I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed Hitler Jr.'s overt and blatant allegiance to the mid-east, along with his allegiance to his Muslim Brother(hood)s. The irony in all this is that he is actually "shoving it in our face". He doesn't even care that we are all aware of it.
Hitler Jr.'s attitude is, "so what if I'm loyal to Allah, the mid-east and my Muslim brothers?" "What are you going to do about it? I got another four years to praise my Allah, and help my Islamic (radical) Muslim brothers, and you can't stop me."
I'm also sure many more people than me have noticed the enormous increase in terrorist attacks on U.S. personnel here and abroad since Hitler Jr. has been in our White House. He continues to defend his radical Islmamic beliefs, but refuses to speak against the ongoing acts against Christianity ; flag removals, Bibles being removed from military personnel, nativity scenes removed from town squares during holidays, "under God" removed from our pledge-of-allegiance in schools, school athletes showing praise after scoring goals in athletic games, and religious crosses being removed from schools and public offices and courts.
Yes, Hitler Jr., with the support of his fawning main stream media is making sure all signs and praises of Christianity are being removed from our culture. However, he continues to express his love of Islam, while he protects his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and very strong ties to the mid eastern suppliers of oil to the U.S. And don't anyone dare to speak against the Koran. I mean, that's almost sacrilegious to speak negative about the Koran. Wonder why that is.
If someone was purposely sent here with the main mission of destroying our culture, religious base of Christianity, and initiate the rule of radical Islam no one could do a better job than Hitler Jr. is doing now.
He's actually doing well in his initial agendas. He's trying to destroy our free enterprise of Capitalism, he's trying to take away our Second Amendment rights, and he's a big protector of the Islam faith.
We have so many indicators of what this man is attempting to do to our country, and yet we just can't seem to wake up those that can actually do something about it. If any single individual or lone group speaks out against the tragic path that this man is leading us down, immediately they are endlessly attacked by the main stream media.
Really folks, isn't it about time that members of the House & Senate begin investigating the actions, deeds, and words of this man? The overwhelming majority of us want answers to so many questions. Let's even forget about Obamacare, the national debt, unemployment, and our increasing welfare state, even though this combination alone should warrant impeachment.
Am I the only one who wants to know why the surviving Boston Marathon bomber was immediately told by Eric Holder's regime to "shut up", and was then awarded one of the country's best defense attorney's whose fee is paid for by American taxpayers?
Why did first lady, Hitler Jr.'s wife, visit the Saudi college student, who was a person of interest in the bombing at the same hospital that victims of the bombing were at, but didn't even stop by to see the victims? Then this 20-year old Saudi, with Hitler Jr.'s help, was whisked off to the airport and flown back to Saudi Arabia. Wonder why that is. By the way the 20-year old has a student visa that shows he lives in Findlay, Ohio, which is false. Of course the main stream media won't report that.
Why is there still a cover up regarding the questions on the weapons trafficking to Mexico through Fast & Furious? Hitler Jr. wants to take arms away from American citizens and repeal our Second Amendment rights, while he refuses to answer questions on the assault weapons that were sneaked into Mexico, and delivered to the Mexican cartel. Does anyone want to know why?
It has been years since the radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist terrorist, Major Hussan, killed several Americans at Ft. Hood. this was definitely an act of terrorism, yet Hitler Jr. only refers to it as "workplace violence". Why is that? Is he protecting his radical Islamic beliefs? When does the trial start?
Four American heroes, including Ambassador Stevens, was slain in Benghazi. Yet, Hitler Jr. refers to that terrorist attack as "bumps in the road". The Benghazi cover ups alone are grounds for impeachment under the high crimes and misdemeanor acts.
Yet, the cover up continues. Thankfully, with the help of Fox News broadcasting the truthful facts that there are members of Congress now demanding answers to the Benghazi cover up. Wonder if the man who made the short video will ever be released. Hmmm.
Folks, this man, Hitler Jr., has an overwhelming agenda to push the American way of life out of the way to make room for Islamic Muslim rule in our country. We have reason to start impeachment hearings. If we can't stop him now, then don't forget mid term elections in November 2014. We can do this people.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(P.S. don't forget Benghazi)
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