Monday, May 20, 2013

Why have a President?

In view of Hitler Jr.'s administration playing the old Abbott & Costello famous scenario of "Who's on first"?, we need to also recall an old TV sitcom, "Hogan's Heroes".  For you youngsters it was a half-hour weekly comedy series from the '70's, of WWII  soldiers in a German military camp. It was all set in comedy that gave us old-timers who remember it many laughs.

There was this old stodgy actor who played the part of a German Sgt. Schultz, whose job was to guard and spy on the American prisoners. Every time a comical controversial subject arose old Sgt. Schultz would comically throw up his hands and yell, "I know nothing...I see nothing".

OK, OK I'll get to my point, which is why does our great country even need a President in our White House now?  It's safe to say we have a White House resident now that's certainly not leading our country by example. I will give him credit for one thing.  He is doing the very best imitation of Sgt. Schultz, with his, "I know nothing" , that I have ever heard.

First there was Benghazi. As soon as Hitler Jr. discovered his lie about a You Tube video being the cause of the terrorist attack, he goes into hiding and is nowhere to be found. He just hides, and sends out others to say, "the President is being kept aware of all the findings, and promises to get to the bottom of the problem". Then off he went to see Jay-Z and Beyonce.

And what was Hitler Jr.'s response when the news broke about the IRS targeting Republican groups during the 2012 campaign, and would not grant 501-C4 status? He simply back-stepped and said, "I found out about this the same way you did....from newspapers".  Really Hitler Jr., are we to expect that no one in your Gestapo informed you of this during your campaign? 

Now, maybe his most famous, "I know nothing" came when a news reporter asked him at a press conference just a few days ago, about his buddy Holder spying on Associated Press journalists. The reporter asked if anyone in the White House knew of the Department of Justice's spying on AP reporters. Hitler Jr.'s response was simply, "Well, one thing is certain, I certainly was not aware of any spying". And there we have another Teflon moment.

Have you noticed that when a crisis appears, Hitler Jr. rushes off into hiding? Has anyone explained to him just what a President's duties are? Maybe Hitler Jr. believes his duties only entail vacations, golfing, basketball, Hollywood schmoozing, and of course hosting musical concerts in the White House. 

Really, what else has he done? Well, he is taking credit for that Obamacare thing that is proving to be a disaster. He couldn't even get the bin Laden thing right. he broadcasted to the world with a million "I"'s and "me"'s the name of the military unit that he "ordered" into combat to kill bin Laden.  Then just days after,  a helicopter with members of the same unit exploded and killed six members of the unit.  

This Hitler Jr. is not a man that Americans can point to as our leader. He came along at a time when Americans felt his "hope & change" was needed. Maybe Holder, the CIA, and the FBI can get Hitler Jr. a job as a spy because he's so darn good at hiding. Certainly not leading. Talk about being the puppet.

Got a phone call from a friend this morning that said, "I wish Hitler Jr. was a Republican for just a few minutes...then I know for sure he'd be impeached and thrown out of our White House".

Folks, this man and his Gestapo is very dangerous. We can't wait till the 2014 elections. Call and write your House and Senate representatives today. We have to get out of the mess this man has dug us into.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


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