I was told a long time ago that your personal opinion and a dollar bill will only get you a stale cup of coffee at 7-11. Oh, I have plenty of opinions and personal values that I'm going to share with you in the coming weeks.
Today, I'm going to stick with facts, recent political polls, and the Congressional Budge Office findings I'm strongly inviting my liberal progressive friends to weigh in on my facts, and offer any comments they deem truthful and honest that would negate my facts.
First, I was so glad to read a news-worthy poll this morning that finally broke the stigma of "it's all Bush's fault". A very reliable poll reflected that 39% of Americans blame our poor economy squarely on the shoulders of President Obama and his policies.
That is 16% more than blaming former President Bush, with 13% undecided. Whew! Finally the media is at least starting to tell the truth. Way to go.
President Obama failed to tell Americans about the 22 taxes that are hidden in his signature Obamacare. One of the main taxes are published directly from the Congressional Budget Office, and that is over the next ten years Obamacare will cost the American people more than $800.Billion in additional taxes (20-30 percent). Not makin' this stuff up folks. Call the CBO.
President Obama told just a teeny little untruth on his campaign trail very recently. He stated that, "since I've been President, federal spending has risen at the lowest pace in 60 years".
However, the CBO, along with CNS news have figures that reflect the federal government under President Obama has spent over 25% of GDP. That is an increase of 21.2%. President Obama has been in our White House for three of the four years that federal government has spent more than 24% of GDP.....the highest since WWII.
During the time that President Obama claims Governor Romney decimated Bain Capital the valid truth is an Obama supporter and contributor was in charge of Bain Capital, and was responsible for job out-sourcing and lay-offs. Of course the media only tells you it was Romney at Bain, when he was really heading up our Olympics.
But a trend is starting, and is growing. And that is the American people are not believing the media and President Obama as much anymore.
America is a great country, and Americans are the people that made this country great, not the liars in the White House We're finally getting a little fed up with Obama and his media.
And there's more to come....I promised that from now till election I'm going to write my blogs to help all I can to unseat the people that occupy OUR White House. Please stay tuned.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.........God Bless Our Troops.
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