Friday, April 12, 2013

What Constitution?

Championed by Hitler Jr. and his cult-like following, a few days ago there were forty-six Democrat Senators that voted to repeal the Second Amendment. Oh, of course they didn't vote for the repeal of the Second Amendment, but take a long strong look at exactly what they voted for, and it's clear what Hitler Jr. and these 46 Democrat Senators intended to accomplish, and they aren't stopping yet.

There was a bill introduced on the Senate floor "To uphold the Second Amendment rights that will prevent the United States from entering into the UN Arms Treaty".  

The United Nations Arms Treaty would place a global ban preventing the importing and exporting of small firearms. This UN ban would effect all private U.S. gun owners, and further initiate registration on all U.S. guns and ammunition on U.S. citizens.

Thankfully the bill passed 53-46. However, in essence, 46 Democrat Senators voted to remove Second Amendment rights from Americans.  This vote reflects that with the exception of a few Democrat Senators this vote was strictly by the old party line. Why? Because Hitler Jr. told them how to vote.

I kept shaking my head in amazement, wondering why so many Americans that we voted in office to protect and uphold our Constitution would be so quick to forget what our founding fathers provided for us. They seemed to forget we had to take up arms to protect ourselves from the tyranny of Britain in the Revolutionary War. And now take away those arms? I don't think so.

I think it's safe to say (write) what's pushing Hitler Jr.'s agenda. In yesterday's blog I wrote about Hitler Jr.'s control over a large portion of his "masses", by offering them more and more entitlements. He has successfully grown his nanny state that has helped keep him in control.

So what is Hitler Jr.'s agenda to control those that "push back"? He is so fearful of Americans that he certainly wants to make sure he takes steps to gain further control. What better way to demean Americans than to take away their Second Amendment right to carry and bear arms. Just take away their guns; right Hitler Jr.?

All the while he's pushing hard on his agenda to take away our Second Amendment rights he is giving the green light to his Gestapo Goering Napolitano to buy billions of rounds of ammunition, along with 2,700 war tanks. And of course criminals are salivating over this gift that Hitler Jr. has given them. Does anyone believe that there is a criminal out there that will obey any, and I mean any, gun laws that come out of Congress?  Of course not.

Would you like some hard factual evidence and proof of this? Let's take a look at Australia.
Australia successfully passed a gun ban law, and enforced a "buy-back" law forcing citizens of Australia to surrender their semi-automatic handguns and rifles. 

Here's some astonishing statistics that have occurred in Australia since citizens have had to surrender their guns: Armed Robberies-up 69%, Assault with guns-up 28%, Gun murders-up 19%, and Home invasions-up 21%.. Oh yeah, having law abiding citizens of Australia surrender their guns really helped keep them safe from criminals.

Does any U.S. citizen believe for a second that there is a gun-owning criminal in Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, or New York that is going to obey any gun laws enacted by Congress? Of course not. This is just another ploy for Hitler Jr. and his Democrat controlled Senate to repeal the Second Amendment to take our guns away from us so he can control us.

Isn't it ironic that with unemployment the way it is, low job creation every month, millions dropping out of the work force, forcing us to support an unsustainable health care plan, and our $16.7 Trillion national debt, that this Hitler Jr. spends so much of his time pushing his agenda to repeal the Second Amendment? There's only one reason for this; Hitler Jr. wants to control us all.

Our future generations cannot be faced with what this man will pass on to them. We must stop him through impeachment, or take that first step in November, 2014

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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