One of my two favorite Presidents, Abraham Lincoln (Reagan is the other), spoke a line that will always remain in my heart and my little empty head; you can't fool all the people all the time". Of course Hitler Jr. doesn't believe Abe's famous axiom at all.
Hitler Jr. has been fooling the citizens of this great country since he first appeared on the political scene. His mistake now is that he believes he can continue to fool Americans. Big mistake Hitler Jr., big mistake.
Notice that it seems that Hitler Jr. cannot fool us any more. Yes, he did do a great job of convincing his welfare contingency to amass 51% of the needed votes last November.. We all know that was due in large to Hitler Jr.'s fawning media spewing lies and personal attacks against those who opposed him, along with his welfare nanny community.
Well, as the movie said, "funny thing happened on the way to the forum". Suddenly there are even some news journalists from TV and some news writers in leading newspapers that are questioning the agenda of this man. Hey, better late than never.
It seems that the wheels of the bus are getting flat tires and are falling off. For me, and I know for millions of others it's going to actually be rewarding and gratifying to watch Hitler Jr. and his minions walk back his infamous teleprompter proclamations and ideological promises to Americans.
The fading "red line in the sand" concerning Syria is just about completely eradicated. This is just one sign that this man is an un-American weasel bent on pushing his radical Islamic Muslim Brotherhood agenda.
It's going to be so exciting to watch the Congressional Committee question the Benghazi "whistle blowers". I am anxiously looking forward to see the Fred Astair-Ginger Rogers dances that Hitler Jr., Hillary, Susan Rice, and Jay-Z Carney do to get out of that. It's becoming clear that Hitler Jr. was much more interested in getting reelected that getting to the bottom of the Benghazi slaughtering of four American heroes. Wonder who Hitler Jr. is going to throw under the bus.
Remember his victory dance while yelling into his teleprompter, "G.E. is alive, bin Laden is dead, and the war on terror is over".? Well it's coming back to bite him real hard. He said this as a campaign tool to get himself reelected. That's why there was such a silent hush-hush by the State Department over the Benghazi massacre. Not only are there news journalists now pushing back, Hitler Jr. is also now finding that leaders in his own Democrat party are moving away from his like he's got a contagious disease.
Now, let's add to that the noticeable failure of Hitler Jr.'s Obamacare, evidenced by the pushback from his own Democrat followers that are afraid of reelection problems. Don't forget his own Democrat controlled Senate shot down his own personal gun control law.
Don't forget how word is leaking out that he has ordered Goering Napolitano to buy up all the weapons ammunition so that Americans will not be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights. Yes, he thinks Americans are too dumb to realize this radical man wants to form a Gestapo and take away our rights, much like his namesake did in the '30's to the citizens of Germany. Ain't gonna happen here though Hitler Jr.
Yes, Hitler Jr., Americans are learning everyday of your failures. Your bus wheels are falling off, and as President Lincoln said, "you can't fool all the people all the time".
Oh, let's not get our hopes up too high. With his Democrat controlled Senate and Chief Justice Roberts in his back pocket we're stuck with Hitler Jr. till January, 2017. However, we can take a major step next November, 2014 to push back his infamous agenda.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please don't forget Benghazi)
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