Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Time to get really mad

I love being a blogger for the TPC, where I can write and read about our conservative views and opinions. It's where most of the writers and readers on TPC agree with one another, and support the efforts and views of each other.

Let me get straight to the point fellow TPC'ers; it's just not enough anymore. We've all got to get outraged, livid, and do something about what this radical Muslim, Hitler Jr. is doing to this country while he lives in OUR White House.

What can we do? In addition to "spreading the word" here on TPC and by word of mouth, we need to start threatening our Senators and House members with our voting intent next November. I've already sent e-mails to my Senator and to my House congressman who represents my district. I told them if they wanted my vote next November they better wake up to what his Muslim radical is doing to our country, and do something about it. 

They better do the job we sent them to Congress for and do what's in the best interest of our country and not just worry about getting reelected. They must do more than just "go along" with what Hitler Jr. is doing to this great country.

I'm not going to rehash all the stuff we've all been reading and writing about lately; the sequester, disarming our military, Obamacare, the Benghazi "secrets", golf, vacations, the attacks on Dr. Carson, his ignoring of Dr. Afridi of Pakistan who helped us eliminate bin Laden, that Hitler Jr took credit for, and  blah, blah, blah.

But have you read or heard the latest? Now here's something you just will not hear from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, or MSNBC, or read about in the NY  Times. Again, thank God for Fox, and the truthful tweets by honest people.

Two days ago Hitler Jr.'s administration awarded the Light Air Support contract to a company called Embraer based in Brazil, and also sent along all the technology that goes with it. This contract should have been awarded to our own Kansas based Beechcraft.  Had Beechcraft been awarded this contract it would have added 1,400 jobs to Americans. Isn't Hitler Jr.'s main priority to put Americans back to work? Or is it to grow his welfare/nanny state?

However the Embraer plane will be built in Brazil, and only 50 U.S. employees will be employed here for assembly purposes. Hitler Jr.'s Department of Defense is again giving jobs to a foreign country to produce a product needed for our own country's security. Why are we allowing this man to destroy our country?

(I keep encouraging people to rent and watch the movie "No Way Out" starring Kevin Costner. It's all about a "plant" put here from an anti-American country. Watch it. It will blow you away)

Want to put the frosting on the cake?  Originally the contract was to cost U.S. taxpayers $355.million, but as soon as the contract was awarded to Brazil, Hitler Jr. added another 20% cost to the bottom line, which puts the American taxpayers on the hook for $427.5 million, all going to Brazil.

This should even shake up the news anchors at MSNBC, but you can bet that along with ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, this news will never make it to the American public. This is the same media that will tell you Hitler Jr. is doing great and the economy is making a gigantic comeback, while Stockton, California is completely broke and filing for bankruptcy, with many U.S. cities to follow.

Folks, when any news anchors from these aforementioned news networks move their lips you must know that that a lie is about to emerge. 

It's great that we have a conservative website like TPC, where we can read and write our conservative views, and have a common goal. But don't you dare believe for an instant that this is enough. We have to spread the word, contact the House and Senate members that represent us. This great life and freedoms we share in this country are in danger.

My wife has a close friend who lives in Athens, Greece. I should put her last e-mail to my wife on our TPC website. She wrote of gangs roaming the streets robbing homes and stores. Stores have no food on the shelves for people to even buy. She experienced firsthand of the government taking 60% of her savings from her bank. Restaurants are locking their rubbish bins to stop pilfering of discarded food. Greece is in total chaos, with no recovery in sight.

She frightened my wife and I when she wrote that she remembered when she first moved to Athens and felt then it was such a beautiful country in which to live. It seemed in no time the country collapsed. 

We must not let Hitler Jr. do this to our country. Be afraid, and be wary folks. We have so much at stake here. This country belongs to us, our children, and our future generations, not Hitler Jr.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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