My new found hero in today's dire economic crisis is Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. Forget about the national debt of $16.7 Trillion. Forget about 7.7% unemployment. Forget about the growing welfare population. Forget that we're not creating enough jobs. Forget about the hundreds of thousands of Americans leaving the work force every single day.
Do you think Ben cares about raising taxes, rising prices, cutting entitlements, and other economic tragedies facing our economy? Of course he doesn't care at all about any of these problems, cause Ben's got the magical touch. Yep, Ben's got the right idea and the solution to all our economic problems.
What is Ben's secret? Why, he just sneaks down to the basement of the Treasury Department, and turns on the "green machine". Then the big ole' green machine just prints, prints, and prints some more. Out comes thousands upon thousands of hundred-dollars of green money, and all is fine with the world. Hey, isn't that a great idea? It just solves all our money problems right?
Then I, the great innovator of all times, have decided that Ben's idea is so great that we can actually promote Hitler Jr.'s agenda of "spreading the wealth", as he said during a campaign.
Why not give every American family a "little green machine" to put in the basement of every home. I mean, why not?
I mean we could get rid of Social Security, health care insurance, and so many other obstacles that families face in today's horrendous economy. Think about it. For example when my wife wants to go to the grocery store, she just goes downstairs, turns on our own little private green machine, prints out a few hundred-dollar bills and heads out to the store.
Before I head off to the golf course or pistol shooting range I'll go down to my little green machine, print some "cash", and away I go. My daughter who has a son in medical school just loves the idea mainly because tuition is due for my grandson's upcoming college term.
Please no applause for this great innovating idea. I'm a very humble man. We'll all be millionaires, and live in this great Utopian society. Hey, want a new car? Want a new TV? Just go print some money, and all will be fine.
With all Americans being millionaires who is going to do the manufacturing or farming here in the good old U.S.A.? Not to worry, with all our money we'll just buy all our products and services from all those foreign countries, and when they send us an invoice we'll just tell Ben to go down to the Treasury basement and turn the very big "green machine". Wow, am I a genius or what?
Well, there is that problem of the declining dollar value. You folks out there on welfare and Hitler Jr.'s nanny state knows how that works right? Nah, didn't think so.
Well first it will start with my wife going to the grocery store, and having to pay $500. for a pound of butter. And my daughter having to pay $300,000. for my grandson's college tuition for a year. Remember that TV and car you wanted to buy? Well, the cost would be astronomical.
Soon after that those countries we're buying products and services from will stop from selling us anything anymore because our dollar will be worthless. What happens then?
Well after the world decides that the American dollar is worthless and we completely implode and collapse economically, another country will swoop in, take over, and we will be named the country of____________(you fill in the blank) It could well be China, Iran, or even India. Face it, we won't be the Unites States of America any more.
If you think think is an outrageous scenario just read the book, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". And read the portion of what Cicero wrote back in 55 BC. It's scary folks, and don't think for an instant it couldn't happen here. Take a look at the trends now.
Our first step in preventing a problem like this is to impeach Hitler Jr. If not that then remember how to vote in November, 2014. We must do this people.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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