I'm sure we have all asked ourselves the same question, "what else can I do"? Sure, we all vote sensibly, we stay informed, we join websites like the Tea Party Community. We send e-mails promoting the Constitution of the United States of America. OK, so what else is there for us to do?
We must stay vigilant, and keep challenging those that refuse to keep us informed with truthful honest facts. It is an extreme uphill battle to take on the likes of ABC, CBS NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. By now we all know these news organizations will not give us the truth. They not only lie, they are adept at throwing slanderous lies and personal attacks on ALL that oppose them or their Beloved Leader, Hitler Jr.
What is becoming more and more prevalent is that we have not only an Islamic Muslim living in our White House under the name of "President", he is on the borderline of being a "radical" Islamic Muslim. Oh yes, let's not forget the person under the name First Lady that also is a Islamic Muslim. Remember at a Ground Zero memorial when the camera slowed down, and her lips mouthed the words, "all this for a dam flag".
Of course we all know this man must be impeached. Most likely it will never happen. Yes, we know he should not be allowed to assume the role of leader of our country, especially when more and more information is seeping out to the American people. Information that has even the 51% that voted him in scratching their heads.
Let's take a look at facts we know that Hitler Jr.'s fawning media refuses to report to the American people. First and foremost, we must address, while asking ourselves, just what has this man done since January, 2009 to advance our country?
What has he done in his first term that you want repeated during his next four year in our White House? While this excuse for a leader reads from his teleprompter about bringing jobs to America has anyone ever researched the economic meaning of "minus 9"? What that truthfully and factually means is that for every job created since January, 2009 there have been ten Americans placed on food stamps. Yet, the media refuses to let the public know what is truthfully happening about this crisis.
His foreign policy is abominable. He continues, almost daily, to apologize to the world for the way our country is operating. Haven't we realized by now that his is not only in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood....he is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is making sure the United States remains solely dependent upon oil from his Muslim Islamic mid eastern countries by refusing to process our own oil on our own American soil. What does that tell you?
Just today, coming from Hitler Jr. and the White House is that the Boston marathon bombers are not from Al-Queda. Where is that coming from? This man is a disgrace to the office of the Presidency, and we will be worse than Greece if we don't start in the 2014 mid term elections to take our country back from him.
His ban gun bill failed in the Senate, and now he's threatening to pass this horrible bill through "executive order". This way it will go to the House, where it will fail again, and then he can tell the American people the Republicans are at fault for all the gun crimes on the streets during his campaign.
This man cares nothing at all for the good of the American people. And why should he? In January, 2017 he will be off to Hawaii with his family, live under Secret Service care, enjoy a very healthy pension for life for his eight years of terrible leadership, and he'll probably receive hundreds of thousands of dollars every time he speaks at a liberal college.
By the way, Hitler Jr.'s lovely wife is also cheating the hell out of us American taxpayers. She takes these outlandish trips, and adds her friends and even her daughters as "staffers"on her trips, so we even pay the tab for her family and friends. Recently she was on safari with a tab for the taxpayers that was out in orbit in costs. How can this man control the spending in this country, when he can't even do it in his own family.
Can you fast forward and just imagine what our national debt will be on January, 2017? Can you imagine how many will be on welfare and food stamps then? Can you imagine how many Americans will be out of work?
Do you think the Benghazi massacre will be resolved? Do you think the Ft. Hood terrorist attack by the Muslim Major will be resolved? Do you think we'll ever find out the facts about Holder's "Fast & Furious"? What is a truly deplorable question is that do you think on January, 2017 that Hitler Jr. will even care what condition he left this country in?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
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