Friday, May 24, 2013

It's so easy

We all remember the song, "It's so easy". That song should be Hitler Jr.'s theme song when you take into account what he's done since January, 2009, and what he is projected to do in his second term unless he gets impeached soon.

His speech yesterday reflects his deep "in bed" ties with radical Islam. He continues to refuse to acknowledge that we are still in a heavy war with radical Islamic terrorists. Somewhere the late President H.S. Truman, author of the phrase, "the buck stops here", is spinning in his grave.

Hitler Jr.'s mantra should be, "the insulation stops here".  We should protect our borders the same way Holder, Jarrett, Axelrod, and MSNBC, among others protect this inept man in OUR  White House.   The only things Hitler Jr. touches are golf clubs and basketballs. Gee, wouldn't you like to have a November 6, 2012 "do over"?

Of course I'm a believer in "if you want to stop the evil and horror simply cut the snake's head off". Through impeachment of course.

It is widely known that Hitler Jr. and his entourage are extremely frightened of the Tea Party and  Fox News, and have been since he took office. Of course the main and maybe only reason for this overt hatred is because the Tea Party represents millions of Americans that oppose the policies of this man, and have been demonstrating this since their inception.

We all know the Tea Party's hard work in the the 2010 mid-term elections was the main ingredient in the GOP taking back the House. So what does Hitler Jr. do in his great fear of the Tea Party? He turns to the IRS, now called the IGS (Internal Gestapo Service), and says, "go get 'em...make 'em 'em into the ground".  

We have also known since January, 2009 that Hitler Jr. and his regime are horrified and extremely afraid of Fox News. Why is that? There is only one reason for Hitler Jr.'s hatred of Fox News. Fox refuses to jump into his back pocket and spread lies in support of him as his other fawning media does. Fox reports the news "fair & balanced", and Hitler Jr. just can't cope with that.

So what does Hitler Jr. do? He simply turns to his Gestapo branch of the DOJ, and says to Holder, "go get 'em". So what does Holder do? He tells his Gestapo minions of the DOJ and directs them to unlawfully attack and desecrate Fox News journalist James Rosen. 

This just may be the start of Holder's downfall. Rosen is not just your average, run of the mill Fox reporter. James Rosen is a great journalist with integrity and honesty respected by the entire journalist community. Rosen is supported by the CEO of Fox, Roger Ailles, along with just about every journalist and reporter in the U.S. and abroad. 

 This just maybe backfire on Holder enough to cause his "under the bus for Hitler Jr. demise", as others have experienced.  

My point in all this is that, as I wrote in my title, "It's so easy",  no one is safe, and I mean no one. Doesn't that scare you? It should be frightening to all of us to know that all Hitler Jr. has to do is turn to his Internal Gestapo Service, or his DOJ Gestapo head Holder and simply say, "go get 'em...make 'em 'em into the ground...ruin their business". 

Now, I'm just a little old political blogger and maybe get three or four people a day to read my blogs. However, just suppose that Hitler Jr. decided to "go after" all blog writers that oppose his policies? All he would have to do is tell his IGS, and his boy Holder, "go get 'em". It's not that far fetched. It could very well happen folks.

Don't forget; if this man can viciously and unlawfully attack a reputable news organization like Fox and one of their leading journalist, James Rosen and his family; you can bet no one is safe. These were the tactics of Adolph in the '30's and '40's, and it's clear that these are the same tactics of Hitler Jr. today.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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