Sunday, April 28, 2013

Anyone else noticed?

Recently a journalist blogger wrote that America now has ninety-three valid reasons to impeach this man, Hitler Jr. that lives in OUR  White House. Have you noticed these "groundswells" are continuing at a pace to soon become volcanic eruptions. Let's hope so.

I'm sure anyone who has read any of my blogs are tired of me urging everyone to rent two movies that will surely awaken everyone that takes the time to watch them. I urge everyone to rent the original movie, "The Manchurian Candidate", starring Frank Sinatra, and also "No Way Out", starring Kevin Costner. 

After viewing these two movies and then please start thinking about the background, or lack thereof, of the man in our White House. It is conceivable that this man, raised as a Muslim, could very well be a radical Islamic Muslim Brotherhood Jihadist "plant" in our country.

Let's just review the facts of what has transpired in our country since January, 2009 when this Hitler Jr. began living in our White House. If you should take the time to continue reading this please think about what Hitler Jr. did, or did not do, during his first term that you would like repeated during his second term.

Did our country have this many Al-Qaeda uprisings before he came into office? Did we have this many overt hateful actions by Muslims, foreign and domestic, against our country

I don't want to waste writing and reading time on topics you are extremely aware of; the national debt, unemployment, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Obamacare, false promises, and of course the endless lies that still continue. I don't even have to mention his interpretation of the Ft. Hood terrorist attack that was "just workplace disturbance", and the Benghazi terrorist attack was just "a bump in the road".

Have you noticed anything at all about this man's moral compass?  This man is actually encouraging gun violence among blacks. Look who one of his "main homeys" is? It's the infamous Jay-Z. Jay-Z's main personna is screaming his rap dialogue that actually glorifies the young black population to use firearms. 

All the while Jay-Z is yelling and shouting his rap that 1600 Pennsylvania is not really the White House, but the Black House, his wife Beyonce is tramping around stages with her suggestive dances that just do more to incite their violence. And of course let's not forget their trip to Communist Cuba, where blacks are still enslaved.

Hitler Jr. needs the black vote to survive and advance his agenda so much that he will never address the problems of African-American single women on welfare forced to live in a violent world dominated by crimes committed by African-American men.He has these single women on welfare believing that as long as they support his agenda, they can make a career out of welfare, food stamps, and continued unemployment.

Hitler Jr. never once addressed the ever growing problems of gun crimes among blacks, but the instant the gun massacres occurred in Newtown and Aurora by white gun criminals what does Hitler Jr. do? Why, he stands in front of his teleprompters, with family victims behind him and preaches, "we must have gun control", even to the point of questioning the Second Amendment.

It is a proven fact that 54% of gun killing and dying in this country are among the African-American community. Of course we have a gun crime in this country, but ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC want you to believe the NRA and guns alone are the problems. Of course as long as Hitler Jr. panders to the African-American community nothing will ever be done about gun violence crimes until he leaves office.

Of course we also know that Hitler Jr. panders to the Planned Parenthood community, and needs their support also to advance his agenda. Currently on trial is a Planned Parenthood butcher who is on trial for the murder of children of botched abortions, along with the murder of a young woman who went to him for an abortion.

Please, please Mr. Hitler Jr. don't insult Americans further by professing Planned Parenthood focuses mainly on providing health tests like mammograms for women. Their sole purpose is to offer abortions to young women. It's obvious that Hitler Jr. cares nothing at all for the welfare of the young women who endure abortions. He cares only for the voting bloc of Planned Parenthood. He acts like someone snipped his spine when he was young, for he certainly conducts himself like he has no spine at all.

Well, he was truthful in one promise he made in 2008. He promised transparency. Well, there's transparency all right, but not to the American people. Hitler Jr.'s transparency only extends to Axelrod, Jarret, Reid, Pelosi, Emanuel, Schumer, and his boy toy puppet Jay-Z Carney.

By the way Hitler Jr., how many more lines in the sand are you going to draw before you help the slain people of Syria.   Now, don't forget; you send help to the Syrian people, not your Muslim Brother Asaad.

Please folks, write letters to your House and Senate reps. This country can't take any more of this radical Islamic Jihadist Muslim Brother in OUR  White House.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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