Tuesday, May 14, 2013


With strong loyalty, including me, most of us Republican conservatives rest in our satisfaction that we are receiving our news fairly and with honesty from the likes of Rush, Fox News, The Blaze, and The Media Research Center.  Even though we take an occasional "peek" at the news from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and my favorite of all MSNBC, we still stay strong to our loyalty to our conservative news outlets.

Today there are three scandals surrounding Hitler Jr.'s administration, in addition to the "untold" truths about Fast & Furious, the Fort Hood terrorist shooting, and the legalities of the Boston Marathon bombings.

We expect ALL media news outlets to report the news honestly and truthfully to Americans regardless of any political support the particular network may harbor. Of course we know this isn't true in the cases of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.   And most of us really don't care because we feel comfort in believing that there ARE radio and TV news outlets that will report the daily news fairly; namely Rush and Fox.

The problem in all this is that the percentage of us who get the overwhelming majority of our news from the Internet websites, TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers that we trust is so small compared to the audiences that the main stream media reaches.

Now add to that the Internet sites of Mother Jones, Huffington Post, Pro-Publica, and Media Matters, and it's easy to see that Americans only gets the news that Hitler Jr. wants to let out.
Now add again the lies and personal attacks these Hitler Jr. news supporting outlets spread to Americans and it is easy to see the journalistic evil that exists today.

Mr. and Miss Average American receives about 90% of their news from these major media outlets only. Therefore it becomes easy to fully believe what these particular outlets spew out.
 Before I write any further I'd like to show a little example of the media bias that exists today.
We all know that Hitler Jr. is a big Pro-Choice and abortion advocate. Would you be surprised to know most major news outlets never broadcasted any news on the trial of the abortion butcher-killer Dr. Gosnell?  

When the major news outlets were practically forced to cover the Gosnell trial they only devoted one or two minutes to the story. The trial was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and there actually were people living in Philadelphia who never heard of the demonic butcher baby killer. By the way was convicted of first degree murder yesterday. How about my "favorite' network, MSNBC, who actually never, yes never, gave one minute of air time to the Gosnell trial. 

Today Hitler Jr.'s administration is in the midst of three recent outstanding scandals; the Benghazi terrorist massacre, the IRS targeting the Tea Party and other conservative groups, and the Department of Justice falsely spying on  the reporters of the Associated Press. And what does Hitler Jr. immediately do? He dives into a pool of Teflon, and runs to the golf course.
More and more we're witnessing Hitler Jr.  goose-stepping right alongside his namesake Adolph.

Today, on MSNBC, an NAACP promoter said the IRS should continue to go after the Tea Party, because, "we know the Tea Party is racist, and is the Taliban of the Republican Party". Now enter my favorite Congresswoman Nancy Peolosi who today said, "it's wrong that the IRS targeted the Tea Party, but they should continue to do so". Really Nancy?

Have you noticed the press is starting to wake up. Now, if only the media would do the same and start reporting the news fairly and honestly. If they did maybe we could hope for a resignation by Hitler Jr. We can hope right?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.



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