Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Obamacare crumbling?

Finally, finally, the entire 2,977 pages of Hitler Jr.'s health care plan, along with his additional thousands of amendments, have been read, understood, AND GUESS WHAT??

It looks like Hitler Jr.'s famous Obamacare is going to fall flat on its proverbial a**. Gee isn't that a shame? I readily call back in 2010 when Hitler Jr. had a Democrat controlled House and Senate that he, along with the help of Pelosi and Reid, authored Obamacare behind closed doors while not allowing any GOP Congressional members in its chambers. Remember how he lied to even is own dubious Democrat House and Senate members, and forced them into voting to pass his legacy Obamacare? Hitler Jr. started lying even before the bill was voted on.

Then they just jammed the bill down the throats of Americans, even though Americans knew the bill wasn't what Americans wanted or needed. Remember Pelosi giggling at the podium trying to calm everyone down saying, "you have to read the bill to find out what's in it".
Pelosi actually believed that something as important as health insurance would be accepted by the American people without reading and understanding it. What planet does she live on?

Well, as Reverend Jeramiah Wright aptly said one day. (Obamacare)'s "chickens have come home to roost". There are so many holes in Hitler Jr.'s Obamacare it may change its name to the Swiss Cheese Healthcare plan.  And just like ugly black sewage the disastrous Obamacare is beginning to seep out for all to smell its rot.

Right out of the shoot Hitler Jr. started lying. Remember, "if you like your Dr., and your insurance plan you can keep it"? Well, we now know that was an outright blatant lie. Then his second lie ties directly to his first lie. Remember, "MY health care plan will lower costs for all participants". Well, the truth is Hitler Jr.'s health care plan will raise insurance premiums so highly that those that thought they could "keep their plan", will not be able to, and will have to resort to a government controlled plan.

By the way, if Hitler Jr.'s Obamacare was so great why did the White House immediately, in 2010, issue over 1,200 waivers to certain "favorites" of Hitler Jr.?  We've lost count, but today there are thousands of Hitler Jr.'s "favorites" that have waivers to opt out of Obamacare. Someone please explain that to me. A lot of the waivers given to "healthy" Hitler Jr.'s donors.

Of course we all remember the honorable Democrat Senator Ms. Landrieu from Louisiana who is now sorry she voted for Obamacare. She claimed that she voted for it because she was led to believe it would help small businesses in her state of Louisiana. Boy, was she duped!

There are approximately 25 states suing to opt out of offering plans, telling citizens of their states they will have to opt for a government controlled health care plan. This has outraged citizens, as they want nothing to do with Hitler Jr.'s health plan.

There are currently small businesses that are just flat-out telling employees that they will not offer ANY type of health insurance, and they have to fend for themselves. Other small business  are told they must have a plan for employees if they have more than 50 employees. Well, these business are cutting work hours and laying off employees. Do you progressive liberals still think Hitler Jr.'s plan is "the American people have spoken and this is what they want"?

Now here's some factual information I've been waiting the entire blog to write about: The White House, along with the CBO, have uncovered so many Obamacare implosions and crumbling problems that several segments of Obamacare will not be available for its 2014 introduction. There have been so many erroneous interpretations that decisions have been recently made to "withhold" the Obmacare introduction originally slated for 2014.

Recently 79 Senators voted to eliminate the 3% tax on produced health care products. Remember when Chief Justice Roberts broke the vote tie that allowed Obamacare to pass because he voted that Obamare was a tax and not a mandate to the American people.  Well, now the Supreme Court is saying Obamacare must go through the House if Obamacare is to be considered an additional tax. I bet Justice Roberts wishes he had another chance to vote. 

Us old timers remember Howard Cossell yelling, "down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier" in one of the famous Ali-Frazier fights. Well, thanks to the late Howard Cossell, as I borrow a part of his phrase, "down goes Obamacare, down goes Obamacare".

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops. 


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