Hitler Jr., also known as Barack Husein Obama mm, mm, mm, will go down in Presidential history as the weakest leader this country has ever had in OUR White House. The truth is that he doesn't even deserve the title of "weakest leader". That implies that he even leads. This horrible man has no leadership skills, even weak, at all.
There are so many facts and so much truthful information to prove this man is not the leader of the people of America. The fact that his current approval ratings are at minus fourteen (-14) as today's Rasmussen polls reflects, that even his strongest base have buyer's remorse. He is less than five months into his second term, and if the election were held today he would not be in office.
Take your pick for today's factual blog; domestic, or foreign policies. How can this radical Islamic Muslim Brother(hood) stare into a teleprompter with promises of creating jobs in the private sector, when he will not allow the Keystone Pipeline commence to put tens of thousands of Americans back to work? We are close to $4.00/gallon for gasoline, and yet he needs his EPA base, so Americans must suffer. Still, he continues to bow to his mid-eastern Muslim brothers while he continues to purchase oil from them.
How can this man call himself the leader of our middle class when he purposely forced the FAA to furlough thousands of air traffic controllers so that thousands of middle class Americans are jammed up at airports every day, thereby hurting middle class Americans. We all know it's not necessary, and he actually wants us to "hurt" at airports. You know it's bad when people of his own Democrat base, namely Nancy Pelosi, said yesterday on TV that we must find a way to stop the FAA of furloughing traffic controllers.
In a Congressional hearing the FAA was given permission to use funds from another area so controllers would not have to be furloughed. The FAA director said he was unable to do that as the funds were designated for another area, however, today the funds are just lying there not being used. Hitler Jr. is an arrogant hubris man that will do any harm necessary to Americans to prove his "sequester" threat against Republicans, and now we know even Democrats are opposing this tactic.
Today, Defense Secretary Hagel announced that there is proof the cynical evil dictator from Syria is using the poison chemical gas Sarin against his own citizens. Remember when Hitler Jr. proclaimed that Syria using poison chemicals in his dastardly civil war would be "a red line in the sand....a game changer". I would love to be wrong, for the sake of the citizens of Syria fighting for their freedom, but you can almost bet that Hitler Jr. will dance and dance around this tragedy, and do absolutely nothing to back up his claims to help out the citizens of Syria.
This man is overtly displaying to other countries, especially the Jihadist terrorists that this country is becoming weaker under his presidency. I have written pleading letters to both the Republican and Democrat Senators and House Representatives of the state I live in pleading with them to step forward and do the job they were voted in to do; and that is what is best for our country. Impeachment proceedings must begin to save our country.
It's visibly apparent what this man in OUR White House is on a course to the domestic and foreign ruination of this great country. Writing blogs and complaining at the TV every day is not enough. Let your Senators and House Reps know how you feel. If you don't help in the solution, then you're part of the problem. It's our children and grand children's country that is at stake now folks.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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