Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We can't let him do it!

Folks, we have an evil mined radical Islamic Jihadist Muslim Socialist Communist living in our White House.  All Americans, and I stress ALL Americans must maintain the same attitude our fore fathers and colonists did when they first fought to break the binds of British tyranny.

Of course I'm not advocating we physically  take up arms against this tyrannical government. However, what I am stressing is we do take "up arms" by contacting your House Representatives and Senators for your areas and states, and urge them to use  the ammunition they have to start impeachment hearing against this Hitler Jr that lives in our White House.

Much like Germany in the '30's our country made a grave mistake by voting this evil person into the highest office in our land, and he has abused it starting in January, 2008. The sad news is if we don't impeach this Muslim brotherhood man he will continue his slaughter of our Constitution and freedoms until January, 2017.

I strongly feel I have to do more than just write daily blogs. I'm proud to write today that I have written letters to my House Representative, and today I sent off a letter to my Senator. Please folks, if you love the freedom you enjoy under our Constitution please take the time and write letters to your House and Senate representatives and urge them to investigate the Chicago thug machine that operates from our White House.

The Benghazi massacre, the DOJ spying, and the IRS targeting the Tea Party is enough alone to impeach this evil man. And now we have discovered that they will attack any journalist or news organization that speaks out against them. 

It is obvious this evil administration has been afraid of Fox News from the beginning. Anita Dunn, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett, the entire NBC news organization, and even Hitler Jr. himself have all gone on national TV emphatically speak out against Fox News. They have even tried to ban Fox News journalists from White House news briefings.
They have all declared that, "Fox is not a true news organization". There are reasons for this; they are afraid of the truth that Fox reports. They are afraid of the viewer following that Fox receives daily. All of their news programs are number one in their time slots. The DOJ is now using their power to falsely indict Fox journalist James Rosen, who has proven over the years he is a decent honorable profession that has done nothing wrong but report the news.

Of course nothing will come of any stupid ridiculous indictment against Mr. Rosen, but the message Hitler Jr. is sending is similar to his namesake Adolph Hitler, and that is to strike fear in the hearts of anyone who speaks out or writes anything against our modern day Furher.

This man is trying to turn our great country into a third-world country, and actually dictate  much like his friends, Castro and Chavez have been doing for decades. 

Hitler Jr. declared just five days before the Benghazi terrorist attack that "the war with Al-Queda and the Taliban is over". So what does he do when he learns of the Benghazi attack occurs? He actually orders the military to stand down, so that he doesn't have to tell the American people we were under terrorist attack, in hopes of saving his reelection.

This evil man actually sacrificed the lives of four brave American heroes just to advance his reelection agenda. Folks, this is pure evil, and to add to that whenever anyone from his administration was questioned about who ordered the stand down of the military to help against the onslaught of a terrorist attack, they just responded, "I don't know". 

Hitler Jr., Jay-Z Carney, and Hillary all declared that a You Tube video was the cause of this attack...remember Hillary saying, "What does it matter"?

And now, just yesterday, we have discovered another reputable journalist from CBS, Sheryl Atkinson has been under heavy scrutiny, and has discovered that her personal computer has been hacked. And why? Only because she was doing her job of reporting the news fair and balanced.  All I ask is who's next? If we don't stop this, it could and will be anyone Hitler Jr. chooses to attack.

This administration can "leak" all the information it wants if it will help Hitler Jr. and his administration. However when a "whistle blower" steps forward with information they are are viciously attacked by the DOJ, and/or our State Department. In many cases they are demoted and even lose their careers.

With the support of the DOJ, CIA, HHS, and the State Department, this evil Hitler Jr. can do as he pleases, much in the same way his predecessor Adolph did in the '30's in Germany.  This man is lying when he stares into his teleprompter and proclaims, "I believe in the First Amendment, and will do all I can to have to carried out". We now know this is a lie.

Folks, our fore fathers and early settlers struggled, fought, and many lost their lives to break  the binds from British tyranny. We are now witnessing a tyrannical attempt by Hitler Jr. and his administration to abolish our First and Second Amendments.

Folks, don't turn your back on this, and have the attitude that "it's will go away". If nothing is done to question and stand against this evil man's agenda it is guaranteed that his dictatorship will not only continue, but it will get worse.

If you don't pick up your pen or your telephone to contact your House and Senate representative then you are definitely part of the problem instead of helping to become an integral part of the solution. Never forget these people in Congress work for us.

And that's Politics with Pete...God bless our country...and our troops

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