Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sliding Doors

The best "what if" movie I have ever seen was titled "Sliding Doors".  It's a story about a young woman approaching the sliding doors of a subway. One segment  of the movie depicts the life of the young woman after she walked through the sliding doors. The other segment portrays her life as she did not walk through the subway's sliding doors.

With my crazy wandering mind I began to flash back to November 6, 2012, and the 51% of Americans who did cast their vote for Hitler Jr.  What if just a percentage of the 51% had pulled the voting lever for Governor Romney instead of Hitler Jr.?  What if Governor Romney had received 51% of the vote instead of Hitler Jr.? It's kind of like my own version of Sliding Doors.

Well, first of all (sic) President Romney would have repealed Obamacare on his first day in office. That would have immediately saved Americans billions of dollars every year. Businesses would not have to limit available working hours for employees, or lay off employees for fear of Obamacare. With that he would have introduced Tort reform, limiting dollar amounts lawyers can sue for medical malpractice. More billions saved, with improved available health care by hospitals and doctors.
Next "President" Romney would have immediately opened the Keystone Pipeline putting thousands of Americans back to work. He would have immediately initiated crude oil drilling here and in Alaska; meaning thousands more of Americans going back to work. These two areas mentioned above would then automatically force competition on mid eastern oil suppliers thereby forcing the price of oil from the mid east to drop.

Then President Romney would incentivize large businesses to invest more and create more jobs by lowering their base tax rate. What does that mean? More jobs for Americans of course.

President Romney would then bring back the Bush tax breaks allowing more money in the wallets of Americans to spend, increasing revenue to lower the national debt. More jobs for Americans, more spendable money for Americans would, of course, allow more intense investigation of those on welfare. More jobs and more spendable income means less Americans on the welfare nanny state.

Yes, and President Romney would send Goering Napolitano packing and appoint a new director of Homeland Security with instructions not to buy all the available ammo to limit the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.

Wow, doesn't a President Romney presidency sound great?  Not only does it sound great, you have to wonder why is the current man in our White House, Hitler Jr. doing all the exact opposite of what needs to be done to make America great again.

Wake up American...wake up and be afraid...be very afraid.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Don't forget Benghazi)


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