Yes, I'm furious at the 90% of you African-Americans that voted your man Obama back into your White House. Yes, your White House. I'm angry, upset, and frankly disgusted at you. No, not because of the color of your skin. Heck, I've probably grown up and have as many African-American friends and associates than most of you have.
Playing sports, being in the military, and in college, and in my professional career I never, ever looked at the color of a man's skin. What I'm outraged at is that 90% of you didn't learn that back in 2008, so you put this man back into your White House to CONTROL you again in 2013.
Just what has he done for you? Do you honestly think by making it easy to receive entitlements that he's aiding you? You're wrong. What he's doing is controlling you. And the more he controls you, the more you will vote for him and his party. He is not helping you at all. You do a great disservice to this wonderful country by voting for this man because of the color of his skin. Quickly now, except for Eric Holder name all the African-Americans he has appointed to Cabinet or other high positions. Thought so.
Like millions of us, don't you believe in the words of the great Martin Luther King, "don't judge a man by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character".? There's the old saying of "what have you done for me lately"? Have you ever wondered why unemployment among African-Americans is the highest it's been since the Great Depression? Have you ever wondered why the African-American youth community now has unemployment near 30%?
The African-American people are a great race that has so much to offer this great country. I don't have to list all the African-Americans that have succeeded in our country. You know who they are. Today, Obama is sending a loud and clear message to this great race that unless you can make it in the entertainment or sports world you really don't have a chance because the big fat cats that are predominately white don't want to "share the wealth". What a ridiculous statement.
This is a lie. This is an outright blatant lie. Obama is doing more to push down the African-American race than anyone in the Caucasian community ever has. In fact, Obama has done more to divide the two great races more than anyone else ever has. And the reason he does this is so he can maintain complete control over the African-American race. Of course he feels this insures his 90% approval rating when voting time arrives.
Obama cannot control you if you become educated and start making your own decisions, like Martin Luther King wanted you to. And to make matters much worse he has the majority of the media pushing his agenda. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, & MSNBC will broadcast only the supporting agenda of this man in your White House, and not the fair facts.
Have you taken the time to see what the media does to those African-Americans who have pulled themselves up out of their poverty and have even decided to belong to groups and political parties that refuse to "go along" with this man?
To be a conservative thinking African-American invites vicious degradation by these members of the media. Barack loves what the majority of the media does to conservative African-Americans. There is so much evidence of this taking place today. Just take a peek at MSNBC, and see the lies and personal attacks they are making against Dr. Ben Carson. Obama is so afraid of Dr. Carson that he has unleashed the media to attack this renown Doctor that has accomplished so much in his life growing up in poverty himself.
And there is only one reason for this. Obama and his administration are terrified of Doctor Carson. Barack views Dr. Carson as a threat to his agenda. He see Dr. Carson as someone who may help prevent Barack and his "posse" from pushing down and controlling this wonderful race. Obama does not want you to be able to make your own decisions. He feels if he continues to control you through entitlements you'll continue to become the 90% that keeps voting for his party.
I'm angry, even furious, at this man for what he has done to this beautiful race of people. African-American have so much to offer to the growth and success of this great country. Don't let this man push you back and control you. You're too good for that. He wants you to subtly believe that the main way for you to survive is to be a part of the receiving end of "spreading the wealth". Please do not allow this man to do this to you.
I remember during the last Presidential campaign when Obama was great at convincing African-Americans that "if Governor Romney is elected he will take away your entitlement rights". What Governor Romney really wanted to do is to create jobs, so all could contribute to a fair taxing equity, not just the terrible fat cats that Obama portrayed in his campaign.
Ask yourself, if you were the owner of a successful multi-million dollar corporation and watched Obama continue to raise you taxes what would you do? Well, I know what you would not be doing; and that is expanding, investing, and creating jobs. Actually most of successful big corporations are pulling in their reins, and not expanding to become wealthier because all they have to look forward to is increased taxes. And Obama believes the answer is to continue to raise taxes on corporations to sustain his gigantic entitlement programs. It just won't work.
I appeal to the African-American community to become informed and help us in 2014 when you visit the voting polls to take the first step. Barack Obama wants to control the House and the Senate in 2014 so he can continue down the road of raising taxes for his entitlement programs.
Remember, in January, 2017 he will ride off into the sunset with a lavish lifestyle for he and his family, while you and the rest of us will be looking at a national debt bordering on $20.Trillion that will not only stunt the growth of our country now, but our future generations may never recover to make this the great country it once was.
To my African-American brothers and sisters; please help us. Get informed and help us starting in November, 2014. Please remember that Obama and is fawning media are lying to you.
And that's Politics with Pete For Today...God bless our country....and our troops
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