Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Goose vs. Gander

Have you heard the latest from Democrat Representative Stenny Hoyer? It goes along with main stream liberal progressive anchor news TV hosts, led by the leg man Matthews from MSNBC.  Many left-wing blogs and written publication publications are also supporting this newly speculated news. They are saying, writing, and broadcasting that  the Republicans are at fault for the Boston Marathon bombings.

Really makes sense huh?  The Republicans forced the sequester, therefore Boston police did not have the manpower to monitor the 26.2 mile race route, and as a result it was very easy for a terrorist to place a bomb on the race route.

Well Mr. "Goose", here comes Mr. "Gander". There is a "strong" speculation that just maybe the President of the United States of America, Barack Husein Obama, caused the Boston Marathon bombings. Instead of furnishing funding to Democrat Governor Duvall for state, county, and city law enforcement personnel our Beloved Leader spent over $1.million for a golf trip to play golf with Tiger Woods.

Instead of supplying funds to Governor Duvall for extra police monitoring he instead spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a Soul Concert at the White House that included many elite Hollywood types along with high-priced music entertainers.

Hey, here's another theory: The President of the United States of America, Barack Husein Obama, and his "Goering" sidekick Napolitano purposely caused the bombing so they could further justify the "citizens army" they are building up. You know, the Napolitano army that is buying over two billion rounds of ammunition and over 2,700 war tanks?

Remember when the President of the United States of America, Barack Husein Obama stared into a teleprompter and read, "we need more than a military...we need a citizens' army"? You do remember when he said that in 2009 during his first term as our Beloved Leader, right?

So let's add up a few scenarios for you to consider and think about: (1) Our Beloved Leader refuses to disclose what happened in Benghazi, as he continues to give billions in foreign aid to his Muslim Brotherhood. (2) Our Beloved Leader strongly initiates a gun control bill, so he can take arms away from citizens, then (3) authorizes "Goering" Napolitano to purchase billion of rounds of ammunition and 2,700 war tanks to start his "citizens" army, and lastly (4) he strengthened Napolitano's need to purchase all the ammo and war tanks by plotting the Boston Marathon bombings.

And he covers all this up by blaming the Republicans for causing a sequester, and to prove his points he cancels White House tours, cancels Fleet Week, and grounds the Blue Angels.

This Hitler Jr. is very dangerous. He refuses to send a U.S. representative to Lady Thatcher's funeral memorial, but sends an entire entourage to Venezuelan Hugo Chavez's funeral. England is by far our closest ally, but because Hitler Jr. didn't like what Britain's ancestors did to his ancestors during a war he continues to disrespect and turn his back on England.

I pray that our great country can endure this Hitler Jr. until January, 2017. Every day I pray for his impeachment. This would be our greatest short term solution. Other than that we must be vigilant in our first step in the  November, 2014 mid term elections.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


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