How many things does this Hitler Jr. have to do before all Americans start to fully believe that he's trying to uproot the American freedoms in our country? How many things does Hitler Jr. have to do before we fully grasp that he is attempting to overthrow our very way of life?
From the very beginning, January of '09, this man's main agenda is to bring us down. Has he done anything in is first term that we want him to repeat over the next three and a half years?
Like his namesake, Adolph, we now know why he still makes it so easy for Americans to receive food stamps, get on welfare, get subsidized housing, and receive free medical care. We now know why one of every seven Americans live in poverty. Like his namesake, his key agenda is to control the masses, and have them call him Dear Leader.
This man never ceases to come up with reasons for us to impeach him. Seriously, there is an unending list starting with Camp Gitmo, bowing to Muslim leaders, Obamacare, and on and on and on. Still the media carries his water. Maybe someday the media will wake up. Yeah, right.
His press conference today with the British Prime Minister was funnier than a Rodney Dangerfield comic routine. Every time a crisis arises all Hitler Jr. says is, "we have to wait until all the facts are in". When his lies ran out today he quickly accused the Republicans of making Benghazi and the IRS scandal a political stance against him.
Hitler Jr.'s famous line is, "I don't want to speak to something until I have all the facts". This is just another cue for him to do his Fred Astaire dance routine. Really, when will the media and ALL of the American people wake up to his agenda?
Well, there is one more item of what Hitler Jr. has done that the media, except for Fox, will not cover or report to the American people. Hitler Jr. has made six, yes six, appointments to high level positions in his administration. Would you like to know their names? Here goes:
Arif Alikhan, is now the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security. Mohammed Elibiary is now the Homeland Security Advisor. Rashad Hussain, is now the Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Salam al-Marayati is now Hitler Jr.'s adviser, and is the founder of Muslim Public Affairs. Imam Mohamed Magid is now Hitler Jr.'s Sharia Czar of the Islamic Society of North America.
Eboo Patel is now Hitler Jr.'s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.
Yes, all six of these Muslims have been appointed to prestigious positions within Hitler Jr.'s administration. Wonder how Jay-Z Carney is going to spin this when he is asked if there was a back ground check on any of these six Muslim Brotherhood members.
Come on now people. What more information do you need that Hitler Jr. wants to completely destroy and annihilate our Constitution and our great American country. His namesake Adolph did it in Germany in the '30's, and now Hitler Jr. wants to do it here now. What is scary is that all information point to him continuing to push his agenda. We must stop him.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
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