Even with all the lies from Hitler Jr., and his Dearly Beloved followers alas, his infamous gun-ban bill failed. I just wonder what Hitler Jr. will do next to push his agenda of "Goering" Napolitano to amass his "citizens" army. It will get interesting, you can bet.
I have been asking in several of my previous blogs as to why is Hitler Jr.'s gun-ban control his biggest agenda. We have a national debt close to $17.trillion, we have the largest food stamp distribution we've ever had, no one even addresses our 7.7% unemployment, even high level Democrats in Congress are pointing out that Obamacare is a disaster waiting to happen.
We now have terrorists bombing the main streets of America. We have a seven month silence of what really happened in the slayings of four Americans in Benghazi. When is the trial going to begin for the Ft. Hood terrorist shooting by a radical Muslim?
Yet, this man in OUR White House focuses on nothing else but grabbing our guns away from us. Well, there are those golf and basketball things that do take up a lot of his time.
Here's some valuable insight for you: Hitler Jr. is all up in arms and, as ABC and Associated Press reported, "the President was overwhelming upset that his gun bill failed in the Senate".
Hitler Jr. knew his gun-grabbing bill would fail in the House, but when it did he could continue to parade Newtown, Aurora, and Tucson victims in front of cameras, while he blamed Republicans for slaying Americans. And he would use this as a campaign strategy for the 2014 mid-term elections.
Will someone please explain to Hitler Jr. that we have many gun laws on the books. Problem is these laws are all for unlawful use of firearms by criminals. We know that criminals are not paying any attention to ANY current gun laws. The ban-gun law that Hitler Jr. wants in effect now is a law to stop law-abiding citizens from owning any guns as provided for us all by our Second Amendment rights.
Someone please convince me that there are criminals out there that will abide by Hitler Jr.'s gun banning laws. I don't think so.
The voting in the Senate dealt a heavy blow to Hitler Jr.'s law. I mean even his main Senate man Dingy Harry voted against Hitler Jr.'s law with some crazy provision that he can bring it to the floor later. We all know the real truth....the NRA is one of Harry Reid's donors.
Do we need any more proof about this man's short-term and long-term agenda? He must be impeached, and let's get our Senate back next year, while keeping our House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
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