Saturday, May 25, 2013

Now you tell me!

Wait, wait a minute here. Where were these public/government sector jobs in the '50's and '60's?  I had no knowledge that you can get a government job, then get paid without doing a darn thing; even at times not even showing up for work. I'm really upset that no one ever afforded me this great opportunity.

After high school graduation in 1953 I joined the Air Force. Four years later with my honorable discharge I enrolled in college under the G.I. Bill. And still no one informed me that I should've joined the government sector and joined the civil service ranks, get a job and not have to worry about ever working again; and still receive a paycheck.

Instead, I joined the private sector, and with a family had to endure night school to finish college. I stayed in the private sector until I retired, and like most Americans endured the victories and defeats of earning a living for my family and me. Other than my paid vacations I never received any money unless I worked for it, with the first rule, that you must show up for work in order to get paid.

Never once did a company that I worked for told me I could go home, go golfing, etc., and receive a pay check. Nor did I ever get promoted for doing something wrong. Much like the overwhelming Americans in the private sector, I never received a promotion by doing something wrong, through lying, cheating, etc.

This is almost comical. Can you imagine, in the private sector, if your boss tells you to resign and your refuse him; then he says, "OK, just go home and we'll still pay you".? I don't know about the rest of you, but when I got a lay-off slip, it meant I was to go home WITHOUT PAY.
Gee, why didn't someone tell me that had I been in the public/government sector this would not happen. Not only would I still get paid while sitting at home, I may even get a promotion when the public/government sector allowed me to come back to work.

I mean, is this a great country or what? You can actually have a public/government sector job, and get paid for doing absolutely nothing. And then there's a promotion waiting for you soon.

Yes, today our Dear Leader in chief, Hitler Jr.,  is not only looking the other way and allowing it, he's actually promoting this policy to further his personal agenda of tyranny.

You don't believe me? The IRS official, Lois Lerner, whose main function was to spy and then disallow Tea Party organizations any tax-exempt status. This is illegal and even with lies, Ms. Lerner was discovered to being unlawful in her duties.  

Upon discovering that Ms. Lerner was illegal and unlawful in her duties, Hitler Jr. promptly promoted her to assume the reins of overseeing Obamacare through the IRS.  

Pleading the Fifth Amendment in a congressional hearing, Ms. Lerner was then asked to resign.
Can you imaging...she was fired, and her response was "No...I refuse to resign". Today, as I'm typing this, Ms. Lerner is enjoying the Memorial Day weekend with a paycheck of $3,403. a week, with bonus options. As I wrote earlier; is this a great country or what?

Another favorite of mine is the wise and wonderful Ms. Victoria Newland. Ms. Newland was caught red-handed blatantly lying about the facts of the Benghazi terrorist attack and massacre. And how was Ms. Newland punished for this act of lying and hiding the correct factual information surrounding Benghazi....well, of course...Hitler Jr. promotes her. Wow!

And maybe the most evil and horrific display of Hitler Jr.'s tyrannical policies is evidenced in the Ft. Hood shooting.  Major Nadal Hissan, walked into a Ft. Hood auditorium, opened fire, screamed "Allah Akbar", and killed thirteen Americans, wounding several others.

This evil terrorit has been in jail for over three years awaiting trial. Because Hitler Jr. is naming this "workplace violence" instead of a terrorist attack the victims and survivors of this terrorist attack on an Army post will not receive any armed services benefits. 

If you think that's horrible, read this: After killing thirteen Americans, and wounding others, Major Hassan is receiving his military pay, while Hitler Jr. is proclaiming the victims and survivors do not qualify for any benefits. This radical Islamic Jihadist Muslim terrorist has earned nearly $300.000. in salary paid by American taxpayers, and continues to get paid until the trial is over.

This Hitler Jr. must be impeached before his tyranny spreads too far to be stopped.

And that's Politics with Pete....God bless our country...and our troops

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