Saturday, April 27, 2013

Obamacare fan base?

Hitler Jr., Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Durbin, and yes, even Max Baucus did a masterful job of laughing in our face as they figuratively jammed the infamous Obamacare right down our throats, and into another part of our bodies.

Even when the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) immediately published figures that Hitler Jr.'s health care plan would break the economic backs of Americans Hitler Jr. still stared at his teleprompters spouting lies like, "if you like your plan and your Doctor you can keep them". Or how about "this plan will not add a single dime to our national debt".  

Almost immediately Hitler Jr.'s political fan base pointed fingers at the Republican Party claiming that it was just a big political fight, and the Republicans wanted Obamacare to fail.
The lies about the "affordability" continued, claiming that now over thirty million Americans would get proper and "affordable" health care solely because of the greatness of our Dear Leader, Hitler Jr.

Of course ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC, along with the likes of Jessee Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, and even Bongo Farrakhan kept preaching to Americans how great Obamacare is going to be for the American people. And isn't it going to be fantastic and so humane that those poor Americans who can't afford health care would have proper health care.

Oh, don't even talk about who would be paying for the thirty million added to the health care plans. Never mind discussing where we would be getting the much needed extra doctors. None of that matters at all. Just look at how humane this health care plan will be for Americans who can't afford it. Just great huh?

Americans were actually ridiculed and mocked if they dared question what was actually in the 2,977 pages of this famous Hitler Jr.'s health care plan that was created to bring so much aid to the poor Americans that could not previously afford health care. How dare anyone speak or write against this great act of humanity.

Then, at first, some of Hitler Jr.'s "friends" in the Unions, along with organizations that donated to Hitler Jr.'s campaign were given, as Catholics say, absolution from participating in his famous health care plan. Certain universities were also excused from Obamacare. Ever wonder why? Well, now we know.

 Then, suprisingly, members of Congress, including the architects of Obamare were also "excused" from taking part in Obamacare. Then, the frosting on the cake emerges; the ultimate creator of Obamare decides he and his own family are above the throes of Obamacare and will not have to participate in his own created program.

Of course ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC not only wouldn't report this; they continued to spew lies and personal attacks on any who opposed Obamacare. The main stream media kept broadcasting how great it was for America, but would never discuss what actually was in the 2,977 pages. Oh yeah, the main stream media news anchors would also never broadcast that they also didn't participate in Obamacare themselves.

Then ever so slowly a small little "groundswell" began to emerge. It started with some businesses and even states, doing the ridiculous thing of actually reading the 2,977 pages of Obamacare. Then, what began to emerge was an ever so slight push back. 

Small, mid-size, and even large businesses discovered that they could "escape" Obamacare if they just did some simple calculations.  Small businesses reduced employees hours to less than 30 hours, so they would not have to put them on any health care plan. Small businesses then decided not to hire and expand their business. Of course large corporations followed suit by not creating new jobs, while actually laying off employees, so as not to incur any more wrath from the throes of supporting Obamacare.

Then another groundswell began. It started with just a few states not only refusing to initiate Obamacare, but they actually filed lawsuits to prevent any semblance of Obamacare or any other type of national or federal health care plans adopted in their state.  To date, there are now twenty-seven states in the U.S. that has filed suit and refuses to adopt any form of Obamacare in their sovereign state. 

Starting with outgoing Democrat Senator Max Baucus, who has called Obamacare "a train wreck", many Democrat members of the House and Senate fearing reelection next November are stating that Obamacare is one gigantic lie perpetrated by Hitler Jr., and his Dear Leader followers.  It is now being proven by the CBO and other unbiased federal organizations that Obamacare actually adds to the bottom line burden to American tax payers, and also adds to our ever growing national debt. 

Well, Hitler Jr., so much for your claim that your plan won't add a dime; well I guess you were right; it won't add a dime. It'll add several dollars to each and every American taxpayer, while giving free health care to your masses on welfare, and your masses of illegal aliens.

Wouldn't it have been great if ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC would have broadcasted the truth about Hitler Jr.'s Obamacare from the beginning? 

Not to worry though folks; as Abraham Lincoln proclaimed, "you can't fool all the people all the time". In January, 2015 when we have both the House and the Senate we can overwhelmingly repeal it with so many votes that Hitler Jr. will not be able to veto it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops


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