Short blog today. My personal commander-in-chief (wife) is telling me to get my grille ready for cooking for the family coming over later. And I always get the last word. I said, "Yes dear".
So to begin, I am so sick and tired of dancing around the politically correct crap that is spilling out of this Hitler Jr.'s administration.
Did you notice how the Democrat and Hitler Jr.'s fawning media attacked GOP Senator Cruz from Texas the instant they saw his star rising? They are so afraid that he may be a candidate for the White House they pulled out all the stops in their attack of Senator Cruz's citizenship.
The House & Senate Democrats with the support of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN & MSNBC desperately investigated and tried to prove that Senator Cruz was not legally qualified to run for the office of the Presidency.
Are you kidding me? Not a single one of these networks or any of the Dems in the House or Senate ever, ever, questioned this man that lives in our White House. Can you imagine if Hitler Jr. were a Republican? His background would have been investigated by the media until the answers were brought to light. Answers about his birth rites, answers about where he was raised, answers about his passports, answers about where his income came from, answers about his college life, and maybe even some of his college grades.
I mean, I'd even be glad to find out WHY, yes why was all the information about him hidden in secret, and are still hidden. Human nature reminds us that there is only one major reason why anyone holds back the truth. Yes, it's because there is something to hide.
It goes along with why the media and Democrats are so quick to investigate and smear Senator Cruz. They are so afraid of him. He's a junior Senator, serving his first term, and already the smearing is starting.
Well, we Tea Party and Republican conservative are here to disappoint you Dems and your fawning media. Senator Ted Cruz is legally qualified to run for the office of the Presidency of this great country. And you can bet he would do a much better job than the kid from Kenya is doing now. His citizenship background qualifies him.
Wouldn't it be great if ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC investigated and vetted the kid from Kenya? The only reason they don't is because from Hitler Jr. on down they are all hiding something. Ever wonder what it is? Be nice if we knew what all the Kenya Kid's secrets are.
I have one outstanding reason to believe Hitler Jr. is an radical Islamic Jihadist Muslim from Kenya, and is not legally qualified to be President of this great country, and it is my main reason. And that is no American President would lead this country the way this man is doing now. To me he's just the kid from Kenya, and is not a U.S. citizen, and should be impeached.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.+
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