Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Now, watch my other hand

It is becoming more obvious every day as our President speaks on his campaign trail, that he has no idea how small businesses, or for that matter, any business operates.  Some may call it campaign gaffes, however it is obvious he truly believes what he preaches.

Our President wants you to focus on Governor Romney's alleged outsourcing while the Governor wasn't even at Bain Capital.  And as long as President Obama can successfully maintain these untruths about Governor Romney then you won't focus on some facts about our President's own outsourcing.

Here's some facts that I'm welcoming my critics to dispute: Almost immediately after taking office President Obama appointed Jeffrey Immelt, GE's CEO as his job "czar".

President Obama touted Immelt as a great leader in creating jobs for success.  What President Obama failed to instruct Immelt was that he was supposed to create jobs for our United States, not China.

General Electric had, and I emphasize HAD an X-Ray division in Waukesha, Wisconsin for 115 years. Our job "czar' moved this X-Ray division from Wisconsin to Beijing, China.

Also, GE will invest $2Billion in China creating six research centers, and will train more than 65 engineers to oversee the project.  Thousands of Americans lost their jobs in Wisconsin. I wonder if some of these Americans were part of the protest against Wisconsin Governor Walker.

Oh yes, this is the same GE that made over $5.1 billion in the United States last year, and paid no, yes zero taxes.  GE currently has over 300,000 employees in 32 countries, and pays no taxes on the profits it makes in these 32 countries. What a great job "czar" huh?

Doesn't this prove that our President has no business savvy?  If that's not enough how about the other day in Ohio when our President proclaimed, "if you have a successful business you didn't start it....someone else did". This is the same President that the only job he ever held was as a community organizer. You think he ever managed a payroll?  I doubt it.

A close friend of mine started a small medical supply business some years ago. At first he and his wife were the only employees.  He grew the business to seven employees, and wanted to expand.  His wife went outside the business to get another job for cash flow help. Together they grossed $265,000 yearly.

They have three children; one in college. My friend decided with Obamacare and increased taxes on the way it was necessary to close down his business and sell it.

Now, Mr. President, this is one individual who started his business on his own, and no one started it for him, and due to your policies he had to walk away from the business he so successfully created on his own with no help .

How many Americans know that from 2009 through 2011 that two-thirds of the Obama's income is derived from foreign countries? And he wants us to give him four more years. I think not Mr. President.

I can just imagine the "czars" he'll appoint during his lame duck presidency for the next four years. He'll probably appoint people like Franklin Raines, Tim Howard, and Jim Johnson.  Let me refresh your memories about these nice guys.

Raines was Chairman and CEO of Fannie Mae.  He was forced to retire when several irregularities were discovered. A Federal suit was brought against him. Raines now serves as President Obam's Chief Economic Advisor.

And then there's Tim Howard. he was Fannie Mae's Chief Finance Officer, who was also forced to resign after triggering huge irregular bonuses. Howard now works for Raines on Obama's 
Economic Advisory staff.

And finally we have Jim Johnson, a former chief executive at Lehman Brothers, who also, due to extreme irregularities, was forced to resign.  Johnson is now President Obama's Senior Finance Advisor, and was selected to run Obama's Vice Presidential Search

Did I mention these three men were released with a combined "parachute" bonus totaling $288.Million.  

And you wonder why our country has no leadership, with a President who has no business experience and savvy. Wonder who started Obama's business for him.

Mr. President please stop digging the hole until November, when we will change our White House line up. Please put small, medium, and large businesses ahead of your own personal interests and friends.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.


  1. Another HOME RUN! How 'bout put a little facebook icon on the bottom so I can share some of your blogs?

  2. Oops - So sorry, as I look above this little message box I can see opportunity to share your article. Will do!


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