What the.......is wrong with our country? How long are we going to stand by, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and let this radical destroy our country? This man in OUR White House does not respect what our Constitution stands for, and what true leadership is needed to bring our country back into greatness.
This radical Muslim Brotherhood activist that is proving every day that his ties to his middle eastern Muslim county associates grow stronger every day, and at the expense of our great country and what it stands for. How much more proof do we need for God's sake, or should I ask, for our country's sake?
Right now I'm more upset and angry at the House, Senate, and Supreme Court than I am at the way this radical Muslim is ruining our country. If this Muslim Brotherhood activist were a Republican the impeachment ball would already be rolling.
When is ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC going to quit the love affair with this radical and start helping this country that they profess to love and claim? When is the main stream media going to start telling us the truth? These left-wing liberal progressive networks claim they love the middle class, yet they only report "chosen" stories to advance Hitler Jr.'s agenda.
How much more information do we need to see that this man, Hitler Jr., is slowly turning our country over to his Muslim Brotherhood? So many lies have surfaced, and yet he continues to stare into his teleprompters and continue with his infamous "bait & switch" tactics. This man has been lying to the American people since January, 2009. When will it stop? When will we say enough is enough?
There are some words that are not in Hitler Jr.'s vocabulary that I would like to introduce to him: JIHADIST, RADICAL, TERRORIST, AL-QUEDA, MUSLIM, and ISLAMIC. You can bet you'll never hear or see him speak these words into a teleprompter. Instead he uses words like, "workplace violence" and "overseas contingency".
Not only is this man failing our country economically, he refuses, yes refuses to protect us from terrorists; Islamic radical Muslim terrorists. Now, in the just the last few days we've seen and heard Hillary lying about Benghazi, we've heard and seen Goering Napolitano proving she doesn't have a clue about the protective functions of the Department of Homeland Security.
Like she told us with the shoe bomber, she had the audacity to repeat herself saying, "the system worked", in referring to to the Boston bombings. Yeah, "Goering", tell that to the four dead people and the 170 that were injured at the Boston marathon. Then she tells the committee that there was a "ping on the radar", when one of the bombing suspects went to Russia. Well, ping this, "Goering".
Not only does this Muslim Brotherhood Islamic radical outwardly bow to the royalty of Saudi Arabia, he quickly jumps to protect the unlawful 20-year old, and then ships him secretly back to his home country. You think the main stream media will ever tell us that this 20-year old had an illegal student visa that showed he was a student living in Findlay, Ohio? Nah, you'll never hear about it.
By the way, what President would purposely harm the American people by overtly reducing the forces of the FAA by laying off air traffic control personnel when it isn't necessary? There is enough funds to keep the air traffic controllers on the job. The hubris arrogance of this man is unbelievable. He knows he's hurting the American people, but you can bet proving his point by hurting the American people is just another tool to push his agenda of crippling our country.
Want some frosting on the cake? Guess who's coming to dinner? Hitler Jr. will be hosting the president of Sudan,el-Bashir, who has a history of committing genocide against the people in his own country.There is even a warrant out for his arrest on crimes against his people. Yes, Hitler Jr., and this murderous thug Bashir will be breaking bread in OUR White House, and guess who is paying for dinner? You are.
Please, someone light a fire under the House, Senate and Supreme Court. This man must be impeached before he completely destroys our country. Get the word out. Don't give up folks.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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