Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mission (Im)possible

1994: Dear Mr. (Barry) Soetero: We of the radical Islamic Jihadist Muslim Brotherhood council have been monitoring you for several years now. The council has overwhelming decided you are now ready to emerge on the American political scene to begin your task of overthrowing the American way of life, destroy the U.S. Constitution, and prepare the path to bring Sharia Law and the Muslim Brotherhood to America.

The council has taken precautions to hide your entire background information for your preparation. Your Kenyan birth certificate has been destroyed and will never emerge. We have assured that there is no record of your college grades. It is comical that these Americans actually believe you went to college.

The council has "seeded" your personal organization with individuals vetted by us that will support you in our ultimate agenda to uproot the United States of America. To begin, we have been assured by American underground terrorists William Ayers and Bernadette Dornin to assist us to start your agenda. 

We have also recruited the honorable Reverend Jeremiah Wright to falsely preach Christianity, but truly goes along with our own radical Isalmic teachings. This is proven by his weekly sermons to his flock. We were surprised to even find a Catholic priest, Father Pfleiger, to assist in our Islamic teachings. Also on your "team" will be your Islamic wife Michelle, along with Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, and since your emergence on the American political scene we are happy to inform you that the promises we made to Bill and Hillary Clinton have proven to be fruitful. They have assured us they will be honored to be on our "team". Hillary has been promised our support for her 2016 presidential campaign.

The only preparation we ask of you is to thoroughly read two books on Adolph Hitler; The Third Reich, and Mein Kampf. Also, we request that you review and study two movies; the original "Manchurian Candidate", and also "No Way Out". Oh yes, please continue practicing speechmaking into a teleprompter, so you can effectively deliver our message to the American masses needed to control.

2009: Now that you have been installed as the President of this country you will begin the specific assignments outlined for you to destroy America and its Judeo-Christian way of life, along with the Constitution of this country.

Since you have been taught well in the art of lies and deceit you will begin your first term in their White House by first promising America that you will assure them of a better way of life. Show them this by expanding your welfare state. If you show these Americans that you will be offering them material things free of charge. This will enable you to control them with little exertion, and they will follow you into a second term in their White House, that soon will be our White House.

Your first definite act to show the masses how you will always take care of them is to introduce a health care system that the masses will feel is for those that can't afford health care. In truth we know it is just another controlling tool. Part of your assignment will be to name this health care bill Obamacare, and structure it to be over 3,000 pages and add several thousand addendums to completely confuse the members of Congress.

We have taken steps to assure the American media is readily available to disseminate information that will be beneficial to our agenda. We have instructed your "main stream" media to even go so far as to lie and spew personal attacks on those that are against our agenda. There are times when we get questioned by the media, but we have found one network that we can totally depend on; MSNBC, with their news anchor; one Chris Matthews. It's apparent he may even have a romantic leaning toward you. This is very helpful.

Please do not forget your immediate missions as President of this country. You are to inflate their national debt by six or seven trillion dollars. You are to put in place stimulus financial packages and disperse funds to worthless projects and companies to assure there is no growth in America. You are to assign cabinet and judicial positions to indivduals that will assist in your agenda. You are to abolish America's space program to squelch any future growth in space for America to discover. This is another tool to weaken them.

You will initiate laws to confiscate all rifle and guns from the American people. We have people in place to assist you to repeal America's foolish Second Amendment.  You will instruct your homeland director to purchase as much weapons ammunition as possible. This will help to squelch Americans in arming themselves. This should help to diminish their desire to arm themselves, and even own guns and rifles.

Americans love their "heroes", therefore you are to befriend movie stars and athletes that are adored by Americans. They will also help in delivering our message.  Make sure all colleges and universities have a sufficient influx of professors to teach young college students the advantages of expanding government, and the ways of Islam.

Don't worry about completing all these projects. Your assignment in your first term is just to get our agenda started. We already have methods in place to assure that you will be in our future White House for another four years.  

May 17, 2013: What the heck is the matter with you? Can't you follow simple instructions? How in the hell are we going to get out of these three messes? First, your job was to stop any military help in Benghazi, so that you could further fool Americans that you have stopped terrorism. You, Rice, and Clinton were supposed to "push the video". Bad Barry, bad.

We thought you had control of the IRS. What the heck happened?  Why couldn't you follow the simple protocol that we laid out for you? Are you stupid? The IRS was to damage the credibility of the Tea Party and any political positions detrimental to ours, and stop them from advancing their agenda to stop us. Now there's a congressional hearing to discredit the entire IRS. How are you going to convince America that the IRS can monitor your Obamacare? Barry, we are disappointed in you right now.

We told you at the beginning of your second term to dump Holder. His Fast & Furious fiasco should've been the clue for you. Now, this idiot Holder starts spying on a news organization we used to have in our back pocket. Now, they are all angry at us. What is wrong with you? We may lose the press. That can't happen you idiot.

Barry, we're starting to think we've picked the wrong man. Get your act together, so we can move forward to overthrow this country. We knew it was going to be difficult, and now you've made it almost a Mission Impossible. Wake up Barry.

Please know, if you are caught and our scheme is discovered, the radical Islamic Jihadist Muslim Brotherhood will disavow any knowledge of your existence.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.   


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