In my last blog, "108 Days left", I wrote that I was going to write a blog a day to state facts, along with my own personal views and opinions to do my best to convince as many of my readers as I can, to help unseat the current administration from OUR White House.
So many areas to cite, so please excuse me if it seems that I'm "rambling". An old English college prof of mine once said, "don't feel bad if you ramble....sometimes rambling is good".
I'd like to start with ABC news. Today, I read an article by the real Jim Holmes from Aurora, Colorado that is associated with the Tea Party. He said no one from ABC called to verify who he was. After Brian Ross from ABC reported to George Stephanopoulus that he, Brian, found out there was a Jim Holmes from Aurora that "may be" associated with the Tea Party.
Now the population of Aurora exceeds 300,000, and yet Brian Ross nor ABC news took any steps to verify the validity of Ross's statement. Yes, they, ABC, recognized their mistake later, but their initial statement was made just minutes after the tragedy. Victims were still dying, bleeding, and in pain, and yet this journalistic reported thought only of his "breaking news".
I had a friend, named Jim Holmes, that I knew quite well when I lived out West several years ago. How much credibility would I have if I started to blog that "just maybe the alleged shooter in Aurora was a direct relative of the Jim Holmes I know out West".
I would venture to say that the paper I blog for, News-Herald, would be sending me on my way.
Bernie Goldberg, a Fox News Contributor, states he knows Brian Ross to be a responsible journalist. Mr. Goldberg, I must vehemently disagree with you.
A responsible journalist would never knowingly report a blatant lie, and then later only offer an "oops". It doesn't work that way Mr. Ross.
You owe the authentic Mr. Holmes of the Tea Party from Aurora an apology. To date he has not received one from you, George Stephanapoulus, nor ABC.
Do you and George have an agenda? Is that your back door admittance that you're in President Obama's back pocket? Will you continue to report lies that may help this President get reelected, or will you try to gain a little credibility with your viewers and listeners, and start reporting the truth? As of now you're a disgrace to journalism, and have no right to the trust of the American truth seeking public.
Just getting started folks. We Americans who truly love this country and want to see our economy prosper with jobs, and eradicate our true 14% unemployment will unseat this administration fro OUR White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our troops
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