Thursday, May 2, 2013

Adolph & Barack

If only Adolph Hitler were alive today, he and his protege Hitler Jr. could take their  show on the road. Their similarities are uncanny. Their personalities are so very similar, and their opportunities for pushing their agendas are eerily close.

First, let's review Adolph Hitler, and his rise to infamy beginning in the '30's  in Germany. Adolph Hitler had no business experience. No formal education, and no experience in public office. He was only a corporal in WWI, and had no important duties or functions.

There was one gift, however, that Adolph did posses. He was an excellent orator. He convinced the German people that he had numerous means to deliver them  from their economic failure. The German people, looking for a savior, completely swallowed everything the Fuhrer spoke. He won elections by extremely large margins convincing people he "would take care of them". In Austria, Adolph won the election to lead the country by an 89% margin. Sound familiar.

We all know what followed. History shows Adolph took over the military and the media, while convincing the masses to "peacefully" surrender their personal guns and rifles. Soon, Adolph established his own personal military; the infamous Gestapo. Hitler and his Gestapo became so powerful they began their pursuit of any person or group that Adolph felt may even have the slightest possibility of bringing harm to him. Over six million Jews were slaughtered only because Adolph felt they were a harm to his Arian race.

I've written enough blogs on what Hitler Jr. is currently doing to our great country; Obamacare, welfare, food stamps, unemployment, and his lack of doing what is right for our great country. Today I just want to write about his latest ingenious idea.

Hitler Jr. now wants to form a "civilian" army to "investigate" people or groups that just "may" bring harm to the United States. Now what does that seem like?  

I am most certainly not a fan of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, but it was on her 9:00 PM (ET) where she broadcasted, and showed Hitler Jr.'s speaking that a "group" could be formed to investigate people or groups, arrest and imprison them up to ten years if they posed a threat, even if a crime had not been committed yet, and no formal evidence was presented.

Rachel Maddow then showed her audience a snippet of a Tom Cruise science fiction movie, "Minority Report", where a military force would go back in time to arrest people or groups that "will commit crimes in the future".  This was done without any evidence; just a "trip to the future".

Setting aside any science fiction fantasy, it seems Hitler Jr. thinks it's a great idea to have a civilian army to investigate, arrest, and maybe even imprison individuals or groups that "may possibly" bring the U.S. any harm. Maybe he'll name it "Baracks Battalion".

Be afraid of Hitler Jr. folks; very, very afraid.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops.
(Please don't forget Benghazi)

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