Monday, July 2, 2012

Part 3 - More Facts

In my last blog one of my critics had no basis to refute the CBO facts in my blog, so the critic acting in the familiar MSNBC fashion did  what the critic could only resort to; name calling. Let me advise the critic: I'm a nobody...don't waste your name calling on me.

The critic called me a "whitey". Well, we know what that makes the critic: A racist. That's what Al Sharpton, Chrissie Matthews, Basir, and Schultz do when anyone disagrees with them or President Obama; they call them a "whitey".
A note to the critic. Thank you for showing your hand by calling me a "whitey". At least I know who I'm dealing with now. By the way, it just makes me stronger with a strong will to continue.

So, here we go with more CBO facts folks. Here are more "records" established since Obama became the President of this great country and taken up residency in our White House:

1. First time in American history our debt sovereign has been downgraded.
2. Federal spending is now 25% of GDP; highest since WWII
3. Our Budget deficit, 10% of GDP, is the highest since WWII
4. U.S. Federal debt, 67% of GDP, is the highest since WWII
5. Only 58.1% of American population is working; lowest since 1983
6. Long-term unemployment, 45.9% of total population; highest since the 1930's.
7. Home ownership rate; 59.7%; lowest since 1965.
8. Only 49% of Americans paying income tax; lowest ever in modern times.
9. Highest percentage of Americans on Government dependency, receiving one ore more federal benefits, i.e., unemployment/food stamps/welfare; 47%.

These are pure CBO facts established since President Obama has been in office.  I can't wait for the critic who calls me "whitey" addresses these facts.

Keep reading folks. More facts to come, and they'll keep coming till November. Mabe tomorrow we'll write about all the companies your taxpayer dollars have paid for and have filed bankruptcy.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.

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