We knew Hitler Jr. was going to find a way to get jobs for his union supporters. Yes, Hitler Jr. is creating jobs, yes, he certainly is. He is now creating government jobs that will pay between $20. to $48. per hour. We all know that unions are suffering, and it seems they can't unionize any new start up businesses, but not to worry. Hitler Jr. is here to rescue his union donors.
We also knew it was a matter of time before Hitler Jr. would find a way to create jobs for his union masses and A.C.O.R.N. people. Let's understand this; he must create jobs for these people, so union dues can be withdrawn from their paychecks, and those union dues go directly into Hitler Jr.'s Socialist bank.
First let's give this newly created job a name. These government professional will be called a Medical Navigator. What? Yep; old Hitler Jr. found a way to expand his government mass, and you can bet he'll get in front of a teleprompter and brag about all the jobs he created for the middle class.
Now this Medical Navigator will come from the ranks of unions, A.C.O.R.N., Planned Parenthood, and union members from alternative energy companies that have gone bankrupt after they donated millions to Hitler Jr.'s campaigns. Hey, he's got to find a way to pay back his masses, doesn't he?
So what does a Medical Navigator have to do with Hitler Jr.'s health care plan? First let's review what their duties entail. Their main function is to inform the uninformed Americans about the workings of Obamacare, including their rights, etc. Then they are to help Americans fill out forms to help them acquire health insurance.
Now you don't suppose this is another Hitler Jr. avenue to register more Democrats? Nah.
Also, are Americans supposed to surrender all, and I mean ALL their personal data to someone called a Medical Navigator?
All right, beginning this coming October, 2013 just how many of these Medical Navigators will the American taxpayer be on the hook for? Well, for starters, California says it will need over 21,000 to make this Hitler Jr. plan work properly. Of course all states, like Vermont, Maine, or Rhode Island won't require that many, but I think it's safe to say there will definitely be many more than 100,000 of these Medical Navigators on the payroll that will be paid for by the American taxpayer. I mean, you don't think Hitler Jr.'s Action Committee is footing the bill?
The cost? Let's split the difference between $20. and $48. per hour and safely arrive at $36. per hour. So a 40-hr. work week at $36. per hour is $1,440/week. Now let's multiply that by over 100,000 newly appointed professional Medical Navigator. OK, wake up...I've got smelling salts here for you. Think your taxes are going to go up this October to pay for this new job creation fiasco created by our Dear Leader
Oh yes, there will also be linguists available to interpret for those illegal aliens who do not understand English. Oh, is this a great country or what? Hitler Jr. has thought of everything to create the same kind of government welfare program that his namesake Adolph did in the '30's.
If you haven't seen it yet, now you know this man is doing nothing now for America. His goal is to attend fundraisers to make money for his party for the mid-term elections. He doesn't have time to address the problems of our nation. He's got money to make.
We cannot allow this man to elevate himself from President to Dictator. Contact your D.C. House and Senate representative. If he can't be impeached....then don't forget our first step when we vote next November. This is our United States, not Hitler Jr.'s.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
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