Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Do the right thing Hitler Jr.

I cannot in good conscience show any respect to the  man at  the office of the Presidency of this great country by referring to that man living  in OUR  White House, as Mr. President. The actions of this man parallels the actions of one Adolph Hitler in Germany in the 1930's.  Therefore I have always felt justified in referring to Barack Husein Obama as Hitler Jr., and  I will continue to do so.

There is no need to pour over information I have written about in previous blogs, regarding the proof, evidence, and facts pertaining to the actions of this Hitler Jr., who now resides in our White House. These acts alone are definitely sufficient information to prove high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Hitler Jr.  These crimes are enough to commence impeachment hearings.

We all know that only five days prior to the radical Islamic Muslim terrorist attack, Hitler Jr. was on the campaign trail proclaiming "bin Laden is dead, and terrorism is gone".  To help his campaign, after the Benghazi terrorist attack he remained silent, took off for a Vegas fund raiser, and made sure his entire staff stayed silent. They the lies came.

Lately I've been signing off my blogs with "please don't forget Benghazi". For this disgrace of a White House resident to place himself and his campaign above the lives of four American heroes is enough by itself for impeachment. Watching the brave "whistle blowers; Hicks, Thompson, and Nordstrom courageously testify in front of Congress today was riveting.

In August, 2012 Ambassador Stevens asked for additional security at his consulate, and was denied by then-Secretary Clinton. Then as soon as military aid was asked for when the terrorist attack began, the military was ordered to stand down, and not give any military coverage.

It was discovered after the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack that Ambassador Rice and Secretary Clinton, and even Hitler Jr., blatantly lied about what occurred in Benghazi.  They lied about sending arms to Benghazi. It was proven in the testimonies today that there was, indeed, sufficient time to send aid to the consulate under attack.
Then the lie was compounded when all three liars, Rice, Clinton, and Hitler Jr., all went on TV, Congressional hearings, and in front of teleprompters to lie that the attack was not necessarily caused by radical Islamic Muslim terrorists. They added to the lie proclaiming that an anti-Islam video sparked the raid on the consulate.

And then there is this from the man who wants us to call him President: "these are just bumps in the road", referring to the four slain Americans in Benghazi.  Sure showing a lot of compassion there Hitler Jr. Is that what you said to the families of these slain Americans?

This man, Hitler Jr., claims he will do all he can for the good of the American people. Well, right now the most honorable thing he can do for the good of all American people is to resign.
As I've written in earlier blogs; this man with the Democrat Senate and Justice Roberts in his back pocket will most likely never get impeached. Therefore let's hope he just resigns for the good of our country.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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