I think today's blog is more for me than anyone who might read it. You can chalk it up to "venting. Of course much is said, written, printed about how most news networks carry the water for Hitler Jr., no matter how horrible he's doing in our White House, and how he is trying to instill radical Islamic Muslim beliefs to the American way of life.
Ever wonder why the Fox News channel has ratings higher than most of their competitive networks combined? Ever wonder why so many of Fox's competitive networks feel the only way they can beat Fox in ratings is to launch personal attacks and lies about Fox.
I have a few left-leaning progressive liberal "acquaintances" that I see in our golf league, and some that I see at meetings and gatherings. They all seem to spout on about how much they hate the news anchors at Fox. They hate O'Reilly, Hannity, Cavuto, and the rest of the news anchors. I then ask, "why is Fox so very far ahead in viewer ratings than CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and at times ABC, CBS, & NBC"?
Then I always follow up with, "how come you know so much about Fox's anchors? Do you watch them for the truthful news fair and balanced"? Gee, I never seem to get a straight answer.
These major networks have refused to cover the news that may have a questioning effect on Hitler Jr.'s administration. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will not cover the trial of the evil abortion butcher, Kermit Gosnell, and that is because Hitler Jr. and his administration are pro-choice and actually approve of abortion. Remember Hitler Jr. proclaiming he hopes his daughters never get "punished" by having a child out of wedlock.
These networks are so ridiculous they are actually comical, and of course they are smart enough to know that the more they refuse to present the news to the American people fair, with truthful facts and integrity, well the more they help to increase Fox's ratings. When the major networks did decided to spend a few minutes on the Benghazi hearing, they referred to it as, "a GOP witch hunt", with no regard to getting to the truth for the families of the for fallen heroes at the Benghazi consulate.
But there is one network that is beyond being ridiculous, beyond mean spirited, beyond spewing lies and personal attacks; they are just pure evil. That is MSNBC.
MSNBC is owned by Comcast Communications. Viewer audience and ratings are plummeting by the hour, yet this network continues to support the evil efforts of Hitler Jr. And the more MSNBC resorts to this manner of broadcasting bias news, well the more people tune into Fox for truthful news.
Things have become so disturbing at MSNBC that at a recent Comcast shareholders meeting the outrage against Comcast to rectify the ratings and audience viewing problems at MSNBC was overwhelming.
It's easy to understand why MSNBC is experiencing such horrific viewer audience participation and ratings. Take a look at the line up of news anchors that MSNBC employees;
Sharpton, Maddow, O'Donnell, Bashir, Schultz, Mitchell, Toure, and the number one evil master of them all, Chris "leg man" Matthews.
Maybe we should give Sharpton a pass because you can't understand him when he talks anyway, so it really doesn't matter what he says. But the rest of that team should, hopefully, be removed by Comcast. I wonder if Comcast has thought that true competition for Fox would be to have another fair & balanced network. Has anyone told Comcast that MSNBC doesn't even get a combined million viewers in prime time. Now compare that to O'Reilly's Factor at 8:00 (EST) gets over 3 million viewers alone, and has been number one in cable news for over thirteen years.
Back to Matthews; a couple of decades ago he was considered a fairly reputable news anchor.
However, his ratings began to fall, and his ultimate demise in news anchoring came when he was not awarded NBC's "Face the Nation" when noted news anchor Tim Russert passed away. The leg man expected to be awarded that prestigious Sunday news show.
Subsequently Matthews' ratings continued to drop so dramatically that he decided to attempt to gain viewer audience and higher ratings by emulating his mentor Howard Stern by becoming outrageous in his broadcasting deliveries. He began, and still does, to spew lies and personal attacks at anyone who has a different view than his own.
Then he began his highly publicized "bro-mance" with Hitler Jr. during Hitler Jr.'s 2007-08 presidential campaign. His lying and personal attacks against anyone who was against Hitler Jr.'s administration was viciously attacked. He went so far as to make jokes about former Vice President Chaney's heart attacks.
His "signature" is to actually make fun of other people, and their views. While Fox was covering the Gosnell trial, Matthews was, at the same time, criminalizing the NRA and their CEO LaPierre. Just yesterday, after refusing to cover any portion of the Benghazi hearings on all his previous broadcasts, he actually made fun of the hearings calling the GOP out on a witch hunt, while referring to the hearing as "the Beghaaazee hearings". Way to show some class leg man.
Is it true that Fox News Channel is awarding Chris "leg man" Matthews as their most valuable newscaster. Matthews is one of the reasons people turn off MSNBC to watch Fox.
I encourage all to eliminate MSNBC from their viewing programming,and tune into Fox for honest, truthful fair & balanced news broadcasting.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(never forget Benghazi)
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