Friday, May 17, 2013

Internal Gestapo Service(IGS)

Today I have sad news for the American people on the death of a deeply respected entity.  Today, we officially buried the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS is no longer alive. It is dead and gone. This poor IRS has been dying of a corrupt cancer for over three years now.

However, in its place we now have the birth of a new group; the Internal Gestapo Service (IGS).
The main charter of the IGS is very similar to the Gestapo formulated by Adolph Hitler in Germany in the 1920-30's.  In the 20's and 30's Adolph Hitler's Gestapo was set in motion to promote the agenda of the Fuhrer Adolph and his Third Reich.

Adolph Hitler's Gestapo became so powerful that all, who by the way were initially welcomed by the German people, became the most powerful scourge the world has ever known. The Gestapo carried out the wishes of Adolph and his Third Reich with overwhelming power that all feared. Adolph's orders to his Gestapo was "do everything you can to get the results I want....doesn't matter if it's legal or not...the results I want are all that matters".

Well, if Adolph were alive today, he would be very proud of his protege, Barack Hitler Jr. Three years ago Hitler Jr. secretly, and with much Teflon, directed his IGS, formerly the IRS, to begin spying on groups that may threaten his power. Hitler Jr. became so frightened of the GOP supporting groups that he directed the IGS to target the Tea Party, The Patriots, 9-12 Group, Pro-Life Group, the Koch Brothers, Mitt Romney, and any other group, person, or business that may a threat to his agenda.

Can you believe that the IGS even targeted one of our most revered and loved men, Billy Graham? Yes, because he was a vowed Republican conservative the IGS decided to heavily audit the Reverend Graham. 

Any of these above mentioned organizations that applied for their 501-C4 tax-exempt status had their applications either held up or heavily burdened with outrageous questions to discourage these parties from further pursuit.

Finally, after nearly three years, two high ranking officials of the IGS (IRS), Lois Lerner and Sarah Hall Ingram "came clean" and admitted that their powerful organization did, in fact, unlawfully target the Tea Party, The Patriots, 9-12 Group, and any other GOP entity filing tax returns and/or applying for the tax-exempt 501-C4.

And what does Hitler Jr. do in the face of all this corruption?  He appoints one of two women that targeted the Tea Party during this fiasco, Sarah Hall Ingram, and appoints her to head up the IGS (IRS) department that oversees his infamous Obamacare. This woman will now have the power to peruse any information she desires, and file it under "Citizen's Health Care". That's like making Al Capone police commissioner of Chicago. Can't make this stuff up folks.

Now that the country knows the IGS (IRS) is horribly corrupt we  must all be patient. Remember this just broke the news cycle three days ago. The Watergate scandal under President Nixon took eleven months before he resigned in 1974. At first Nixon acted just like Hitler Jr. is doing now with infamous Sgt. Schultz imitation, "I know nothing". 

We have time folks....we have time.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops. 


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