The word "Race" by itself, as defined in the dictionary, is a beautiful explanation of the word. Race is defined as "a group of people, defined by their physical characteristics, while sharing the same culture, language, religion, etc."
But when you add "ism", or "ist" to the end of the word race it takes on a whole new meaning. To declare a person a racist, or to to accuse a person of practicing racism is a vile and insulting practice, and has no place in today's society.
Currently we have a bi-racial President in the White House. Barack Hussein Obama has as much Caucasian heritage as much as he has African-American. In 2008 most Americans felt this mixture of Caucasian-African-American heritage was the beginning of greatly improving the suffering race relations in our great country.
However, many would argue that the division between our two prominent races in our country is the worst it has ever been. Some African-American leaders go so far as to imply if you call our President "half-white", then you are truly a racist.
When anyone, African-American or Caucasian-American disagrees with any of our President's policies they are quickly labeled a racist, and "surely practices racism in their daily life".
The media, along with the support of African-American leaders such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Van Jones, Jeremy Wright, and even actor James Earl Jones spread hate filled rhetoric against Caucasian-Americans every time a disagreement against President Obama is voiced.
I am completely and totally against all of President Obama's policies. I have been called a racist by many of my critics. I want to ask my critics if they think I'm a racist against President Obama's Caucasian part or African part?
Yes, our President looks more African than Caucasian. That's obvious to see, but in my opinion the true racists are the African-American leaders of this country that refer to President Obama is "OUR first black President". Maybe we would have better race relations in this country if the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, Jones, etc., would refer to President Obama as bi-racial, and carries as much Caucasian blood in him as he does African-American.
I am not against the President's policies because of his skin color. It is because his policies are doing nothing to improve our poor economy and job losses. I am completely against Obamacare because he will increase our national debt by a large percentage if given a second term, not because of his skin color.
I am against President Obama's policies because of the mis-truths he has told us, and his complete lack of transparency, not because of his skin color. President Obama does not deserve a second term as President for many reasons, such as his lack of leadership, not because of his skin color.
Our President has my respect as a husband and father, as I'm sure he is a purely decent man.
However, I will write a blog a day for the next 100 days to do my best to oust him out of OUR
White House. But none of of these reasons will be because of his skin color.
In fact, if anyone, refuses to vote for President Obama because of his skin color they are truly a racist, and definitely harms race relations in our country. Vote for or against President Obama because of his policies, and only because of his policies, and how you feel about his leadership, not because of his skin color.
This great country has come too far to step back into racism.
And that's Politics with Pete for today......God Bless our Troops
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