Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hitler Jr.'s bait & switch

I would like to report to the American people the the most informative and current news of today, May 16, 2013: It was announced today that over 360,000 Americans filed for first-time unemployment benefits. Unemployment is still hovering near 8% with over 20 million Americans unemployed and underemployed. The CBO has further factual information that Obamacare will cost over $1.3trillion in added taxes within the next decade to Americans.

Also: China is actually creating more jobs of American products than the U.S. is. New housing production is almost at a stand-still.  Every solar manufacturing company that Hitler Jr. bailed out with our money has gone bankrupt.

Also: in 2008 Hitler Jr., on the campaign trail, promised that he would reduce our national debt in half in his first term. Now we all know the fact is clear that he actually increased our national debt by over $6.trillion in his first term alone. And he is on a path to leave office in January 2017 with a $20.trillion national debt.

Since January, 2009, when Hitler Jr. moved into our White House our country's monthly job creation is LESS than our monthly population growth. When there is a month showing created jobs it has been proven to be over 65% of those jobs are in the public and government sector only. The private sector suffers more and more every month in job creation while this radical Islamic Jihadist Muslim brother(hood) resides in our White House.

Right now, as I'm writing this there are millions upon millions of John Doe's and Jane Doe's that are sitting at their kitchen tables pondering over their bills, wondering how they're going to have money to send their children to college, how are they going to pay for the increase that Obamacare is bringing to them,  and what does their retirement future hold for them. Heck, most of them are worried about putting food on the table.

Hitler Jr. is doing a great "bait & switch" job on the American people right now. Instead of the Hitler Jr. administration focusing on the dwindling economy we are now suffering, instead all he has us thinking about is Benghazi, the IRS inequities, and the DOJ spying on the AP. 

Yes, John and Jane Doe are certainly concerned about the Ft. Hood shootings, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, DOJ spying, and the Boston Marathon bombings. But the fact is that the number one priority for John and Jane Doe and the rest of us Americans is our economy. 
Radio and TV anchors, along with magazines and daily newspapers today just want to report the "juicy" "sexy" scandal stories. Does anyone want to focus on our horrible economy?

Here's a prediction for you: As soon as today's current "scandals" of Benghazi, the IRS, and the DOJ spying goes away, you can bet Hitler Jr. and his administration will manifest another outrageous "juicy and sexy scandal" that will allow Hitler Jr. to stare into a teleprompter and promise that he will "get all the facts from this latest scandal". 

Be prepared folks that this radical Islamic Jihadist Muslim will continue to "bait & switch" for another three and a half years. Really, do you expect anything more from him? I don't

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.



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