Thursday, April 25, 2013

We have the goods!

Folks, on just the true factual information we have on Benghazi alone, we now have enough grounds to start impeachment proceedings against Hitler Jr.  Of course there is additional proof of high crimes and misdemeanors, but for right now let's focus on Benghazi OK?

First, in August, 2012 Ambassador Stevens informed the State Department, including Secretary Hillary Clinton and her boss, Barack Husein Obama, mm, mm, mm, that help was needed.  It is on record that Ambassador Stevens asked for added security because of now proven evidence that unrest among extreme radical Islamic Muslims was mounting.

What did Secretary Clinton do you ask? She did absolutely nothing at all to Ambassador Steven's requests.  Now, what did Hillary's boss, Barack Husein Obama mm, mm, mm, do? He also did absolutely nothing. That was August,  2012. Now let's jump to September 11, 2012.

On September 11, 2012 as Ambassador Stevens was being dragged through the streets and massacred along with three other brave Americans Barack Husein Obama, mm, mm, mm turns to Hillary and says, "I gotta get to a fundraiser and party in handle this". And how does Hillary professionally and intellectually respond, "Huh?", was all she managed to say.

Now, how does Hillary respond to the four slayings in Benghazi when she's questioned in front of Congress? She just responds, "It doesn't matter..all that matters is that four Americans are dead". Really Ms. Clinton, the how and why these four Americans were slaughtered doesn't matter?  Boy you're sure going to make a great Democrat candidate in 2016.  Yeah, we're sure going to trust you with our mounting terrorist threats after what Barack Husein Obama, mm, mm, mm is doing now to protect his extreme Muslim brothers.

Then the audacity of Secretary Clinton and her boss Barack Husein Obama mm, mm, mm to meet the caskets of the four slain Americans at Andrews Air Force Base. They offered phony sad and sullen looks, along with their manufactured insincere praise of these brave slain Americans. They were both so visibly phony and insincere.

And what did CNN and MSNBC offer? Well, maybe Ambassador Stevens should have exercised some caution himself and not gone to Benghazi...what was he doing there anyway? Really? What a way for Blitzer of CNN and leg man Matthews to protect their main man, Barack Husein Obama mm, mm, mm.

Now, it has been over seven and a half months since the slayings of four Americans on hallowed American soil and still we have no answers or investigations other than what Republican Senators are trying to do. The only solid information we have is the person that made a short video is still in jail. Really, is that all you have to offer us Barack Husein Obama mm, mm, mm? It's very obvious Hitler Jr., that you don't even care to get to the bottom of this.

Now, Hillary is denying that she ever received any requests from Ambassador Stevens. Let's add to that Barack Husein Obama's response that these slayings  in Benghazi we "just bumps in the road". Can you believe this is the same man who stood in front of four coffins at Andrews AFB looking sad. This radical Islamic Muslim is a disgrace to our Presidency. He must be impeached.

Now add this to everything else this man is doing and there is definitely more than enough solid information to start impeachment proceedings for high crimes and misdemeanors against this Muslim radical to remove him from our White House. Stay tuned folks. I will not stop raising this old man's squeaky voice. Please contact your Representative and Senator to start the ball rolling.

Tomorrow we'll write about how this Hitler Jr. in our White House is destroying job creation here in our country. It should be evident to all Americans that he wants to turn our great country over to his middle east Muslim Brotherhoods.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops. 

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