America. Instead of fleeing here why don't these immigrants fight for their own independence and peace in their respective countries?

Another war on our own soil erupted in 1861 to abolish slavery and advance freedom equally to all. America was victorious in both wars, even though Democrat leaders at the time wanted to maintain slavery. Let us never forget brave American with their strong desire for independence, peace, and freedom fought and died in these two great wars. Since then every war, cold-war, and battle has been won by people who love our America and are proud to honor
our National Anthem and flag.

And just maybe an equal tragedy is many of our own American-born citizens jump on the hate-America bandwagon; Kaepernick, Chubby Michael Moore, Arquette family, Will & Grace. Even Barry Soetero, after only two weeks in office, went on a tour to other countries to "apologize" for America's greatness.

We now have a president that truly believes America is the greatest country ever in the world today. He works tirelessly every day to make our country even greater. God bless you President Trump. If you choose NOT to have your freedoms damaged with the Socialist agendas put forth by Bernie, Pocahontas, Biden, etc., then you only have one pure logical vote to make to assure America stays great: DONALD J. TRUMP in 2020.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Ah, the olive branch

My wife keeps telling me I live in a la-la fantasy land. I keep reiterating to her and anyone else I talk to and the few supporters that read my blogs..."What If". My main issue on my what if scenario has to do with President Trump, the media, Socialist Dems, and our beloved Hollywood elites.

Today's blog really started yesterday while visiting my granddaughter and her family. Her father-in-law was also there, and we talked a little politics, as he is a strong Trump supporter like me. My friend Ron said, "I'm a big Trump supporter, but why does he have to tweet so much"? So I "dove" into my Trump-Tweeting support mode. I told my friend that I hope our President continues to tweet, in fact, I hope he cranks it up some.

President Donald J. Trump loves this country, and especially the American people. He wants his messages to the American people be disseminated fairly and honestly by the media. President Trump realized early on in his presidency the hatred and vitriol thrown at him since he began his first term in the White House by the media. Just what if the media held out an olive branch to President Trump? Think of the positive reaction from the White House and Americans.

Five days before the 2016 election our beloved media had Crooked Hillary up by 13 points in the polls leading up to the election. In fact, on election day morning in November, 2016 the media, led by CNN and MSNBC, reflected Hillary up by 10 points. CNN and MSNBC declared Crooked Hillary the 45th. President even before many voting sites throughout the country even closed.

Many thought the hatred toward Mr. Trump would end with the election, and many thought the media would watch the President to see results before painting him as an inept, corrupt, racist, and white supremicst president. These accusations began on Inauguration Day, January, 2017, and are steadily increasing, continuing to this day. It matters not what he has accomplished with our economy, low unemployment, jos for minorities, etc., etc. 

President Trump is a strong leader who is just looking for a "fair shake" from the media, but instead the media just reports lies and hatred to the American people. So our President, who is a strong-willed leader basically told the media, "I'll just report directly to the American people myself". I guess the media thought he was going to fold and step back. This man is a true strong leader. He's not a politician, so he doesn't answer to lobbyists or any other "favor seeking" entity.

Now back to my fantasy: The media offers an olive branch by start going to press briefings asking fair, decent, and respectful questions. And then reporting the answers fairly, honestly, and with integrity. Suddenly then President Trump stops tweeting. Then the Socialist Dems start respecting the office of the Presidency and President Trump himself. Socialist Dems in Congress, specifically people like Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff start cooperating with President Trump. And lastly, Hollywood and talkshow hosts stop with the viscious verbal attacks, and begin supporting President Trump.

Apologies for the lentghty blog, but isn't this the greatest country in the world, and what good can come of complete hatred by these Trump-haters? No good ever comes from hatred. Until my fantasy comes to fruition, keep tweeting Mr. President. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops

Friday, August 23, 2019


Right this instant, as I'm typing this, thousands of babies are being born all over the world. So, the burning question seems to be, "What makes one child grow to become  a decent law-abiding citizen of the world, while another child grows to become an evil-filled monster." Books are written, movies are made, lectures and studies have been made, but no one wants to face the ultimate truth. It all starts in the family.

'Starts in the family' seems to be a phrase that doesn't interest  a major part of our society. In this maddening, out-of-control gun violence going on right now, it seems there is plenty of blame to go around. It's the NRA's fault, it's Trump's fault, and my favorite, "it's the gun manufacturers' fault".  Some non-thinkers even blame the gun itself.  With that logic maybe we should stop building automobiles.

Just plain old common sense will show that cities with gun-free zones are the cities that have the highest gun crimes. And we all know what that means, but are not willing to accept, and that means criminals will never, never, ever abide by any gun laws.  So does anyone have any answer to the gun violence happening now in Chigao, L.A., Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc.? Is there anyone who actually believes criminals will ever begin to abide by any type of "gun reform"?

Criminals are just laughing at us, just hoping good law-abiding citizens obey all the gun reform laws. It certainly makes their life of crime and violence much easier. Now add to that scenarios that many city mayors, especially Socialist Dem mayors actually give direct orders to their police forces to "stand down" during protests. This can be seen openly during Antifa protests.  Criminals are just not afraid of any police presence while they unlawfully carry on a life of crime and unruly protests with no respect or regard for law.

I always tell people that I was raised on LSD....Love-Support-Discipline. Raising a child the right way is one of the hardest jobs you'll ever have, but if done correctly, is absolutely the most rewarding job you'll ever experience. Being raised in a Judeo-Christian environment with strong family values in a two-parent family certainly doesn't guarantee a child won't turn to crime, but the odds are certain guaranteeing the child has a chance to grow into a law-abiding and contributing member of society.

When that miracle emerges from its mother's womb there isn't a set of instructions on its backside with instructions to the parents on how to raise the child. Does anyone believe that a parent wishes their child leads a life of crime? Of course not. Most parents are pulling for and supporting their son/daughter to grow into a law-abiding contributing member of society. 

As parents we are obligated to provide our children with a safe, free, and loving home  and environment. Society agrees that child has a greater chance to accomplish success in a two-parent family. It's important for a growing child to know they have the love, guidance, and support of both parents.  Many children in inner city urban areas are greeted in this world with never knowing who their father is, or what prison their mother is currently living in. Our children deserve better if they are going to succeed in life. 

Someday we are going to turn over this country, this world to our younger generation, and it is the duty of all parents to prepare them for their future and thd the future of our country. If our children believe that they are the most important people in their parents' lives, then it's a very good chance that legacy will continue when they become parents.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Switzerland's got it right.

Did you hear/read about all those mass shootings in schools, churches, homes, and malls in Switzerland?  Me neither.  And there are many people in the world, including me, believe that mass shootings in Switzerland won't happen. Anyone wonder why?

Switzerland's military consists of a mandatory 3-month tour of duty for all men. Women serving are volunteer. and yet is the most peaceful country in the world. Yes, Switzerland has the right idea. Want to know how? Very simply put every citizen is very strongly recommended to have firearms and ammunition in their home. When does it start? When the new-born is in their crib. Protecting the family and the country is foremost in the minds of citizens of Switzerland. Nearly 90% of gun deaths in Switzerland are due to suicides, not pointing and shooting at another human.

Do you know the real reason Hitler never invaded Switzerland? He was actually afraid of the small country of Switzerland. Why? Hitler knew full well that behind every blade of grass in Switzerland was a citizen with a rifle and/or a handgun with unlimited ammunition. It has been 20 years since there was a mas shooting in Switzerland. A disgruntled man stormed a political meeting, killing 14 people, then himself. There is no record of a mass hooting before or  since that incident.

Switzerland has continued to be a neutral country for over 200 years, and that is due, for the most part, because its armed citizens compose the military. Firearm ownership is not mandatory among the Swiss population, but what is mandatory is every male join the military for a short stint. This is definitely what you call a well trained militia. And there are no radical political or religious groups entering the country. The well trained military citizenry will not allow it in any form in their country.

Switzerland encourages firearm training, hunting, and even festivals with several shooting contests. No one is alarmed at seeing a young school boy or girl riding a bike to school with a rifle slung over their shoulder. There are very little requests for a concealed carry license. Think about it. Why conceal? Most citizens have firearms and display them openly anyway. Would you not agree that the main reason there are no convenience store robberies, or home invasions, or mass shootings among the Swiss is because the evil cowards know they will not be the only ones brandishing a weapon in a store, school, or home.

Americans need only to review the "gun-free zones" of  L.A., Chicago, New York, Detroit, St. Louis, and Baltimore. Does anyone really belive that criminals even read any gun law regulations in these cities. Shootings occur everyday in the schools, businesses, and homes in America, especially cities hat have strict anti-gun laws and gun free zones. Criminals actually laugh at our gun laws in hopes there will be more gun laws for the law-abiding citizens to blindly obey. It just makes their life of crime easier.

And where does it all lie? In the family of course. Young children in Switzerland are raised to respect and train in firearms. They are encouraged to hunt and take part in festivals that involve shooting contests.  To the few people that read my blogs, I encourage you to go on Bing/Google and research Switzerland gun laws. It is truly eye-opening and amazing.

In closing I am going to hope and pray that someday America will adopt Switzerland's mandatory military service participation and gun ownership laws and policies.  Way to go Swiss. You're doing it right.

And that's Politics for Pete for today. God bless our country and our troops.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Happy with "chant"

No sooner than the chant "send her back" erupted at Pres. Trump's North Carolina rally Wednesday evening the media and the Socialist Dems wasted no time at all to unite and condemn the President for not disavowing the chants immediately. It's apparent the Socialist Dems have very short memories, or maybe the media and the Socialist Dems have hearing problems. Lots of good hearing aids on the market today.

The media has been "carrying the water" for the Socialist Dems, or maybe it's the other way around. Could it really be the other way around?, Is the Socialist Dem party carrying the water for the media? Everyone knows this behavior by the media and Socialist Dems have been doing this since November, 2016.  Also, the Socialist Dems know, beyond a shadow of doubt,  know that whatever lie and false claims they make against President Trump, the fake news media will report it over and over again on most networks, especially CNN and MSNBC.

However, there is one thing the Socialist Dems and media didn't count on. Not one of the 63 million Americans that voted for Mr. Trump is buying into their obvious rhetoric, lies, and personal attacks. In fact, things are going so bad for the Socialist Dems and media that they now are attacking President Trumps' supporters. 

According to the media and Dems Trump supporters are white privileged racists. Will the media ever learn they are doing nothing more than taking up space. CNN and MSNBC are so hubris that they actually believe we intently listen and believe anything that is said by the likes of  Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews. Cuomo, Lemon, Reid, and the rest. 

The media will never report any of President Trump's accomplishments. Instead, the media believes strongly that if there are enough personal attacks on our President the 2020 Presidential election will have a favorable outcome for the Socialist Dems. Do they really believe that Americans are not seeing through their diatribe? 

The Socialist Dems are making the biggest mistake of their party's history by making the "squad" of Omar, Cortez, Pressley, and Tlaib as the face of their party. And of course the media spends their entire time broadcasting their support of the squad only because of their hatred of our President. Isn't it ironic the squad continues to call our President a racist, and yet they love to stand on their platforms screaming anti-semitic remarks, 'no more brown people' remarks, voting against funding for the border crisis while praising the workings of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, 

President Trump has done more for the Black, Latino, and Asian workers in less than three years than Barry Soetero did in 8 years, but of course you'll never hear about that on ABC, CBS,  NBC, CNN, or MSNBC. However, I am encouraged because Americans are beginning a gigantic push-back against the media, Schumer, Pelosi, and even the squad. 

As far as the "send her back" quote, is it OK for Rashida Tlaib screamed the exact same thing toward an American citizen named Donald Trump. The blasphemies thrown at our President requires more space here, and most know what the leftists have said and continue to say.

So in closing let me echo the sentiments of the crowd at the rally last week, SEND HER BACK, SEND HER BACK, SEND HER BACK. 


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

It's who they bring

In another seventeen (17) months Americans will again go to the voting booths to choose our United States President, and that day will be here in the blink of an eye. There are so many Socialist Dems vying for the opportunity to be soundly defeated by our incumbent President Trump. It seems the Socialist Dems have only two charters to campaign on. 

One means utilized by the Dems is they believe if they continue to hurl personal attacks on President Trump and his family they will be successful in changing the voting of many Republicans come November, 2020. Currently, and with only 17 months left the Dems don't even know who they're pitting against the incumbent. Dems have over 20 candidates and are using the old "Italian spaghetti" ritual....take the cooked pasta, throw it against the wall and see what sticks.

American voters have another issue to strongly consider before going to their voting booths.  That issue may be the most horrific of them all, and that is if the Dems win the 2020 President presidency it's who they will bring with them to their Socialist administration.Think about that as we discuss some probable appointments by the Dems.

Try to imagine the slots that will be filled in the Biden, Sanders, and Warren Administrations. Key cabinet positions will be filled with the likes of Adam Schiff, Jerrod Nadler, Maxine Waters, Chicken Man Cohen, maybe Stephen Colbert as press secretary. White House Chief of Staff could be Elijah Cummings or even John Lewis.   Also, can you imagine the SCOTUS appointments? Crooked Hillary and Barry Soetero probably top of the Socialist Dem list. 

 Wonder who th U.N. Ambassador will be. Maybe they'll bring back Samantha Power. Lois Lerner will be IRS chief. Great huh?Oh yes, let's slot Whoopi, Joy, Rosie and good ole' Mr. Clooney. 

Some may find a little humor in this, but seriously think about the chaotic changes a Socialist Democrat administration would bring to our country. Our great country would tragically follow in the paths of Cuba and Venezuela with their Communistic/Socialist rulings and laws. Every American must think of these outrageous scenarios should Socialist Dems ever gain control of the House, Senate, and the White House. 

Can anyone explain the platform the Socialist Dems are running on to improve America? Would they lower the 3.6% unemployment rate? How would the new Socialist Dem administration pay for all the "freebie" entitlements the are campaign promising? It's so easy to make all these ridiculous promises to voters. but the Dems have yet to tell us how the fre stuff is getting paid for.

In signing off today I would like to personally thank the "squad" of Cortez, Thalib, Pressley, and Omar for helping to assure President Trump will win in a gigantic landslide next November, 2020.  Their idiotic and hateful comments did nothing more than embolden the 63 million of us deplorables to strongly support our President, Donald Trump for reelection.

And that's Politics for Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Eight versus Two

Really? Do the Socialist Dems, Hollywood elites, and media really think the American people are buying into the propaganda that is being fed every hour of every day? These aforementioned groups all worshipped at the altar of Barry Soetero and his husband Michael (aka Michelle) for eight years, and gave him a free pass on every issue that evolved, never challenging him or his worthless policies.

Since January 20, 2017 the entire world has been comparing Barry Soetero to our current President Donald Trump. Let's do a "fact tour" of what these two Presidents have accomplished while residing in America's White House.

First let's review what Barry's accomplishments were in his two terms. And let me remind you that these are pure facts; no rumors, gossip, speculations, or bloviating. OK?  Here goes: 
(1)  In eight years our GDP never rose past 2%. (2) Unemployment rose to 9.9%.  (3) Over 5 million jobs were lost. (4) He failed to give aid to four Americans who were killed in Benghazi. 
(5) The approval of the IRS to target conservative business groups. (6) Weapons in Fast & Furious given to Cartels, where border agent Terry was killed. (7) Pioneered Obamacare which failed. (8) Welfare and food stamp assistance rose to its highest level since the Great Depression.(9) Outright gave $150 Billion of taxpayer's money directly to Iran that was used in terrorism against America. (10) Approved Democrat Mayors and Governors to initiate sanctuary cities throughout our country. Supported in the rise of Muslim population by over 200% from 2009 through 2016 funnelling into the U.S. (11) Created DACA, allowing refugees to freely walk across our southern borders.

OK, now let;s take a factual look at what our 45th. President, Donald Trump has accomplished since January  2017. And yes, despite CNN and MSNBC, these are also pure facts, no rumors, gossip, or bloviating. Here goes: (1) Reduced taxes for ALL Americans. (2) Slashed EPA regulations that previously stymied our economic growth. (3) Created over 5 Million jobs. (4) GDP rose to 3.2%, and is still climbing. (5) Welfare and food stamp participation reduced drastically. 
(6) Unemployment dropped to 3.6%, which reflects there are more jobs available than unemployed people. (7) Has given more key appointments to women and minorities in two years than Barry did in eight years. (8) Started building a border wall to protect Americans
from illegals pouring into the U.S., and continues construction in spite of the Socialist Den party, and is continuing border wall construction.

So, if any objective logical person takes a hard look at the comparisons between the"Manchurian Candidate" Barry Soetero and President Trump. The media gives several platforms to those groups mentioned above.
 However, and this is a very big however, I know of 63 million voters who pay very little or no attention at all to CNN, MSNBC, and all the never-Trumpers that appear on their shows.

I call these 63 million, including myself, as Trump's silent warriors. No one gives us a platform, but there are subtle innuendos that really reflects fewer and fewer Americans believe  the diatribe coming from the Socialist Dems and their followers. Question: Why is Fox News the number one news outlet on TV? Answer: 63 million Pro-Trumpers get their facts and news from Fox. Trump's silent warriors know Donald Trump is a great President and we all predict a landslide victory in 2020. Just watch us!

And that's Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country and our troops

Saturday, April 27, 2019

'cause the media says so

President Trump's scenarios have changed dramatically since 2015 when he announced he was running for the Presidency. Before his announcement this successful businessman was revered by all, including Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and even Barry Obama. In 2013 while Crooked Hillary was on the Okra Windy show Hillary stated that "someday, if Donald Trump decides to run, he would make a great President".

Crooked Hillary, the media, and the talk show hosts were overwhelmingly overjoyed when Donald Trump won the Republican nomination. The Dems very strongly felt their Queen Hillary was a definite shoo-in to become the 45th. President. And of course Hillary just poured gasoline on the narratives of CNN, MSNBC by promising her donor "friends" significant and important roles in her administration.

Andrea Mitchell from MSNBC was promised the Press Secretary's job. Huma Abedin was to be White House Chief of Staff. Rumors are Crooked Hillary, Slick Willy, and even daughter Chelsea dropping strong half-promises of important jobs and positions in her administration when she won. The media, Hollywood libs, and talk show hosts just ate up all her false promises by "guaranteeing" a November, 2016 victory for Hillary. Ever wonder what job Chelsea would have been given?

So, of course, the rolling stone of Hillary winning the 45th. presidency just kept gaining momentum with the strong help of the media. Thus the 2016 campaigned truly became the birth of "fake news".  Fake polls right up to election day wasn't as bad as the fake news after the election that is still being tossed around like water baloons at a children's picnic.

But I am not disheartened in the least. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the more attacks the Socialist Dems and their fawning media attack President Trump the more his positive accomplistments soar through the sky. Socialist Dems still believe their answer is to continue the personal attacks, believing they can win in 2020 They're like a last-place team believing they can replace the first place them by verbally attacking them instead of initiating their own original ideas. 

The media are all over the network viewing audience with quips filled with lies from high profiled celebrities given fake news platforms from the likes of CNN and MSNBC. I know of 63 million law-abiding Americans  that no one has heard from, so naturally Hollywood celebrities, CNN, and MSNBC actually believe in the 'Kool-Aid' they drink. And they truly believe that all Americans believe their lies also.

However, what really befuddles and stymies these hateful fake news groups is that they are not make any dents in the army of the 63 million supporters of President Trump. The Socialist Dems do not have a viable challenge for the 2020 presidential race, so their only road is to personally attack our great President. This frustrates them to no end.

There will be no impeachment, but the talks of impeachment will continue all through the 2020 campaign. I, along with 63 million other Americans are proud to be MAGA Trump supporters. And President Trump will win in a gigantic landslide in November 2019. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country and our troops.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Dem policies

Listed below is a list of all policies and issues the Democrat Party will be introducing in their 2020 presidential campaign:

And that's Politics for Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Thank you, thank you, thank you

There just aren't enough people to thank today, but let me try to throw some name out there profusely expressing my gratitude these groups for overwhelmingly helping to elect my great President, Donald J. Trump  to another victorious election in 2020. This election will most likely be a bigger landslide than the 2016 election.

Here's some of my "thank you" honorees....Maddow, Mathews, Blumenthall, CNN, MSNBC, Harris, Tlaib, Cortez, Omar, Acosta, Pelosi, Schumer, Mad Maxine, Booker, Schiff, Sanders, Warren, Biden, Brennan, Clapper, Smollett, Anderson, Behar, Barry & his husband,  and....I better stop here. So many folks to name, so little space. 

These people listed above with all their lies, corruption, and savage personal attacks on our President have all but assured that the 63 million of us that voted for Mr. Trump in 2016, will now likely expand to close to 70 million in 2020. Abraham Lincoln said it the best, "some people all the time, all people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time".

To quote the infamous Rev. Wright, "The chickens have come home to roost".  The push-back against the fawning media that protects the Socialist Dems is making the forefront. Just a side note question here, after the Mueller Report what network did people mostly tune into to find the truth about Mueller's findings? You guessed it...Fox News.

And what networks were hurt the most over the Mueller report? You're right again, CNN and MSNBC. Even the great man/woman Rachey Maddow in one day lost over 25% of her viewing audience, mainly the 25-40 age bracket. For over two years Maddow insisted she knew of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. Thank you Rachel for helping us garner thousands upon thousands of votes for Pres. Trump in 2020.

The main problem with CNN and MSNBC is they actually believe the news they spew out to us is truthful. They really think we're stupid and they are going to change the minds of the 63 million voters that put Mr. Trump in the White House. Of course none of us 63 million ugly, old, white deplorables aren't famous enough to be on the radio or TV, but Pelosi, Schumer and their gang know full well we'll be screaming Trump support to the high heavens in the 2020 voting booths.

Blind faith is what theae fake news networks really think we're going to give them. Oh yeah, if Chrissy Mathews says it, it must be true. We all know that if Mueller found any incriminating evidence of collusion or obstruction on the Trump administration that he would have waited two years to produce any evidence.  And we all know that the far left Socialist Dems will never stop spreading thir lies, fake news, and personal attacks. The Socialist Dems in the House and Senate are now proclaiming that they don't even believe the findings of the Mueller report.

Bob Mueller's report took two years in the making. His staff was comprised of hard core Democrats that used highly unethical methods, even going so far as threatening individuals with prison time, if they didn't lie under oath to condemn Pres. Trump. However, I predict this will all stop in 2024 when Pres. Trump leaves the White House.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Murdering God's miracles

Athesiests and abortionists refer to a child in the womb as nothing more than a piece of flesh that may have valuable body parts to sell for profit. Everytime I attempt to enage in a conversation with a liberal about this subject the only answer I get is, "it's a woman's right". Really? Is that all they have to justify the outright physical painful death of God's miracles?

I'll be 84 in a few months, and God has given me the blessings of three great-grandchildren, with another arriving in May. My 5-yr. old is much more than a great granddaughter to me. She's my therapist, buddy, pal, associate cook, center of joy, and so much more. Her mother, my granddaughter was finishing up her senior year in college when my great granddaughter was born.

She asked my wife and I if we could care for her a few days a week while she focused on her collegiate studies. Now just suppose my granddaughter decided on an abortion instead of giving birth to this angel? In my opinion the world would be missing an angel today. There are no words to describe the joy I feel in my heart every day because of this 5-yr. old miracle. 

Yes, every child is a blessed miracle from God. I have a younger sister who I was raised with as a devout Roman-Catholic, taught by our parents the blessed meaning of all God's children, including those unborn children.

However, today my younger sister is proud to proclaim she is a devout Atheist, and a proud pro-choice advocate. I asked her opinion once of Doctors and nurses leaving living surviving aborted babies to die squirming on a steel table, then carving out body parts to sell for profit.
 My sister says this is for scientific stem cell research, and she advocates for it. You can imagine the arguements between us. 

I am overjoyed seeing now that more states are refusing state funds to Planned Parenthood clinics. I strongly predict that in my lifetime I will see our Federal Government completely 
halt all funding to Planned Parenthood. They will then have to survive on private donations 
and funding.  Of course this will upset my younger sister, who hasn't talked to me since  I voiced to her that I was sure grateful our mother didn't advocate for abortions like she did.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops

Saturday, January 26, 2019

"Sources say"

Whenever a reporter or news anchor starts their news story with "sources say", then you immediately know the story is without any evidence or credence. Since November, 2016 CNN and MSNBC are so hungry to improve their horrible ratings they practically start every show with "sources say", and now they've even added, "if it's true".  So now they start most of their reporting with, "breaking news...sources say, and if it's true......."

Sort of looks like CNN and MSNBC are just giving themselves a free pass huh? Take the BuzzFeed report for a very explosive and informative example. Two reporters not only have conflicting stories about the authenticity of "President Trump is a Russian spy", but one was asked by CNN if they saw the evidence. His answer was, "wellll, I haven't seen any evidence, but I stand by the report". 

The other reporter from BuzzFeed actually visited CNN, and openly lied that he "saw" the evidence that insinuated President Trump was a Russian spy. Maybe the most horrifying part of this is that CNN ran with the story, and supported BuzzFeed before any facts were presented.  Seems they can't get their stories straight with the two  BuzzFeed reporters falling over each other as to the validity of the story.

Joy Behar even condoned all the fabricated stories surrounding President Trump by saying on the View, "we have to do this to take down Trump".  So it's OK to report anything, no matter how false, as long as you start with "sources say, and if it's true......" The false narratives about our President  are being exposed at such a rapid rate that today's media is losing all credibility with Americans. We all yearn for the honest reporting of Cronkite, Murrow, and Huntley-Brinkley.

Before he became blantely biased America thought Dan Rather just might be a good successor to Walter Cronkite. Instead Dan Rather's legacy will be he is the father of fake news, reporting on a story about G.W. Bush's military service.  Now, there just aren't many people that believe anything he says. By the way has anyone seen Dandy Dan lately? Where is he working?

CNN, MSNBC, and now BuzzFeed, can report anything they choose as long as they cover their a** by starting with "sources say, and if it's true......" And we can't forget there Socialist Democrat Kamala Harris during the Kavanaugh hearings. She never issued a true statement or question. She always started with "there are those that say...." This from a woman who got her start in politics by having a long affair with a married man 30 years older than her.

Lop-sided journalistic reporting is becoming so hateful and bias that President Trump is encouraging the press secretary to discontinue her daily press briefings, which many support.
We are familiar with the cycle that started November, 2016. First, Dems, Hollywood elites, the media led by CNN and MSNBC, and all talk show hosts all truly believed that Crooked Hillary was a shoo-in to become the 45th President. 

No one really cared that this lop-sided group wouldn't accept the election results, so they started their vicious personal attacks and lies toward President Trump. with impeachment hopes. Of course there will never be an impeachment, so all they hope is these "sources say" stories will help defeat our President in 2020. And we all know that just is not happening.

These Socialist Dems care nothing about facial reporting....they just care about competing for ratings by any means, and will report anything as long as they start with "sources say, and if it's true".   So I'd like to end today's blog with, sources say, and if it's true, at 84 years old with Parkinson's I will be the starting shortstop for the Yankees next year. Great huh?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.