Someone please help me understand something OK? Hitler Jr. says there must be cuts in government spending, and to force Americans to understand what he means, he discontinues White House tours, so Americans cannot visit OUR White House.
Then he holds up thousands of medical claims submitted by our military veterans who were injured in combat defending our freedoms. Now, between Hitler Jr., Joe Bite-Me, Michelle, and the girls Malia & Sasha the American taxpayers have funded eight vacations for these Socialists. Boy he sure is looking out for us right?
Of course we close the White House tours, but the egg role ceremony is still on, and who attends? They say guests are selected "randomly", however it seems the attendees are all of Hitler Jr.'s celebrity pals, and even some rehab "guests". Now isn't that great? This man is just one big photo op. He has taken the office of the Presidency to a new low.
Hitler Jr. cares only for his popularity. He stood in front of the Hurricane Sandy victims last November with promises, "we will cut through the red tape to make sure the hurricane victims get the help they need to get their lives back". It's been several months, and still the victims are not receiving the help they need. All this while Hitler Jr. is enjoying golf, vacations, and yes enjoying lying to Americans, and not being the leader of this country.
Someone please tell Hitler Jr. that he still has four years to at least try to be the leader of our country. It appears he's already starting his "lame duck" term of doing absolutely nothing.
His agenda is to tear down all the freedom principles this country has fought in several wars for. He will not stop diminishing the power of our military till he's out of office.
Ever notice what he does when a real crisis hits us? He dives into his pool of Teflon, tells his minions to handle the problems, puts on his pretty blue suit, and talks into his teleprompters lying that, "we are on the road to recovery". Then it's off to the golf course or a basketball game. This man is pushing so hard to the left that our recovery is going to be very difficult. Oh, we'll do it, but it would help if we could impeach him now. If not, then remember November '14.
The comparison between Adolph Hitler in the '30's and '40's parallels our own Hitler Jr. so much it's scary. What is more scary is that 51% of Americans did not see this last November.
I used to feel that Hitler Jr. was a Muslim sympathizer, but now I'm firmly convinced that he is a Muslim, and from the way he panders to Egypt I'm convinced he is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Hitler Jr., and his Himmler Holder will not call the Ft. Hood incident an act of terrorism, and ll not give the victims a Purple Heart medal and its privileges. Instead he calls it some type of workplace viol. Don't be surprised if Major Hussan walks, or just spends a few years in prison. Hitler Jr. will not allow his Muslim brother to be put to death. That's why it's a a civil court case instead of a military tribunal.
Also, don't be surprised if Major Hussan just gets sent to rehab instead of prison. Stand by folks; Hitler Jr. is going to protect his "brother" at all costs. Allah has already told him what to do. Remember Hitler Jr. and his family went to church yesterday for the first time since Christmas, but he never misses a Sunday on the golf course. Bet he's got callouses on his knees from being on his rug every day.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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