We all can easily relate to stories of bullies; remember them all the way from playgrounds, schools, gyms, all the way to the bully we can easily spot today.
Have you ever looked up the meaning of the word "bully"? The dictionary writes that a "bully is one who uses their strength to physically hurt and intimidate others, or terrify those that are weaker, into submission".
We all know that a bully is really a very frightened and insecure person that eventually is brought to justice either on the playground, in school, in the office, and yes, even as a country leader.
History has shown that evil bullies, Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Sadam Hussein, and countless other bullies throughout world history eventually are overthrown and brought to justice by the citizens of their country.
Today, in OUR White House, yes OUR House we have a dictator living there rent-free. This man and his minions hide behind the power that the good American people have entrusted to him and his administration.
This bully has abused the power of the United States presidency. It's clear to all that this man cares nothing for the good of the American people. Complete and total power is what drives this man in an egomaniacal fashion. It's very obvious that when this dictator wants something done, regardless what Congress or the American people want, he just picks up one of his pens, signs his will into law, and goes to the golf course, or on vacation.
However, there is one privilege and honor even he cannot take away from the good people of this country. We can all drive, walk, bike, or even crawl to our nearest voting booth in November, 2014. Martin Luther King Jr. orated one day that he "had a dream". Well I have "a dream" also.
For me that "dream" is that for the good American people, through our voting rights, we will maintain our House leadership, and take back our Senate so we can start repairing our great freedom loving country from what this White House dictator is doing each and every day now.
My "dream" continues with a choice of two scenarios. One "dream" is that with a GOP controlled House and Senate the country can begin impeachment proceedings against this man in OUR White House, maybe forcing him to resign and vacate OUR White House.
My alternate "dream" is that if impeachment isn't successful then this dictator will spend his remaining two years on the golf course, playing basketball, vacationing, and schmoozing with Jay-Z, Beyonce, Clooney, Matthews, Sharpton, etc., anything to keep him out of the Oval office to make any laws and/or administrative decisions.
The beautiful reality in these scenarios is that the good people of this great country can, and must, take the first step to make this all happen. All we have to do is make sure we get to the voting booth in November, 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Monday, December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Don't let him
The liberal progressives have suddenly become so afraid and paranoid of the White House leadership, they are actually sending out ads to their base urging them to vote for the Democratic party in November, 2014. Their main reason? The DNC is so fearful that if the GOP takes back the Senate and keeps the House then their Dear Leader, Hitler Jr. will face impeachment hearings.
Can you really believe this type of paranoia? Frankly, I believe the progressive liberals have a right to be fearful and paranoid at this point.
This man in OUR White House in five years has lied and deceived the American people so much that he makes former President Nixon seem like a Boy Scout. What is happening with this Administration? Why is it doing this to our country? Are they on a path to take away all of our constitutional freedoms and rights?
With all the lies and scandals perpetrated from the White House we wonder if this Hitler Jr. is on a special mission to set out and destroy our country. We all know the scandals of Benghazi, Fast & Furious, IRS, NSA, DOJ, and Obamacare, but what about the constitutional laws he has broken by initiating hundreds of executive decrees?
And who is going to take him to task on what he's doing? The Supreme Court, led by Roberts, is in his back pocket. Hitler Jr.'s "bath house buddy", Holder, is the chief cop of the land, and the person that pulls his puppet strings, Jarret, has a leading Muslim official in her family.
Are any of these scenarios waking up American people? I don't care if you're an Independent, Democrat, or Republican if you truly love this great country, and what our founding fathers gave to us then you'll sit up and take notice of what is going on today in OUR White House.
This man is destroying race relations between Blacks and Whites evidenced by the increasing gun crimes throughout the country, while he is trying to use another of his executive orders to mandate gun control. How can we trust this man to be an effective leader while he continues to lie and deceive us?
This Hitler Jr. is going to push hard to do harm to us for three more years. While it may be difficult to stop altogether, we can slow him down by keeping our House and taking by our Senate in November, 2014.
And who knows, maybe, just maybe, with a GOP controlled House and Senate we can push so hard for an impeachment that Hitler Jr. does the one decent thing he owes all of us; a resignation.
It's hard to believe that any true Constitution-loving American voting for for any Democrat to maintain the House or Senate. This man, Hitler Jr., claims "the American Constitution is flawed".
Please join me in stopping this man from taking our Constitution away from us starting November, 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Can you really believe this type of paranoia? Frankly, I believe the progressive liberals have a right to be fearful and paranoid at this point.
This man in OUR White House in five years has lied and deceived the American people so much that he makes former President Nixon seem like a Boy Scout. What is happening with this Administration? Why is it doing this to our country? Are they on a path to take away all of our constitutional freedoms and rights?
With all the lies and scandals perpetrated from the White House we wonder if this Hitler Jr. is on a special mission to set out and destroy our country. We all know the scandals of Benghazi, Fast & Furious, IRS, NSA, DOJ, and Obamacare, but what about the constitutional laws he has broken by initiating hundreds of executive decrees?
And who is going to take him to task on what he's doing? The Supreme Court, led by Roberts, is in his back pocket. Hitler Jr.'s "bath house buddy", Holder, is the chief cop of the land, and the person that pulls his puppet strings, Jarret, has a leading Muslim official in her family.
Are any of these scenarios waking up American people? I don't care if you're an Independent, Democrat, or Republican if you truly love this great country, and what our founding fathers gave to us then you'll sit up and take notice of what is going on today in OUR White House.
This man is destroying race relations between Blacks and Whites evidenced by the increasing gun crimes throughout the country, while he is trying to use another of his executive orders to mandate gun control. How can we trust this man to be an effective leader while he continues to lie and deceive us?
This Hitler Jr. is going to push hard to do harm to us for three more years. While it may be difficult to stop altogether, we can slow him down by keeping our House and taking by our Senate in November, 2014.
And who knows, maybe, just maybe, with a GOP controlled House and Senate we can push so hard for an impeachment that Hitler Jr. does the one decent thing he owes all of us; a resignation.
It's hard to believe that any true Constitution-loving American voting for for any Democrat to maintain the House or Senate. This man, Hitler Jr., claims "the American Constitution is flawed".
Please join me in stopping this man from taking our Constitution away from us starting November, 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
PC this A&E!
I remember when Larry David, creator of "Seinfeld" televising on his HBO show, can't remember the name of his show, but the scene graphically aired Larry David urinating on a picture of Jesus. Nary a word from the media.
I remember when the movie star from "American Pie" tweeted what evil sex acts he would like to perform on our Catholic Pope. Nary a word from the media.
I remember reading in a New York newspaper that a well-known columnist claimed in his column that the reason Jesus never married was because he was gay. Nary a word from the media.
I remember when then-Senator Barack Obama voted against benefits for same sex couples, and even voted against same sex marriage. Nary a word from the media, while many believe that President Obama is himself gay.
I remember when a New York art museum displayed art of the Virgin Mary, and Jesus Christ on the cross outlined with animal feces. Nary a word from the media.
An MSNBC TV host called a Catholic newscaster from Fox "a slut". Nary a word from the media.
Currently there are thousands of public schools that will not allow any religious display at Christmas or any other time of the year, yet many of these schools allow Muslim students Allah prayer time. They even allow the Muslim students designated times and can bring their rugs. Can you believe there are schools that have "special" swimming time for Muslims-only in their pools.
Nary a word from the media.
Have you ever heard the bongo player from Jamaica, Louis Farrakhan, speak of the evils of Christianity and Jesus while he adamantly praises Mohammed and Allah? Nary a word from the media.
Yet, Phil Robertson, from the very famous TV show "Duck Dynasty" expresses his views on homosexuality and the whole world comes crashing down on him. And our beloved media daily tells us what a vile evil man he is. The A&E network fired him, and all hell is breaking loose, and the media usually leads with this story on all their broadcasts.
And all Phil did was to express his First Amendment rights on how he feels on homosexuality. I can most certainly relate to him. My oldest daughter is a lesbian and is happy in her same sex relationship with her partner. I flew to the state of Washington to support their civil ceremony. Never saw my daughter so happy. My daughter holds a double Master's Degree, owns two homes, and is a department head in the hospital where she works. Have I mentioned she is drop-dead beautiful?
We have many discussions on heterosexual and homosexual life orientations. She is a deeply religious woman and a wonderful animal lover and member of Habitat. I could not be prouder of her. She knows that for me, personally, I could never embrace homosexuality. We've even teased and joked about it together. The reason: We both feel safe in expressing our feelings to each other because of the base of love often expressed to each other.
When I think of my daughter I think of what she has accomplished, and her contributions, and how happy she is with her life partner. I think about how much I love her, and how proud I am of her. What I don't think about is her sexual orientation. With her and me it's simply father-daughter love.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone felt this way, especially this special time of the year.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....Merry Christmas..God bless our country and our troops.
I remember when the movie star from "American Pie" tweeted what evil sex acts he would like to perform on our Catholic Pope. Nary a word from the media.
I remember reading in a New York newspaper that a well-known columnist claimed in his column that the reason Jesus never married was because he was gay. Nary a word from the media.
I remember when then-Senator Barack Obama voted against benefits for same sex couples, and even voted against same sex marriage. Nary a word from the media, while many believe that President Obama is himself gay.
I remember when a New York art museum displayed art of the Virgin Mary, and Jesus Christ on the cross outlined with animal feces. Nary a word from the media.
An MSNBC TV host called a Catholic newscaster from Fox "a slut". Nary a word from the media.
Currently there are thousands of public schools that will not allow any religious display at Christmas or any other time of the year, yet many of these schools allow Muslim students Allah prayer time. They even allow the Muslim students designated times and can bring their rugs. Can you believe there are schools that have "special" swimming time for Muslims-only in their pools.
Nary a word from the media.
Have you ever heard the bongo player from Jamaica, Louis Farrakhan, speak of the evils of Christianity and Jesus while he adamantly praises Mohammed and Allah? Nary a word from the media.
Yet, Phil Robertson, from the very famous TV show "Duck Dynasty" expresses his views on homosexuality and the whole world comes crashing down on him. And our beloved media daily tells us what a vile evil man he is. The A&E network fired him, and all hell is breaking loose, and the media usually leads with this story on all their broadcasts.
And all Phil did was to express his First Amendment rights on how he feels on homosexuality. I can most certainly relate to him. My oldest daughter is a lesbian and is happy in her same sex relationship with her partner. I flew to the state of Washington to support their civil ceremony. Never saw my daughter so happy. My daughter holds a double Master's Degree, owns two homes, and is a department head in the hospital where she works. Have I mentioned she is drop-dead beautiful?
We have many discussions on heterosexual and homosexual life orientations. She is a deeply religious woman and a wonderful animal lover and member of Habitat. I could not be prouder of her. She knows that for me, personally, I could never embrace homosexuality. We've even teased and joked about it together. The reason: We both feel safe in expressing our feelings to each other because of the base of love often expressed to each other.
When I think of my daughter I think of what she has accomplished, and her contributions, and how happy she is with her life partner. I think about how much I love her, and how proud I am of her. What I don't think about is her sexual orientation. With her and me it's simply father-daughter love.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone felt this way, especially this special time of the year.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....Merry Christmas..God bless our country and our troops.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Yes he is Hitler Jr.
I have been heavily criticized by many for referring to Barrack Hussein Obama as "Hitler Jr."
Even some of my own fellow members on the Tea Party Community website consider it cruel to compare a U.S. president to a man who slaughtered millions of Jews.
I say to my critics to please do a little research on the comparisons of these two individuals. Does anyone think Adolph Hitler awoke one day, jumped out of bed, and decided to overtake Germany, and then Europe, and start building concentration camps to annihilate the Jewish population? Would you be surprised to know he was in power for over 20 years?
I have encouraged everyone to read the book, "Seduced by Hitler", a book written in 2000 by Adam LeBor and Roger Boyes. The book is only 330 pages, but I guarantee anyone taking the time time to read this book will agree with my assessment of the comparison between Adolph Hitler and Barack Obama.
Let's start with Adolph. In WWI he rose to the high rank of Corporal. He possessed enormous communication skills, but little or nothing else. Germany was in poverty at the end of WWI, and Adolph convinced the poor German population that the German government was to blame.
Then, he slowly and methodically convinced the German population that he could rise them above their poverty. He convinced the German people to rise up with him and he would provide for them. He became loved by all; some considering him "God-like" He began his quest in the mid 1920's. He convinced all citizens to give up their arms. He then created his own personal militias; the Gestapo and the infamous Third Reich.
With the media broadcasting only what Adolph told them to say he was truly the supreme ruler of Germany. Then he expanded to Austria, Poland, France, and most of Europe.
After twenty years of this rule, WWII was declared, and the U.S.A. became the liberators of Europe. The point here is Adolph Hitler didn't wake up one day and decided to accomplish his evil deeds. He planned, manipulated, and destroyed societies along the way for over twenty years before he was stopped.
And now our "Dear Leader" Barack Obama. He came on the scene with no business or military experience, but, like his predecessor Adolph, also possessed great communication skills. In 2008 he lied and promised the American people that he too could bring them from the depths that the previous president pushed us all into.
He was elected our president and soon surrounded himself with Cabinet leaders and Supreme Court Judges that fell in line with his beliefs. The media soon fell in "goose" step with him, and like Germany in the 20's and 30's Americans were fed lie after lie from the media.
With all the lies, and a Progressive Liberal House and Senate he managed to get reelected, and less than five years look what evil and lies this man has cast upon the American people. Barak Obama is now downsizing our military in favor of, as he called them, "a civilian army to protect the people". Can you say Black Panthers.
Fast & Furious, IRS, DOJ, Benghazi, and now the greatest and almost inhumane fiasco of all Obamacare all now lie at the feet of the American people in just the beginning of his second term.
With the likes of Eric Holder and Harry Reid we cannot let the progressive liberals to keep the Senate and take back the house this November, 2014.
With this blog I'd like to ask all who would read this: Adolph Hitler did his evil in twenty years. Can you imagine if Barack Obama were allowed to remain in the office of the presidency for twenty years? And we actually have progressive liberals who want him to remain in office.
I have visualized the damage this man will do if he is allowed to stay in our White House for twenty years. We cannot allow that to happen. We must take our first step this November, and then stop any further violation of our Constitution in 2016.
So, to all the critics that attack me for comparing Adolph Hitler to Barack Obama, I ask them to just think ahead of what this man would do to our country and our Constitution if he is allowed to stay in office past his two terms. It will be difficult now to recover from the damage this man is doing now, let alone more time. Don't let him.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Even some of my own fellow members on the Tea Party Community website consider it cruel to compare a U.S. president to a man who slaughtered millions of Jews.
I say to my critics to please do a little research on the comparisons of these two individuals. Does anyone think Adolph Hitler awoke one day, jumped out of bed, and decided to overtake Germany, and then Europe, and start building concentration camps to annihilate the Jewish population? Would you be surprised to know he was in power for over 20 years?
I have encouraged everyone to read the book, "Seduced by Hitler", a book written in 2000 by Adam LeBor and Roger Boyes. The book is only 330 pages, but I guarantee anyone taking the time time to read this book will agree with my assessment of the comparison between Adolph Hitler and Barack Obama.
Let's start with Adolph. In WWI he rose to the high rank of Corporal. He possessed enormous communication skills, but little or nothing else. Germany was in poverty at the end of WWI, and Adolph convinced the poor German population that the German government was to blame.
Then, he slowly and methodically convinced the German population that he could rise them above their poverty. He convinced the German people to rise up with him and he would provide for them. He became loved by all; some considering him "God-like" He began his quest in the mid 1920's. He convinced all citizens to give up their arms. He then created his own personal militias; the Gestapo and the infamous Third Reich.
With the media broadcasting only what Adolph told them to say he was truly the supreme ruler of Germany. Then he expanded to Austria, Poland, France, and most of Europe.
After twenty years of this rule, WWII was declared, and the U.S.A. became the liberators of Europe. The point here is Adolph Hitler didn't wake up one day and decided to accomplish his evil deeds. He planned, manipulated, and destroyed societies along the way for over twenty years before he was stopped.
And now our "Dear Leader" Barack Obama. He came on the scene with no business or military experience, but, like his predecessor Adolph, also possessed great communication skills. In 2008 he lied and promised the American people that he too could bring them from the depths that the previous president pushed us all into.
He was elected our president and soon surrounded himself with Cabinet leaders and Supreme Court Judges that fell in line with his beliefs. The media soon fell in "goose" step with him, and like Germany in the 20's and 30's Americans were fed lie after lie from the media.
With all the lies, and a Progressive Liberal House and Senate he managed to get reelected, and less than five years look what evil and lies this man has cast upon the American people. Barak Obama is now downsizing our military in favor of, as he called them, "a civilian army to protect the people". Can you say Black Panthers.
Fast & Furious, IRS, DOJ, Benghazi, and now the greatest and almost inhumane fiasco of all Obamacare all now lie at the feet of the American people in just the beginning of his second term.
With the likes of Eric Holder and Harry Reid we cannot let the progressive liberals to keep the Senate and take back the house this November, 2014.
With this blog I'd like to ask all who would read this: Adolph Hitler did his evil in twenty years. Can you imagine if Barack Obama were allowed to remain in the office of the presidency for twenty years? And we actually have progressive liberals who want him to remain in office.
I have visualized the damage this man will do if he is allowed to stay in our White House for twenty years. We cannot allow that to happen. We must take our first step this November, and then stop any further violation of our Constitution in 2016.
So, to all the critics that attack me for comparing Adolph Hitler to Barack Obama, I ask them to just think ahead of what this man would do to our country and our Constitution if he is allowed to stay in office past his two terms. It will be difficult now to recover from the damage this man is doing now, let alone more time. Don't let him.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Friday, December 13, 2013
But Judge I have "xxxxenza"
Recently a 16-year old, that previously was cited for drunk-driving, was recently acquitted of killing four people while driving drunk. And of course we all know the judge gave him a free pass citing the 16-year old was just "too rich to know the difference between right and wrong".
The 16-year old's attorney claimed the young boy's parents never taught him the difference between right and wrong. They never taught him to be responsible for his actions.
Oh yes, he was determined by the judge to come from a family so rich that he was spoiled to the point of not knowing or realizing that he had done something wrong; like killing four people while driving drunk. The honored and distinguished judge called it "Affluenza", and set the boy free to repeat this horrible crime.
Can you just imagine the can of worms this judge has just opened up? Today, Fox News had a guest appearance by an African-American psychologist. He asked, "what's going to happen when a poor Black child from the ghetto stands in front of a judge and says, 'but judge I have poorenza'"? I guess this means the judge will give the kid another chance because he suffers from "poorenza".
Does this mean if you're rich you are actually above the law? Does this also mean that "xxxxenza" can be the excuse for any crime committed?
I can just see illegal aliens telling the judge that their parents didn't understand the laws of the U.S., therefore didn't explain what was unlawful and criminal. As a result there should be no charges for the committed crime. Oh, are we in for it folks!
I guess I can get in on this. My parents both came from Italy. Mom had an eighth grade education and Dad never even made it to the first grade. So therefore I can commit a crime and just tell the judge I have "Italianenza". The truth, while a teen-ager, my father told me that if I ever broke the law and got thrown in jail, that I'd be safer if I stayed in jail.
My parents always taught me to be responsible for my actions, and while I lived under their roof, that "for every law I broke that's how many bones of mine that Dad would break". Now, I know Dad would never break my bones, and the main reason I always walked the straight line is because I would never do anything to disappoint my parents. Maybe, just maybe, four people would be alive today if this 16-year old's parents taught him that.
My point is that ALL parents, rich or poor, have the unmitigated responsibility to teach their children the difference between right or wrong, while teaching their children they will be held accountable for their actions.
I hope I'm wrong, but my prediction is this 16-year old that was acquitted of killing four people because of "affluenza" will be back on the streets within twelve months, driving while drunk.
Just wonder what his plea to the judge will be. He better hope he gets the same judge.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
The 16-year old's attorney claimed the young boy's parents never taught him the difference between right and wrong. They never taught him to be responsible for his actions.
Oh yes, he was determined by the judge to come from a family so rich that he was spoiled to the point of not knowing or realizing that he had done something wrong; like killing four people while driving drunk. The honored and distinguished judge called it "Affluenza", and set the boy free to repeat this horrible crime.
Can you just imagine the can of worms this judge has just opened up? Today, Fox News had a guest appearance by an African-American psychologist. He asked, "what's going to happen when a poor Black child from the ghetto stands in front of a judge and says, 'but judge I have poorenza'"? I guess this means the judge will give the kid another chance because he suffers from "poorenza".
Does this mean if you're rich you are actually above the law? Does this also mean that "xxxxenza" can be the excuse for any crime committed?
I can just see illegal aliens telling the judge that their parents didn't understand the laws of the U.S., therefore didn't explain what was unlawful and criminal. As a result there should be no charges for the committed crime. Oh, are we in for it folks!
I guess I can get in on this. My parents both came from Italy. Mom had an eighth grade education and Dad never even made it to the first grade. So therefore I can commit a crime and just tell the judge I have "Italianenza". The truth, while a teen-ager, my father told me that if I ever broke the law and got thrown in jail, that I'd be safer if I stayed in jail.
My parents always taught me to be responsible for my actions, and while I lived under their roof, that "for every law I broke that's how many bones of mine that Dad would break". Now, I know Dad would never break my bones, and the main reason I always walked the straight line is because I would never do anything to disappoint my parents. Maybe, just maybe, four people would be alive today if this 16-year old's parents taught him that.
My point is that ALL parents, rich or poor, have the unmitigated responsibility to teach their children the difference between right or wrong, while teaching their children they will be held accountable for their actions.
I hope I'm wrong, but my prediction is this 16-year old that was acquitted of killing four people because of "affluenza" will be back on the streets within twelve months, driving while drunk.
Just wonder what his plea to the judge will be. He better hope he gets the same judge.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Why so surprised?
Obamacare, Obamacare, Obamacare; that's all that's going around the radio, TV, news journals, and the daily paper delivered right to your front door, so you can read about the legacy of this president while sipping your morning coffee.
Those on the left claim Obamacare "is the greatest thing to ever happen to Americans". They continue to hype Obamacare with lies upon lies. Of course we all know the biggest and most outrageous lie was delivered nearly thirty times by our president himself; "if you like your Doctor and health plan you can keep it....PERIOD"!
And in the midst of all the blatant lies the Obamaacare supporters are screaming, "this Obamacare will work". Oh yeah, Obamacare is certainly going to work and be successful; right after I win the state lottery and Powerball on the same day.
What completely amazes me is that so many Americans are surprised that Obamacare has been an outright failure from the beginning. Did anyone truly think it would work? Really? I could write thousands upon thousands of words and blogs on things you've already read and been told about the failure of Obamacare and why it won't work.
Instead, I'd like to offer a few gentle reminders today of government-run programs. Let's start with the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. You know it as Amtrak.
Amtrak was "born" in 1971 by our government. Our government has been operating this defunct operation for over 43 years, and it has lost money since its beginning. However, despite many offers from the private sector, our government continues to run in the red while declining any private offers.
Next we have our United States Postal Service, which has been losing billions of taxpayer dollars every year, despite offers from the private sector to purchase our infamous USPS.
Many factions from the private sector including DHL, UPS, and FedEx have all offered to purchase the USPS from the government. Can you guess why the government won't sell the USPS? It's simply because what will our government do with all those public union members that currently work for the USPS? They are union-protected, and the progressive libs need their votes, so they are protected.
Let's just offer one more government debacle that continues to lose money every year. Can you guess? It's our esteemed Department of Motor Vehicles. I swear the DMV only exists for fodder for late night TV comedians. I remember a favorite radio host of mine who said, "Every time I feel arrogant, confident, or cocky, I just go visit my local DMV, and suddenly I'm back to my insecure self again".
My point in all this is why should we be surprised that Obamacare is a big joke, and is fast becoming the blunt of jokes on the TV and radio airwaves? How many government-run projects must we endure before we all finally agree that anything, yes anything at all, that our government touches turns into something I can't print here.
The only semblance of continuity we have that the government runs is our military, and Hitler Jr. is trying very hard to bring that down.
But please don't give up folks; we have our first opportunity to fix this when the November elections are here.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Those on the left claim Obamacare "is the greatest thing to ever happen to Americans". They continue to hype Obamacare with lies upon lies. Of course we all know the biggest and most outrageous lie was delivered nearly thirty times by our president himself; "if you like your Doctor and health plan you can keep it....PERIOD"!
And in the midst of all the blatant lies the Obamaacare supporters are screaming, "this Obamacare will work". Oh yeah, Obamacare is certainly going to work and be successful; right after I win the state lottery and Powerball on the same day.
What completely amazes me is that so many Americans are surprised that Obamacare has been an outright failure from the beginning. Did anyone truly think it would work? Really? I could write thousands upon thousands of words and blogs on things you've already read and been told about the failure of Obamacare and why it won't work.
Instead, I'd like to offer a few gentle reminders today of government-run programs. Let's start with the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. You know it as Amtrak.
Amtrak was "born" in 1971 by our government. Our government has been operating this defunct operation for over 43 years, and it has lost money since its beginning. However, despite many offers from the private sector, our government continues to run in the red while declining any private offers.
Next we have our United States Postal Service, which has been losing billions of taxpayer dollars every year, despite offers from the private sector to purchase our infamous USPS.
Many factions from the private sector including DHL, UPS, and FedEx have all offered to purchase the USPS from the government. Can you guess why the government won't sell the USPS? It's simply because what will our government do with all those public union members that currently work for the USPS? They are union-protected, and the progressive libs need their votes, so they are protected.
Let's just offer one more government debacle that continues to lose money every year. Can you guess? It's our esteemed Department of Motor Vehicles. I swear the DMV only exists for fodder for late night TV comedians. I remember a favorite radio host of mine who said, "Every time I feel arrogant, confident, or cocky, I just go visit my local DMV, and suddenly I'm back to my insecure self again".
My point in all this is why should we be surprised that Obamacare is a big joke, and is fast becoming the blunt of jokes on the TV and radio airwaves? How many government-run projects must we endure before we all finally agree that anything, yes anything at all, that our government touches turns into something I can't print here.
The only semblance of continuity we have that the government runs is our military, and Hitler Jr. is trying very hard to bring that down.
But please don't give up folks; we have our first opportunity to fix this when the November elections are here.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
What Christmas?
There are six of us old-timers that play "high-stakes" poker every Wednesday from noon to 4P.M. Yeah, really "high-stakes"....nickle-dime. It's just a chance for us old-timers to get together to gossip once a week. Too cold to golf. The oldest among us is 91; the youngest is 73.
During the "intensive" high-stake poker games the gossip topics range from sports to politics to movies to TV shows to everything else old-timers like to talk about, even mentioning the "hot babe" that just moved into someone's neighborhood. Our 91-year old is our resident joke teller. No one can make you laugh like him, especially delivering his great punch lines.
So during our gossiping and "high-stakes" poker the topic moved to Christmas celebrating in the current culture in today's society. The six of us "old-timers" shared special Christmas stories and celebrations in our schools, churches, and towns during "the old days".
No one talked about what was, or wasn't "politically correct" in our schools, churches, or towns. Finally someone asked, "what the hell has happened to our culture today"?
It started with the wide-spread ban of praying in schools and public government offices. And now we can't celebrate Christmas without being ostracized by a small group of people who look upon God and Jesus Christ as forbidden idols, instead of mankind's salvation for love and peace.
I'm 78 years young, and I have friends, and even a family relative who does not believe in any type of a diety, let alone our God, and his son Jesus Christ. If someone, anyone, chooses not to believe in any divine being that certainly is their right, even though I totally disagree with them.
I certainly don't attack the agnostics or atheists, and while I disagree, I certainly respect their right to believe as they choose. My problem is with the organizations that very proudly and confidently are succeeding in the complete elimination of Christianity from our culture in all public schools and government buildings.
Today, our young children cannot light up their faces and hearts while singing Christmas carols in school, or while Christmas caroling in their neighborhoods. There cannot be any Christmas plays in our public school auditoriums anymore.Remember bundling up with a heavy coat, gloves, and ear muffs to trek to the center of town to watch the Christmas lights turned on by a city official and going "ooh" and "ahh" when the manger lights were turned on? Why do we allow the destruction of Christianity while we are forced to honor Muslims of Islam faith?
Remember when we all greeted Christmas in our Judeo-Christian culture? We bourght Christmas trees, not holiday trees. We greeted on another with "Merry Christmas", and not "Happy Holidays".Why have we allowed a few distraught groups to take that from us during our most joyous time of the year? It seems that the non-believers of our Judeo-Christian values are not satisfied just to be ignored; oh no, they had to attack those that strongly believe in God. We have ignored them; why don't they just ignore us to let us believe as we choose.
As I'm typing this my favorite Christmas carol, "Little Drummer Boy" is playing on the radio. I love that song so much I have it on a CD, and even play it in July. This beautiful song will always remind me of an infant born in a cold manger, and rose to teach mankind love and peace. He is my Jesus.
It's almost evil that there are groups of people who choose to politicize our God-given right to worship as we choose. These groups are the happiest when they are successful in eliminating joy and Christmas from us all, especially our young children.
I urge all of Judeo-Christian values to continue to pray and honor our God, teach those beliefs to our young, and do all you can to spread God's word of love and peace. God bless us all on this most joyous time of the year.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
During the "intensive" high-stake poker games the gossip topics range from sports to politics to movies to TV shows to everything else old-timers like to talk about, even mentioning the "hot babe" that just moved into someone's neighborhood. Our 91-year old is our resident joke teller. No one can make you laugh like him, especially delivering his great punch lines.
So during our gossiping and "high-stakes" poker the topic moved to Christmas celebrating in the current culture in today's society. The six of us "old-timers" shared special Christmas stories and celebrations in our schools, churches, and towns during "the old days".
No one talked about what was, or wasn't "politically correct" in our schools, churches, or towns. Finally someone asked, "what the hell has happened to our culture today"?
It started with the wide-spread ban of praying in schools and public government offices. And now we can't celebrate Christmas without being ostracized by a small group of people who look upon God and Jesus Christ as forbidden idols, instead of mankind's salvation for love and peace.
I'm 78 years young, and I have friends, and even a family relative who does not believe in any type of a diety, let alone our God, and his son Jesus Christ. If someone, anyone, chooses not to believe in any divine being that certainly is their right, even though I totally disagree with them.
I certainly don't attack the agnostics or atheists, and while I disagree, I certainly respect their right to believe as they choose. My problem is with the organizations that very proudly and confidently are succeeding in the complete elimination of Christianity from our culture in all public schools and government buildings.
Today, our young children cannot light up their faces and hearts while singing Christmas carols in school, or while Christmas caroling in their neighborhoods. There cannot be any Christmas plays in our public school auditoriums anymore.Remember bundling up with a heavy coat, gloves, and ear muffs to trek to the center of town to watch the Christmas lights turned on by a city official and going "ooh" and "ahh" when the manger lights were turned on? Why do we allow the destruction of Christianity while we are forced to honor Muslims of Islam faith?
Remember when we all greeted Christmas in our Judeo-Christian culture? We bourght Christmas trees, not holiday trees. We greeted on another with "Merry Christmas", and not "Happy Holidays".Why have we allowed a few distraught groups to take that from us during our most joyous time of the year? It seems that the non-believers of our Judeo-Christian values are not satisfied just to be ignored; oh no, they had to attack those that strongly believe in God. We have ignored them; why don't they just ignore us to let us believe as we choose.
As I'm typing this my favorite Christmas carol, "Little Drummer Boy" is playing on the radio. I love that song so much I have it on a CD, and even play it in July. This beautiful song will always remind me of an infant born in a cold manger, and rose to teach mankind love and peace. He is my Jesus.
It's almost evil that there are groups of people who choose to politicize our God-given right to worship as we choose. These groups are the happiest when they are successful in eliminating joy and Christmas from us all, especially our young children.
I urge all of Judeo-Christian values to continue to pray and honor our God, teach those beliefs to our young, and do all you can to spread God's word of love and peace. God bless us all on this most joyous time of the year.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Honor Flight
Today there are so many advertisements and "infomercials' on TV, the radio, and the Internet urging all Americans to spend billions of dollars to make ourselves "feel good about our self".
We are even guaranteed that "you will certainly feel good about yourself" if you lose fifty pounds, or get a "tummy tuck", or shoot a gallon of Botox into your body, or get a face lift, along with other "much needed" plastic surgery. I mean, really, we can even get our body fat frozen off to make you look younger.
Of course this will all make you feel so much better about yourself, and isn't this what we all strive for? Yes, we've become a society, in many cases, that has become so selfish to make ourselves "feel good; that we'll resort to spending billions on superficial and selfish ways to accomplish this.
Please give me a few minutes to tell you what my wife and I did two days ago that will forever make us feel good about ourselves.
This past Monday evening we went to bed at 7:00, and arose Tuesday morning at 1:00 A.M.
We drove fifty miles to the Cleveland airport, where we volunteered to greet and meet 25 WWII, Korean, and Viet Nam veterans that began to arrive starting at 3:30 A.M., at the Southwest airlines baggage terminal.
They were there to catch the Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. to see the War Memorials in our nation's capitol.
I could fill ten pages of blogs sharing the heart warming experiences with these heroes. We arranged wheel chairs for them, served them coffee, donuts, and rolls. Some shared pictures they brought with them of their days in the military, and told stories of their deeds. Some even shed tears remembering their fallen comrades that didn't make it back after the wars.
My wife and I greeted each one of them with "thank you for your service....can I get you some coffee"? The oldest hero there was a 96-year old WWII vet that was so humbly gracious and gratified to be on his was to see the WWII War Memorial in D.C.
It felt so rewarding to pay homage to these 25 veteran heroes. It was so gratifying to know we were making these heroes feel good, that, in turn, we felt good about ourselves for doing this deed. We didn't need Botox or plastic surgery to make us feel good about ourselves. We felt good deep down because we spent four hours with just focusing on others.
Then the Cleveland Coast Guard, fifteen officers, arrived, and we pledged to the flag and sang our national anthem. soon, the Southwest airlines flight attendant arrived, and as she handed each of the vets their plane ticket and boarding pass she gave each one a kiss on the cheek. It was then that tears started to flow.
For me the tears came as we pushed the wheel chairs of vets through the terminal gates, in a two-by-two formation. We passed several gates of passengers awaiting their own flight boardings. As we passed through the gates passengers stood, applauded, and sent out cheers to the honored vets.
We clapped as each of the vets were helped from their wheel chair and boarded their Honor Flight to D.C. When the last vet boarded the plane my wife and I hugged the other volunteers, said our goodbyes and headed for home. We stopped at a small breakfast diner on the way home, and shed tears as we ate, telling each other stories of the particular veterans we talked to.
We agreed that in just four short hours at the Cleveland airport we never had such an uplifting experience. My wife and I encourage everyone to contact an Honor Flight representative in your area and volunteer. It will certainly be one of your most rewarding experiences, and I guarantee you'll feel very good about yourself, without spending a dime.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
We are even guaranteed that "you will certainly feel good about yourself" if you lose fifty pounds, or get a "tummy tuck", or shoot a gallon of Botox into your body, or get a face lift, along with other "much needed" plastic surgery. I mean, really, we can even get our body fat frozen off to make you look younger.
Of course this will all make you feel so much better about yourself, and isn't this what we all strive for? Yes, we've become a society, in many cases, that has become so selfish to make ourselves "feel good; that we'll resort to spending billions on superficial and selfish ways to accomplish this.
Please give me a few minutes to tell you what my wife and I did two days ago that will forever make us feel good about ourselves.
This past Monday evening we went to bed at 7:00, and arose Tuesday morning at 1:00 A.M.
We drove fifty miles to the Cleveland airport, where we volunteered to greet and meet 25 WWII, Korean, and Viet Nam veterans that began to arrive starting at 3:30 A.M., at the Southwest airlines baggage terminal.
They were there to catch the Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. to see the War Memorials in our nation's capitol.
I could fill ten pages of blogs sharing the heart warming experiences with these heroes. We arranged wheel chairs for them, served them coffee, donuts, and rolls. Some shared pictures they brought with them of their days in the military, and told stories of their deeds. Some even shed tears remembering their fallen comrades that didn't make it back after the wars.
My wife and I greeted each one of them with "thank you for your service....can I get you some coffee"? The oldest hero there was a 96-year old WWII vet that was so humbly gracious and gratified to be on his was to see the WWII War Memorial in D.C.
It felt so rewarding to pay homage to these 25 veteran heroes. It was so gratifying to know we were making these heroes feel good, that, in turn, we felt good about ourselves for doing this deed. We didn't need Botox or plastic surgery to make us feel good about ourselves. We felt good deep down because we spent four hours with just focusing on others.
Then the Cleveland Coast Guard, fifteen officers, arrived, and we pledged to the flag and sang our national anthem. soon, the Southwest airlines flight attendant arrived, and as she handed each of the vets their plane ticket and boarding pass she gave each one a kiss on the cheek. It was then that tears started to flow.
For me the tears came as we pushed the wheel chairs of vets through the terminal gates, in a two-by-two formation. We passed several gates of passengers awaiting their own flight boardings. As we passed through the gates passengers stood, applauded, and sent out cheers to the honored vets.
We clapped as each of the vets were helped from their wheel chair and boarded their Honor Flight to D.C. When the last vet boarded the plane my wife and I hugged the other volunteers, said our goodbyes and headed for home. We stopped at a small breakfast diner on the way home, and shed tears as we ate, telling each other stories of the particular veterans we talked to.
We agreed that in just four short hours at the Cleveland airport we never had such an uplifting experience. My wife and I encourage everyone to contact an Honor Flight representative in your area and volunteer. It will certainly be one of your most rewarding experiences, and I guarantee you'll feel very good about yourself, without spending a dime.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Back - way, way back
Talk about leading from behind. This monarch-dictator-in-chief is the ultimate master at it. I used to refer to him as the Teflon-in-chief, but he's way beyond that, or maybe I should write he's way, way behind that. Now add to that the overwhelming protection Hitler Jr. receives from his followers and his fawning media, and it's mind boggling.
I would bet every college and pro quarterback wishes they could get the protection this man receives. Let's face it folks, Americans want a responsible leader that leads with the same mantra that Harry S. Truman stated many times, "the buck stops here". I think Hitler Jr.'s mantra is, "pass the buck...this ain't my fault".
To prove the point let's revisit just some of the debacles have happened on this man's watch. Benghazi, IRS scandals, NSA spying, Fast & Furious, and now Obamacare. Barry just stands there, smiles into the teleprompters and takes no leadership responsibilities for any problems his administration has started. It's always someone else's problem or fault. I bet he wishes he could blame the failure of Obamacare on Bush.
But you see, Americans aren't stupid. We all know that while all these headlines are making news on radio, TV, news papers, and magazines our eye is being taken off what is really hurting Americans today. Don't have to dredge up those stories again. You know what they are; the economy, jobs, national debt, etc.
Barry's brain-child legacy has now been proven to be a dismal failure. You know it's bad when even Barry's fawning media is attacking the plan. It's now being discovered that it's not just the software program that's making it fail.....it's the plan itself. No matter what Reid, Pelosi, and Sebelius try to tell you the plane cannot be implemented.
Sorry, I took so long and bloviating getting to my two points, but it's just me. Sorry. My first point is Barry is so protected that he will always escape from being a responsible leader. We now know that. My second, and probably most impacting point, is that you can bet that within three days another White House "crisis" will occur.
You can bet Rahm Emanuel will be doing ballet jumps through the White House singing, "never let a good crisis go to waste", which means that soon another problem will manifest itself to get us to stop thinking about the failure of Obamacare. It's exactly what happened in the other tragedies; Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, NSA, Fast & Furious. When's the last time anyone has even talked about these issues? The Economy? Unemployment? National Debt? Welfare? Food Stamps?
Ever wonder what's coming down the road to make your forget about Obamacare?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
I would bet every college and pro quarterback wishes they could get the protection this man receives. Let's face it folks, Americans want a responsible leader that leads with the same mantra that Harry S. Truman stated many times, "the buck stops here". I think Hitler Jr.'s mantra is, "pass the buck...this ain't my fault".
To prove the point let's revisit just some of the debacles have happened on this man's watch. Benghazi, IRS scandals, NSA spying, Fast & Furious, and now Obamacare. Barry just stands there, smiles into the teleprompters and takes no leadership responsibilities for any problems his administration has started. It's always someone else's problem or fault. I bet he wishes he could blame the failure of Obamacare on Bush.
But you see, Americans aren't stupid. We all know that while all these headlines are making news on radio, TV, news papers, and magazines our eye is being taken off what is really hurting Americans today. Don't have to dredge up those stories again. You know what they are; the economy, jobs, national debt, etc.
Barry's brain-child legacy has now been proven to be a dismal failure. You know it's bad when even Barry's fawning media is attacking the plan. It's now being discovered that it's not just the software program that's making it fail.....it's the plan itself. No matter what Reid, Pelosi, and Sebelius try to tell you the plane cannot be implemented.
Sorry, I took so long and bloviating getting to my two points, but it's just me. Sorry. My first point is Barry is so protected that he will always escape from being a responsible leader. We now know that. My second, and probably most impacting point, is that you can bet that within three days another White House "crisis" will occur.
You can bet Rahm Emanuel will be doing ballet jumps through the White House singing, "never let a good crisis go to waste", which means that soon another problem will manifest itself to get us to stop thinking about the failure of Obamacare. It's exactly what happened in the other tragedies; Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, NSA, Fast & Furious. When's the last time anyone has even talked about these issues? The Economy? Unemployment? National Debt? Welfare? Food Stamps?
Ever wonder what's coming down the road to make your forget about Obamacare?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Monday, October 21, 2013
I did it - I logged on
I had to do it. My curiosity got the best of me. After reading and hearing all the horrific stories about the Obamacare "glitches" I decided to give it a try.
So this morning while the monarch-dictator-in-chief was on TV lying to Americans about how he was fixing the Obamacare website problems, I started the dreaded Obamacare log-in process.
I kept submitting all the information they required; name, e-mail address, zip code, etc. I would get a NEXT button in the lower right hand corner of my PC monitor to click on to so I could advance to the next screen.
During the process I would get an occasional spinning buffer circle on my monitor causing delays, and then apologetic replies asking me to be patient. Then I was finally taken to a site that made me think I was in the USSR or even Adolph's '30's Germany.
The screen page informed me that all the information I was about to give them could be used for any purposes that the health care (Obamacare) seems necessary to disseminate. Before I decided to hit the ACCEPT or DECLINE button I thought back to when I switched from AARP to my current health insurance company.
At the time the monthly insurance premium for my wife and I at AARP was $380./month. A friend gave me the name of a local health insurance broker. I called him, gave him the necessary information over the phone. Two days later he called to give me some options. The next day my wife and I visited his office and left after about thirty minutes with a health plan with monthly premiums less than half of what we paid for at AARP, with the same coverage.
Now back to Obamacare's website and the ACCEPT, and DECLINE button on my computer. The Obamacare website informed me that all the personal information and data I was about to give them could be used for any use "they" deem necessary.
I discovered that the Obamacare "navigators" were comprised mostly of left-wing progressive liberals and some even criminals I decided to hit the DECLINE button. Not going to share my personal information with the likes of these folks.
However I did receive some interesting factual information today. Here's some honest and truthful facts for you: (1) If you opt for Obamacare's "Bronze" plan, only 60% of your projected health care costs will be covered, and family deductibles could rise to $12,700 for a year. (2) Obamacare has already projected cost hikes upwards of $3,670 a year for a family.
(3) Even in Obama's home town of Chicago, the Chicago Tribune has reported that Obamacare could rise up to $8,000. per family a year.
And Hitler Jr. was sure slick. Campaigning for his first term he convinced the welfare/nanny state he was going to give them free health care, and that got him elected. With his Democrat controlled House and Senate he then got Obamacare enacted.
Then during his second term campaign he promised the same people that Obamacare would "kick in" at the end of 2013, and that's how he got elected for his second term.
Oh, if only ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC would have been truthful and honest in their reporting to us we wouldn't be faced with this horrendous debacle that, if not stopped, could bring down our economy. Remember, we have a chance next November to stop this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
So this morning while the monarch-dictator-in-chief was on TV lying to Americans about how he was fixing the Obamacare website problems, I started the dreaded Obamacare log-in process.
I kept submitting all the information they required; name, e-mail address, zip code, etc. I would get a NEXT button in the lower right hand corner of my PC monitor to click on to so I could advance to the next screen.
During the process I would get an occasional spinning buffer circle on my monitor causing delays, and then apologetic replies asking me to be patient. Then I was finally taken to a site that made me think I was in the USSR or even Adolph's '30's Germany.
The screen page informed me that all the information I was about to give them could be used for any purposes that the health care (Obamacare) seems necessary to disseminate. Before I decided to hit the ACCEPT or DECLINE button I thought back to when I switched from AARP to my current health insurance company.
At the time the monthly insurance premium for my wife and I at AARP was $380./month. A friend gave me the name of a local health insurance broker. I called him, gave him the necessary information over the phone. Two days later he called to give me some options. The next day my wife and I visited his office and left after about thirty minutes with a health plan with monthly premiums less than half of what we paid for at AARP, with the same coverage.
Now back to Obamacare's website and the ACCEPT, and DECLINE button on my computer. The Obamacare website informed me that all the personal information and data I was about to give them could be used for any use "they" deem necessary.
I discovered that the Obamacare "navigators" were comprised mostly of left-wing progressive liberals and some even criminals I decided to hit the DECLINE button. Not going to share my personal information with the likes of these folks.
However I did receive some interesting factual information today. Here's some honest and truthful facts for you: (1) If you opt for Obamacare's "Bronze" plan, only 60% of your projected health care costs will be covered, and family deductibles could rise to $12,700 for a year. (2) Obamacare has already projected cost hikes upwards of $3,670 a year for a family.
(3) Even in Obama's home town of Chicago, the Chicago Tribune has reported that Obamacare could rise up to $8,000. per family a year.
And Hitler Jr. was sure slick. Campaigning for his first term he convinced the welfare/nanny state he was going to give them free health care, and that got him elected. With his Democrat controlled House and Senate he then got Obamacare enacted.
Then during his second term campaign he promised the same people that Obamacare would "kick in" at the end of 2013, and that's how he got elected for his second term.
Oh, if only ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC would have been truthful and honest in their reporting to us we wouldn't be faced with this horrendous debacle that, if not stopped, could bring down our economy. Remember, we have a chance next November to stop this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Want more ammo?
Would you like some more ammunition to throw at Hitler Jr., Reid, and Pelosi about our 16-day government shutdown? This evil administration, with the help of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC kept driving the wedge that it was the Republican House of Representatives that shut the government down.
This was a blatant lie that was put on the broadcasting waves for the sole purpose of attacking and trying to weaken the GOP. The liberal progressives had no concern how much they hurt the American people by forcing the shutdown. Their only concern was to attempt to destroy the Republican party before next November's elections.
Want some ironic proof of that? Did anyone ever hear at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC that the House of Representatives offered to vote in favor of the Senate's debt-raising bill if only the Obamacare manadate for Americans was delayed for a year?
Harry Reid and his band of evil-doers responded with an emphatic "NO", forcing the shutdown, and then appeared on all the TV networks, except Fox, claiming the Republican party shut our government down. To drive the point further down the throats of Americans Hitler Jr. closed down our national parks and our great war memorials.
Now remember, and don't forget this: the House only asked that the Obamacare mandate for Americans be delayed for a year, like American businesses, and then the House would approve the Senate's debt raising bill, and then we could go forward without a government shutdown. Of course we all know what happened.
Now we're discovering what a failure Obamacare has become, even before it rolls out. HHS Sebelius had over three years to prepare for the rollout, and it has completely failed. Young adults are refusing to sign up, and those that have inquired on-line are unable to get through. They are receiving messages that tell the the website is down. The same young adults that voted Obama in office are now opting to pay the IRS tax penalty rather than sign up for Obamacare.
Now here's the ammo part that's coming this week. Sebelius and Hitler Jr. are going to announce that the Obamacare mandate will be delayed a year until "all the glitches are resolved". Don't you dare believe that this administration didn't come to that conclusion weeks ago. They knew the Obamacare rollout was going to be a failure, many, many weeks ago.
The truth is Hitler Jr., Reid, Pelosi, and Sebelius forced the government shutdown to alienate the American people against the Republican party in hopes of votes for elections next November, 2014. It's not secret that if Republicans retain the House and take back the Senate next November then Hitler Jr.'s last two years will be spent on some golf course named Lame Duck. Of course that could be a good thing for Americans.
We're a year away folks. Let's get started. Let's work to getting our country back in the hands of good leaders that will repeal Obamacare, and maybe impeach this Socialist in our White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
This was a blatant lie that was put on the broadcasting waves for the sole purpose of attacking and trying to weaken the GOP. The liberal progressives had no concern how much they hurt the American people by forcing the shutdown. Their only concern was to attempt to destroy the Republican party before next November's elections.
Want some ironic proof of that? Did anyone ever hear at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC that the House of Representatives offered to vote in favor of the Senate's debt-raising bill if only the Obamacare manadate for Americans was delayed for a year?
Harry Reid and his band of evil-doers responded with an emphatic "NO", forcing the shutdown, and then appeared on all the TV networks, except Fox, claiming the Republican party shut our government down. To drive the point further down the throats of Americans Hitler Jr. closed down our national parks and our great war memorials.
Now remember, and don't forget this: the House only asked that the Obamacare mandate for Americans be delayed for a year, like American businesses, and then the House would approve the Senate's debt raising bill, and then we could go forward without a government shutdown. Of course we all know what happened.
Now we're discovering what a failure Obamacare has become, even before it rolls out. HHS Sebelius had over three years to prepare for the rollout, and it has completely failed. Young adults are refusing to sign up, and those that have inquired on-line are unable to get through. They are receiving messages that tell the the website is down. The same young adults that voted Obama in office are now opting to pay the IRS tax penalty rather than sign up for Obamacare.
Now here's the ammo part that's coming this week. Sebelius and Hitler Jr. are going to announce that the Obamacare mandate will be delayed a year until "all the glitches are resolved". Don't you dare believe that this administration didn't come to that conclusion weeks ago. They knew the Obamacare rollout was going to be a failure, many, many weeks ago.
The truth is Hitler Jr., Reid, Pelosi, and Sebelius forced the government shutdown to alienate the American people against the Republican party in hopes of votes for elections next November, 2014. It's not secret that if Republicans retain the House and take back the Senate next November then Hitler Jr.'s last two years will be spent on some golf course named Lame Duck. Of course that could be a good thing for Americans.
We're a year away folks. Let's get started. Let's work to getting our country back in the hands of good leaders that will repeal Obamacare, and maybe impeach this Socialist in our White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Our chance is coming!
I'm sure we all agree that it's safe to say the man in our White House is "fundamentally transforming" our country into a monachy-dictatorship with him at the helm. Americans must never lose focus of what this man has done, and maybe more importantly, what he has not done.
At this point there is no need to dredge up all the stories about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, NSA spying, DOJ unlawful acts, IRS spying, and the biggest debacle Obamacare. We all know the stories of how this Monarch-Dictator has handled these horrific stories.
Moreover, we know that as long as the Senate, the DOJ, and even Chief Justice Roberts is part of this monarch and dictatorship we will never have any semblance of accountability to the American people. The most recent evidence of this is yesterday when Fox News reporter, James Rosen, asked Jay Carney a valid question regarding the Benghazi massacre, and the White House spokesman just turned and walked away with no answer at all.
What kind of American president would raise welfare/food stamps 358% since he's been in office? What president would double our national debt to $17.Trillion in his first four years in office? What president would refuse to drill for oil right here in the U.S.A., so that Americans can continue to pay over $4.00 a gallon? What president would shut down memorials that honor the very same Americans that died for the freedoms in this country?
Have you ever known an anti-military president like this monarch-dictator? He is downsizing our military to the weakest it has ever been while at the same time the Jihadist Muslim threats are growing in leaps and bounds.
Can anyone think of a U.S. president that would do this? I know I can't. We all know that the only reason 2,977 UNREAD pages called Obamacare was ever enacted into law is because our Monarch-Dictator-in-chief had the support of a Democrat controlled House & Senate; plus he had Chief Justice Roberts in his back pocket.
However, another great tool Americans must never, ever lose sight of is what our Founding Fathers provided for us; it's called THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Article I, Sections 2,3, and 4 provide all American citizens with the greatest speaking voice we are all entitled to. And that is our right to VOTE in all elections.
Next November, 2014 Americans have the greatest opportunity to overthrow this monarch-dictator in our White House. If we didn't have elections Barack Hussein Obama would realistically become another Adolph Hitler. Do you think Adolph Hitler would have remained in power so long if legal elections were allowed in Germany in the '40's? Of course not.
Americans cannot afford to lose sight of this opportunity to take our first step in gaining back our Senate and keeping our House. We need to do this so we can repeal Obamacare, start drilling for oil here, incentivize businesses to create jobs. And maybe, just maybe we can start impeachment proceedings against this monarch-dictator.
If we don't take advantage of this opportunity given to us by our Founding Fathers next November, then we'll have no one to blame for what this monarch-dictator will do in his last two years in our White House, and Americans will get what it deserves. Don't let this happen!
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
At this point there is no need to dredge up all the stories about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, NSA spying, DOJ unlawful acts, IRS spying, and the biggest debacle Obamacare. We all know the stories of how this Monarch-Dictator has handled these horrific stories.
Moreover, we know that as long as the Senate, the DOJ, and even Chief Justice Roberts is part of this monarch and dictatorship we will never have any semblance of accountability to the American people. The most recent evidence of this is yesterday when Fox News reporter, James Rosen, asked Jay Carney a valid question regarding the Benghazi massacre, and the White House spokesman just turned and walked away with no answer at all.
What kind of American president would raise welfare/food stamps 358% since he's been in office? What president would double our national debt to $17.Trillion in his first four years in office? What president would refuse to drill for oil right here in the U.S.A., so that Americans can continue to pay over $4.00 a gallon? What president would shut down memorials that honor the very same Americans that died for the freedoms in this country?
Have you ever known an anti-military president like this monarch-dictator? He is downsizing our military to the weakest it has ever been while at the same time the Jihadist Muslim threats are growing in leaps and bounds.
Can anyone think of a U.S. president that would do this? I know I can't. We all know that the only reason 2,977 UNREAD pages called Obamacare was ever enacted into law is because our Monarch-Dictator-in-chief had the support of a Democrat controlled House & Senate; plus he had Chief Justice Roberts in his back pocket.
However, another great tool Americans must never, ever lose sight of is what our Founding Fathers provided for us; it's called THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Article I, Sections 2,3, and 4 provide all American citizens with the greatest speaking voice we are all entitled to. And that is our right to VOTE in all elections.
Next November, 2014 Americans have the greatest opportunity to overthrow this monarch-dictator in our White House. If we didn't have elections Barack Hussein Obama would realistically become another Adolph Hitler. Do you think Adolph Hitler would have remained in power so long if legal elections were allowed in Germany in the '40's? Of course not.
Americans cannot afford to lose sight of this opportunity to take our first step in gaining back our Senate and keeping our House. We need to do this so we can repeal Obamacare, start drilling for oil here, incentivize businesses to create jobs. And maybe, just maybe we can start impeachment proceedings against this monarch-dictator.
If we don't take advantage of this opportunity given to us by our Founding Fathers next November, then we'll have no one to blame for what this monarch-dictator will do in his last two years in our White House, and Americans will get what it deserves. Don't let this happen!
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Friday, October 18, 2013
So what- just eat it!
We've all heard the horrifying descriptions of Obamacare; "can't even get on the website", "it's a disgrace", "it will ruin our economy", "insurance companies are raising their premiums because of Obamacare", "companies will not invest to expand because of the impending rising Obamacare costs". Had enough? How about "companies laying off employees because of Obamacare", and my all-time favorite, "their website keeps crashing, you can't get on, and yet you'll still get penalized by the IRS if you don't sign up".
Obamacare is being shoved down our throats. It's like your mother telling you to eat what's on your plate, even if you don't like it. Remember, "so what- just eat it".
Hollywood couldn't make a comedy movie of Hitler Jr.'s health care fiasco, and make it any more comical that what's going on now. If it wasn't so true it would actually be comical. It was hilarious when the main stream media was bragging that a woman from Delaware was able to get on the website and get "to choose" what Obamacare plane she wanted. It was later discovered she was the only Delaware resident to successfully get through to the website.
Can you imagine what would be going on now if Obama were a Caucasian Republican? the media would be screaming for his impeachment. And yet none of the networks, except Fox, is broadcasting the horrors of this failed debacle called Obamacare.
This plan, jokingly called the affordable care act, is being proven to be unaffordable to Americans that really need health care. Supposedly several million young adults between the ages of 26-35 need to start paying health care premiums between now and January 1, 2014 for the plan to start working effectively. To date there has only been 51,000 Americans throughout the entire country that have "only selected" a plan they want to try.
Health care is one-sixth of our nation's economy. If Obamacare isn't stopped it will plunge our nation's economy to a depth from which we may never recover. Everyone, even strong liberal Obama supporters are calling for a one-year mandate on Americans to "work out the glitches".
There are no glitches; it's just a failed law that will ruin us if we don't stop it. Obama's fawning media will only report that it's in the trial phase; it's going to be fine someday. Yeah? When?
Even now there is talk that Obama and his supporters are purposely putting glitches in the way until the November, 2014 elections. He doesn't want us to see what a failing debacle his brain child legacy is before we go to the voting polls next November. He's smart enough to know if we get a GOP House AND Senate his Obamacare will be repealed, and he may be impeached.
If our media would just take a year's sabbatical from fawning all over Barry, and just report the facts about his failing plan the GOP would take back the Senate and we could repeal Obamacare, and then work on impeaching him. He's very afraid of that.
The current GOP House tried to defund Obamaacare, and it cost us sixteen days of government shut down. Maybe they should have followed the advice of one of my heroes, Dr. Charles Kraughammer. Dr. Krauthammer famously said, in regards to Obamacare, "If your enemy is committing suicide, stop fighting him, and get out of the room".
Everyone, including liberals and even Hitler Jr. knows Obamacare will implode on its own. Maybe we should just step back and wait for it. You can bet by next November, it will fall all the way down. Then we can vote to get our Senate back, repeal, and then impeach.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
Obamacare is being shoved down our throats. It's like your mother telling you to eat what's on your plate, even if you don't like it. Remember, "so what- just eat it".
Hollywood couldn't make a comedy movie of Hitler Jr.'s health care fiasco, and make it any more comical that what's going on now. If it wasn't so true it would actually be comical. It was hilarious when the main stream media was bragging that a woman from Delaware was able to get on the website and get "to choose" what Obamacare plane she wanted. It was later discovered she was the only Delaware resident to successfully get through to the website.
Can you imagine what would be going on now if Obama were a Caucasian Republican? the media would be screaming for his impeachment. And yet none of the networks, except Fox, is broadcasting the horrors of this failed debacle called Obamacare.
This plan, jokingly called the affordable care act, is being proven to be unaffordable to Americans that really need health care. Supposedly several million young adults between the ages of 26-35 need to start paying health care premiums between now and January 1, 2014 for the plan to start working effectively. To date there has only been 51,000 Americans throughout the entire country that have "only selected" a plan they want to try.
Health care is one-sixth of our nation's economy. If Obamacare isn't stopped it will plunge our nation's economy to a depth from which we may never recover. Everyone, even strong liberal Obama supporters are calling for a one-year mandate on Americans to "work out the glitches".
There are no glitches; it's just a failed law that will ruin us if we don't stop it. Obama's fawning media will only report that it's in the trial phase; it's going to be fine someday. Yeah? When?
Even now there is talk that Obama and his supporters are purposely putting glitches in the way until the November, 2014 elections. He doesn't want us to see what a failing debacle his brain child legacy is before we go to the voting polls next November. He's smart enough to know if we get a GOP House AND Senate his Obamacare will be repealed, and he may be impeached.
If our media would just take a year's sabbatical from fawning all over Barry, and just report the facts about his failing plan the GOP would take back the Senate and we could repeal Obamacare, and then work on impeaching him. He's very afraid of that.
The current GOP House tried to defund Obamaacare, and it cost us sixteen days of government shut down. Maybe they should have followed the advice of one of my heroes, Dr. Charles Kraughammer. Dr. Krauthammer famously said, in regards to Obamacare, "If your enemy is committing suicide, stop fighting him, and get out of the room".
Everyone, including liberals and even Hitler Jr. knows Obamacare will implode on its own. Maybe we should just step back and wait for it. You can bet by next November, it will fall all the way down. Then we can vote to get our Senate back, repeal, and then impeach.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Yipee- we can fail some more!

Maybe I should start feeling selfish for my wife and I. We're 78-years young, and we won't be around when the s**t hits the fan. But I did get some good news this past Sunday at a family barbeque.
My 23-year old granddaughter used to constantly tease me about being a "news junkie", and always joked with me about spending too much time watching Fox. Her infamous remark to me was always, "I won't watch any news...heck I don't even vote, cause I don't want to be part of the problem".
So, while we're munching on burgers and watching our Browns lose 31-17 to Detroit my granddaughter and her fiancee started asking me questions. "hey gramps what about this government shut down"?, then later, " I heard this national debt is going to be $20Trillion by the time Obama leaves office....what does that mean, and who pays for that"?
Gotta tell ya; their questions were like an opening for more questions and opinions so much that most of us forgot about the Browns' losing game to Detroit. So I decided to offer the best analogy I could to my granddaughter and her fiancee.
I said, "Suppose you're making $50,000 a year, and have a credit card that's max'd out at $5,000.
Then the bank says 'don't worry...we'll just raise your limit to $10,000. Soon, you hit that $10,000 credit card limit, and the bank keeps raising your limit. And all this time you're still making only around $50,000 a year. By this time you guys are married and have a couple of kids. Then your husband's company decides to move their production to China where labor is cheaper. Soon you realize your monthly income is much lower then your monthly bills, and while this is going on your wonderful bank keeps telling you 'don't worry...we'll just raise your debt ceiling'.
Then I hit them with my grand finale, "Now imagine our country like your household, except our country does two things; we keep borrowing from China, and we also just print our own money. However, you gotta pay the piper, so someone is going to be on the hook for our huge debt. We must get companies to invest and create more jobs for Americans. If not, then our government will keep raising taxes and kick the can down the road".
My granddaughter asked, "What does that mean to us"? I tried to put it as simply as I could, so I just answered, "Prices and the cost of living will get so bad that you will have to continue borrowing to make ends meet, and our government will do the same....to the point that someday, at the grocery story you'll pay $30.00 for a loaf of bread; $2.00 for the bread, and $28.00 for taxes".
I gave a few more analogies, and then my granddaughter asked the big question: "What are we going to do about this....what can we do"?
We all know my quick response to her: "Start with the first step next November....get out and vote to remove these corrupt entitlement thieves from Congress...that's the most important thing you can do to help this country".
I finished my little talk, facing my granddaughter and said, "Remember when you used to say you wouldn't vote cause you didn't want to be part of the problem? Well, if you don't get out to vote next November you will definitely be part of the problem". She smiled. I could tell I got through to her and her fiancee.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Saturday, October 12, 2013
We'll be OK
Since the dawn of our great nation we have survived the tyranny of Britain, many wars, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and economic collapses. And history has recorded that we have emerged stronger than even before we faced these calamities and tragedies.
Today, this great nation faces maybe the most horrendous tragedy of all. For it is not a war, hurricane, flood, or tornado that lies in our path, but an evil individual that feels confident he can "fundamentally transform" our great free nation into a dictatorship.
This arrogant, self-centered hubris man dictates as if he is above all Americans and sits at the throne of his Allah. Many failures of this great nation have occurred since this man has been in our White House, and yet he has never been made to answer to the American people for any of them.
Benghazi, Fast & Furious, NSA and DOJ unlawful spying, the infamous IRS scandals, his crippling health care plan, the rise in our national debt, increase in welfare population, and most recently denying death benefits to the families of fallen military heroes.
This man is evil, despicable, and should be impeached, as he surly does not deserve to lead our great nation.
No, we cannot awake tomorrow and undo all the horrific damage this man has done in a single day, but I strongly feel confident we will overcome the calamities this man has thrown at us.
The economic, moral, and racial damage this man has done to us is so severe that to overturn his damage it must be done in steps. And as a free society, under the Constitution of this great country we have the opportunity to take our first step next November. Our next step will be November 2016.
Of course it will be a huge gigantic obstacle, and with the main stream media constantly singing the praises of this evil dictator it will be difficult. But nonetheless the opportunity is there for us to embrace. If we do not take advantage of these opportunities then our great country may never recover from what this evil man will do during his last two years in office.
We know he will lie, cheat, steal, and even corrupt precincts and electronic voting machines to retain the Senate and take back the House. We must be ready for him and his fawning media, and stop his corruption.
We must never forget that if we do not take the first step next November, 2014 to stop this evil dictator then America will receive the evil it thinks it wants from this dictator. I pray to God that we will not let this happen.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless this country...and our troops
Today, this great nation faces maybe the most horrendous tragedy of all. For it is not a war, hurricane, flood, or tornado that lies in our path, but an evil individual that feels confident he can "fundamentally transform" our great free nation into a dictatorship.
This arrogant, self-centered hubris man dictates as if he is above all Americans and sits at the throne of his Allah. Many failures of this great nation have occurred since this man has been in our White House, and yet he has never been made to answer to the American people for any of them.
Benghazi, Fast & Furious, NSA and DOJ unlawful spying, the infamous IRS scandals, his crippling health care plan, the rise in our national debt, increase in welfare population, and most recently denying death benefits to the families of fallen military heroes.
This man is evil, despicable, and should be impeached, as he surly does not deserve to lead our great nation.
No, we cannot awake tomorrow and undo all the horrific damage this man has done in a single day, but I strongly feel confident we will overcome the calamities this man has thrown at us.
The economic, moral, and racial damage this man has done to us is so severe that to overturn his damage it must be done in steps. And as a free society, under the Constitution of this great country we have the opportunity to take our first step next November. Our next step will be November 2016.
Of course it will be a huge gigantic obstacle, and with the main stream media constantly singing the praises of this evil dictator it will be difficult. But nonetheless the opportunity is there for us to embrace. If we do not take advantage of these opportunities then our great country may never recover from what this evil man will do during his last two years in office.
We know he will lie, cheat, steal, and even corrupt precincts and electronic voting machines to retain the Senate and take back the House. We must be ready for him and his fawning media, and stop his corruption.
We must never forget that if we do not take the first step next November, 2014 to stop this evil dictator then America will receive the evil it thinks it wants from this dictator. I pray to God that we will not let this happen.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless this country...and our troops
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Only thing we can do
I haven't written a blog in some time for the simple reason is that every time I see something horrific and despicable that this evil Hitler Jr. is doing, he just does something more horrific. I was scratching my head over the horrendous introduction of his signature Obamacare. No one can understand that Americans are not only being fined for not buying a product they don't want; they can't even get on-line to get the darn product. Go figure!
As he was planning to honor Muslims in November, he was closing down National monuments, National parks throughout the country, and war memorials I became outraged. It seemed this evil man never stops in his denigration of our country.
However, as a proud veteran of four years duty in the U.S. Air Force, and a contributing member of the Wounded Warrior Project, the latest episode of this evil Hitler Jr.'s denial to give death benefits to families of fallen heroes is beyond evil. To me it's treasonous and satanic.
But, there is hope folks to push back against this evil man's dictatorship. But we need to do more than write blogs and scream at the TV every day when the news is broadcasted. Have you found yourself doing what my wife and I do just about everyday? As recent as the evening news last night we were both screaming at the TV about what this evil dictator is doing to our country, as if anyone was listening to us.
To date I've written over 200 blogs published on Google, Twitter, Yahoo, and the Tea Party Community website. While I may think that just maybe I can be helpful by informing the few that read my blogs, I realize my heaviest and most impacting ammunition will occur next November when I walk into the voting booth.
This evil dictator becomes more and more like his predecessor, Adolph, every day. I refuse to call this man a Christian. He denigrates all Americans by closing down all memorials that honor our service men and women. But now this evil dictator-in-chief has crossed the line and has done the ultimate in disgracing our country.
We put a rifle, jet plane, helicopter in a young man/woman's hands and ask them to go to a foreign country to defends our nation's freedom. And when the ultimate sacrifice is given by our military heroes this evil man actually refuses to honor the families of these heroes with their death benefits.
Simply put, this man would rather honor his Muslim Brotherhood than our own military heroes that have sacrificed their lives for all of us. What does that tell you about the character of this evil man?
Folks, you can write all the protesting blogs you want, you can get your flags and banners and do all the protesting you want, and like me, you can scream at your TV all night. But the truth really is that the best you can do is vote next November for our GOP to retain the House and take back the Senate.
And we need to write, phone, e-mail, and twitter our House and Senate reps to remind them that Hitler Jr. and Reid have already started to "junk up"and corrupt the voting machines in precincts all across the country. Yes, they will go that far, and most of us know they did it just last November.
Why did Governor Romney carry ALL the states that required voter I.D., while Hitler Jr. carried ALL the states that did not require voter I.D.? How can we account for the voter turn out of over 150% in counties and precincts that voted for their dictator Hitler Jr.? How can we justify that so many precincts voted 100% for Hitler Jr.? Are you saying that Governor Romney didn't even get a single vote in these voting areas?
We now all have the incentive to get the vote out for the GOP, and repeal the laws that this dictator is hurling down on all Americans. Maybe then we can even begin impeachment hearings. We can do this folks. Let's not let this opportunity escape us.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
As he was planning to honor Muslims in November, he was closing down National monuments, National parks throughout the country, and war memorials I became outraged. It seemed this evil man never stops in his denigration of our country.
However, as a proud veteran of four years duty in the U.S. Air Force, and a contributing member of the Wounded Warrior Project, the latest episode of this evil Hitler Jr.'s denial to give death benefits to families of fallen heroes is beyond evil. To me it's treasonous and satanic.
But, there is hope folks to push back against this evil man's dictatorship. But we need to do more than write blogs and scream at the TV every day when the news is broadcasted. Have you found yourself doing what my wife and I do just about everyday? As recent as the evening news last night we were both screaming at the TV about what this evil dictator is doing to our country, as if anyone was listening to us.
To date I've written over 200 blogs published on Google, Twitter, Yahoo, and the Tea Party Community website. While I may think that just maybe I can be helpful by informing the few that read my blogs, I realize my heaviest and most impacting ammunition will occur next November when I walk into the voting booth.
This evil dictator becomes more and more like his predecessor, Adolph, every day. I refuse to call this man a Christian. He denigrates all Americans by closing down all memorials that honor our service men and women. But now this evil dictator-in-chief has crossed the line and has done the ultimate in disgracing our country.
We put a rifle, jet plane, helicopter in a young man/woman's hands and ask them to go to a foreign country to defends our nation's freedom. And when the ultimate sacrifice is given by our military heroes this evil man actually refuses to honor the families of these heroes with their death benefits.
Simply put, this man would rather honor his Muslim Brotherhood than our own military heroes that have sacrificed their lives for all of us. What does that tell you about the character of this evil man?
Folks, you can write all the protesting blogs you want, you can get your flags and banners and do all the protesting you want, and like me, you can scream at your TV all night. But the truth really is that the best you can do is vote next November for our GOP to retain the House and take back the Senate.
And we need to write, phone, e-mail, and twitter our House and Senate reps to remind them that Hitler Jr. and Reid have already started to "junk up"and corrupt the voting machines in precincts all across the country. Yes, they will go that far, and most of us know they did it just last November.
Why did Governor Romney carry ALL the states that required voter I.D., while Hitler Jr. carried ALL the states that did not require voter I.D.? How can we account for the voter turn out of over 150% in counties and precincts that voted for their dictator Hitler Jr.? How can we justify that so many precincts voted 100% for Hitler Jr.? Are you saying that Governor Romney didn't even get a single vote in these voting areas?
We now all have the incentive to get the vote out for the GOP, and repeal the laws that this dictator is hurling down on all Americans. Maybe then we can even begin impeachment hearings. We can do this folks. Let's not let this opportunity escape us.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
If it's so great....
Hitler Jr., Dinghy Harry, and Nut-Case Nancy will stand in front of podiums and teleprompters and openly lie to Americans about Obamacare and expect people to believe them. The sad news is they are getting away with it. Their news briefings are full of lies, and with a straight face tell us how great Obamacare is going to be for us. However, Obamacare is not good enough for them, and their 1,472 friends. And every member of Congress receives 72% subsidy for Obamacare. I guess they really are better than us.
And our great informative ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will not even ask that most infamous question; "If Obamacare is so great why are there so many waivers to it"? Why are these moronic baboons trying to convince Americans that Obamacare will be great for all of us, but will not sign up for it themselves?
If Obamacare is so great why are union leaders asking for more waivers from it, and complaining that the very man they supported for the presidency is shortening the 40-hour work week to 30 hours? In fact, the Teamster's Union sent a scathing letter to the president admonishing him for taking abolishing the 40-hour work week for Americans.
And how 'bout dem glitches? Obama supporters, along with their fawning MSNBC said there were glitches because "so many Americans were hurrying to sign up for this great plan". Of course that's an out-and-out lie. The truth is the system was so faulty that not a single person could get through to register.
Liberals want you to believe many people were trying to get through to register. Truth is if a person tried twenty times, but couldn't get through, the Dems counted that as twenty people, not one person times twenty attempts. Those that did get through, especially the young, opted for penalties rather than sign up.
California, arguably the most liberal state in the country has yet to register a single person in Obamacare. It's the same for Connecticut, Missouri, Kansas; a fact is less than one per cent (1%) of Americans in the entire country have yet to successfully register for Obamacare. Wonder why? I'll tell you; because it's a horrendous, horrific, terrible plan designed to rob one-sixth of America's economy.
Hitler Jr., Reid, and Pelosi want to hurt us so much to make their point that they have even taken to shutting down tourist sights throughout the entire country. Obama is even closing down the WWII soldier's grave site in Normandy, France that is U.S. subsidized.
How evil can a man get to shut down our WWII memorial in D.C. prohibiting our great WWII heroes from visiting this great memorial? How evil is a man that will shut down all the famous memorials throughout the country while he declares November as "National Muslim Month"?
This evil man wants to "fundamentally transform" us into a failed nation while he promotes his Muslim Brotherhood.
In the year 2000 authors A. LeBor and R. Boyes wrote the book "Seduced by Hitler". I strongly encourage all to read this 330-page book. Adolph Hitler didn't start out as the evil maniac monster that he became. He was a great orator. He started out very much like the man living in our White House now. Soon Adolph Hitler, with all his promises began to take over Germany, and the rest of Europe.
More chilling news about Adolph Hitler is that history shows Adolph was very supportive of Islam and the Muslim way of life. Are we sure that Adolph and his protege Barry Soetero don't share the same DNA?
By the way; the latest official word is "the affordable health care web site is temporarily shut down to repair suspected glitches". Yeah, right.
November, 2014 is our only true real hope folks; let's not waste it please. Get the word out now>
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
And our great informative ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will not even ask that most infamous question; "If Obamacare is so great why are there so many waivers to it"? Why are these moronic baboons trying to convince Americans that Obamacare will be great for all of us, but will not sign up for it themselves?
If Obamacare is so great why are union leaders asking for more waivers from it, and complaining that the very man they supported for the presidency is shortening the 40-hour work week to 30 hours? In fact, the Teamster's Union sent a scathing letter to the president admonishing him for taking abolishing the 40-hour work week for Americans.
And how 'bout dem glitches? Obama supporters, along with their fawning MSNBC said there were glitches because "so many Americans were hurrying to sign up for this great plan". Of course that's an out-and-out lie. The truth is the system was so faulty that not a single person could get through to register.
Liberals want you to believe many people were trying to get through to register. Truth is if a person tried twenty times, but couldn't get through, the Dems counted that as twenty people, not one person times twenty attempts. Those that did get through, especially the young, opted for penalties rather than sign up.
California, arguably the most liberal state in the country has yet to register a single person in Obamacare. It's the same for Connecticut, Missouri, Kansas; a fact is less than one per cent (1%) of Americans in the entire country have yet to successfully register for Obamacare. Wonder why? I'll tell you; because it's a horrendous, horrific, terrible plan designed to rob one-sixth of America's economy.
Hitler Jr., Reid, and Pelosi want to hurt us so much to make their point that they have even taken to shutting down tourist sights throughout the entire country. Obama is even closing down the WWII soldier's grave site in Normandy, France that is U.S. subsidized.
How evil can a man get to shut down our WWII memorial in D.C. prohibiting our great WWII heroes from visiting this great memorial? How evil is a man that will shut down all the famous memorials throughout the country while he declares November as "National Muslim Month"?
This evil man wants to "fundamentally transform" us into a failed nation while he promotes his Muslim Brotherhood.
In the year 2000 authors A. LeBor and R. Boyes wrote the book "Seduced by Hitler". I strongly encourage all to read this 330-page book. Adolph Hitler didn't start out as the evil maniac monster that he became. He was a great orator. He started out very much like the man living in our White House now. Soon Adolph Hitler, with all his promises began to take over Germany, and the rest of Europe.
More chilling news about Adolph Hitler is that history shows Adolph was very supportive of Islam and the Muslim way of life. Are we sure that Adolph and his protege Barry Soetero don't share the same DNA?
By the way; the latest official word is "the affordable health care web site is temporarily shut down to repair suspected glitches". Yeah, right.
November, 2014 is our only true real hope folks; let's not waste it please. Get the word out now>
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Feel the squeeze yet?
My wife and I live in rural Northeast Ohio, and have been fortunate to endure six successful surgeries at the Cleveland Clinic. Three of those surgeries were diagnosed as major surgeries. Of course to this old timer, any surgery is major.
The Cleveland Clinic is located in the heart of Cleveland, Ohio, and has the honor and distinction of being one of the most advanced hospital facilities in the world. Their advanced medical technology is among the cutting edge now and for the future of specialized medicine.
And in today's dire economy the people of Cleveland have been grateful for what the Clinic has provided them, and that is EMPLOYMENT. Yes, the Cleveland Clinic employs thousands of Cleveland workers. For decades thousands of Cleveland workers have depended on the Cleveland Clinic for successful years of employment.
In 2009 the evil man that resides in our White House proclaimed that all medical entities should follow the path of the Cleveland Clinic. Do you remember that particular part of the speech when he said, "the Cleveland Clinic knows how to do it, and they do it right. This affordable health care law will aid in the continued growth and success of this outstanding medical facility in Cleveland, Ohio".
Well, two days ago the Cleveland Clinic announced that due to Obamacare they will need to cut over $300.Million from their operating budget. Furthermore, plans are underway at the Clinic to reduce their work force by 3,000 employees. I am curious; I wonder how many of the 3,000 Cleveland Clinic employees that will be laid off actually voted for this man in our White House.
This man in our White House knew beforehand that his signature trademark Obamacare was going to bankrupt the country and cause economic havoc even before his infamous health care law was enacted. He blatantly lied about his affordable health care plan, beginning with "if you like you plan you can keep it....if you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr.". Even the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has proven this to be a lie by our president.
While this man in our White House, along with his supporting cast of liberal progressive liars, continues to mislead the American public. This is definitely treasonous.
While this treasonous man continues to preach that his health care act will provide affordable health care to millions of Americans, investors are refusing to invest, big companies continue to downsize and lay off employees, mid-size and small businesses continue to cut back on hours to employees. Some employers are now offering less than 29 hours to workers, so they won't have to participate in Obamacare.
While the polls reflect that an overwhelming majority of Americans do not want Obamacare to go into effect October 1st., our White House Hitler Jr. is spending hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers money to hire "navigators" to go around signing up young citizens for this ridiculous plan.
And these "navigators" will have access to ALL your personal and financial data. Isn't that great? Just what we need to help the IRS and NSA; another government group to spy on us.
Whether the navigators are successful in signing up people for Obamacare, what do you think they're going to do with all that personal information about you?
To date there are 1,472 entities that have been granted waivers from participating in Obamacare. They include unions, members of congress, and certain large Demorat donors. However, the good old middle class hard working Americans must either participate or go to a healthcare plan that will increase their premiums or may even cancel their healthcare policy.
A great analogy of this would be to invite guests to your house for dinner, serve them the food you have prepared, and then not put any of your own cooked food on your own plate. Then your guest may ask, "How come you're not eating any of the food you've cooked"? Then you reply, "Oh, I wouldn't eat that crap...it's terrible". Welcome to Obamacare folks.
First the Cleveland Clinic, which will be surely followed by other medical facilities throughout our country, followed by corporations, followed by health care insurance companies dropping customers, or raising premium prices. Can anyone honestly say this is what the American people want? The latest is even hard working Americans may not be able to keep their Doctors and their policies.
The only people who believe Obamacare is "a good deal" are those that are getting health care coverage free with no strings attached. Instead of focusing on tort reform and purchasing healthcare policies across state lines, we force hard working Americans to pay for healthcare for those that do not work.
Years ago my Dad had a saying, "the guy who puts two sandwiches in a brown bag and goes to work every day is the one getting squeezed in this country". Are you feeling squeezed yet?
This man in our White House is treasonous; and must be impeached right after his Obamacare is repealed.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
The Cleveland Clinic is located in the heart of Cleveland, Ohio, and has the honor and distinction of being one of the most advanced hospital facilities in the world. Their advanced medical technology is among the cutting edge now and for the future of specialized medicine.
And in today's dire economy the people of Cleveland have been grateful for what the Clinic has provided them, and that is EMPLOYMENT. Yes, the Cleveland Clinic employs thousands of Cleveland workers. For decades thousands of Cleveland workers have depended on the Cleveland Clinic for successful years of employment.
In 2009 the evil man that resides in our White House proclaimed that all medical entities should follow the path of the Cleveland Clinic. Do you remember that particular part of the speech when he said, "the Cleveland Clinic knows how to do it, and they do it right. This affordable health care law will aid in the continued growth and success of this outstanding medical facility in Cleveland, Ohio".
Well, two days ago the Cleveland Clinic announced that due to Obamacare they will need to cut over $300.Million from their operating budget. Furthermore, plans are underway at the Clinic to reduce their work force by 3,000 employees. I am curious; I wonder how many of the 3,000 Cleveland Clinic employees that will be laid off actually voted for this man in our White House.
This man in our White House knew beforehand that his signature trademark Obamacare was going to bankrupt the country and cause economic havoc even before his infamous health care law was enacted. He blatantly lied about his affordable health care plan, beginning with "if you like you plan you can keep it....if you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr.". Even the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has proven this to be a lie by our president.
While this man in our White House, along with his supporting cast of liberal progressive liars, continues to mislead the American public. This is definitely treasonous.
While this treasonous man continues to preach that his health care act will provide affordable health care to millions of Americans, investors are refusing to invest, big companies continue to downsize and lay off employees, mid-size and small businesses continue to cut back on hours to employees. Some employers are now offering less than 29 hours to workers, so they won't have to participate in Obamacare.
While the polls reflect that an overwhelming majority of Americans do not want Obamacare to go into effect October 1st., our White House Hitler Jr. is spending hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers money to hire "navigators" to go around signing up young citizens for this ridiculous plan.
And these "navigators" will have access to ALL your personal and financial data. Isn't that great? Just what we need to help the IRS and NSA; another government group to spy on us.
Whether the navigators are successful in signing up people for Obamacare, what do you think they're going to do with all that personal information about you?
To date there are 1,472 entities that have been granted waivers from participating in Obamacare. They include unions, members of congress, and certain large Demorat donors. However, the good old middle class hard working Americans must either participate or go to a healthcare plan that will increase their premiums or may even cancel their healthcare policy.
A great analogy of this would be to invite guests to your house for dinner, serve them the food you have prepared, and then not put any of your own cooked food on your own plate. Then your guest may ask, "How come you're not eating any of the food you've cooked"? Then you reply, "Oh, I wouldn't eat that crap...it's terrible". Welcome to Obamacare folks.
First the Cleveland Clinic, which will be surely followed by other medical facilities throughout our country, followed by corporations, followed by health care insurance companies dropping customers, or raising premium prices. Can anyone honestly say this is what the American people want? The latest is even hard working Americans may not be able to keep their Doctors and their policies.
The only people who believe Obamacare is "a good deal" are those that are getting health care coverage free with no strings attached. Instead of focusing on tort reform and purchasing healthcare policies across state lines, we force hard working Americans to pay for healthcare for those that do not work.
Years ago my Dad had a saying, "the guy who puts two sandwiches in a brown bag and goes to work every day is the one getting squeezed in this country". Are you feeling squeezed yet?
This man in our White House is treasonous; and must be impeached right after his Obamacare is repealed.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Something's wrong with my guns!
Yesterday morning I went to the pistol range with my two .38's and my .357. I fired over 300 rounds at stationary targets, and had a great time.
When I returned home I put my 300 spent casings in the tumbler to clean for my reloading later. Then I thoroughly cleaned all three firearms. I love the look and feel of a stainless steel firearm after its cleaned and polished.
Then I placed my three firearms in the designated areas in the house, informed my wife, and told her all three firearms were loaded. Then I headed for the shower to get ready for lunch.
Then a strange phenomenon occurred for several hours after I placed the guns in their designated locations. The three firearms did not move at all. I kept looking in on the two .38's and the .357, and they remained motionless.
I couldn't get over it. All three firearms remained still, and did not rise up and shoot at any target or person for that matter. I knew something was wrong. I silently kept reminding myself what the gun-control advocates have been telling us for a long time now. The advocates keep telling us that these horrible weapons are solely responsible for killing people. These guns must be taken away from Second Amendment, law abiding citizens.
The firearms used in Tucson, Aurora movie theater, Newtown, D.C. Naval Yard, and on the streets of Chicago just yesterday appeared on their own and mysteriously began firing. No humans were involved in the firing of these weapons.
Sorry that I'm taking so long to write this blog. Every few minutes I stop typing, and go check up on my firearms in the house. Yep, they're still laying their motionless. According to the gun control advocates maybe my firearms would just rise up and start firing away on their own.
CBS, CNN, and MSNBC, along with many Democrat congressional leaders like Barbara Feinstein claimed the Naval Yard massacre occured because of the AR-15 assault weapon. At first CNN and CBS in their eagerness to "be first" even identified the wrong man as the shooter, and kept reporting about the AR-15 used in the shooting.
Please excuse me for a minute....I'm going to check on my firearms to see if they've moved at all. I'm back again, and my firearms are still not moving.
Have you ever given any thought what would happen if all law-abiding Second Amendment citizens had to surrender their hunting rifles, and handguns, and all firearms? Simply put, "if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns".
I can't seem to get an answer from a gun control advocate when I ask them, "Why is the highest gun crime in the U.S. in cities that have gun-free communities? Their only answer is a long drawn out diatribe that ALL guns must be taken off the streets. When I ask if they think criminals will surrender their firearms they just continue with some senseless diatribe.
Believe it or not; some even blame gun crimes on the poverty that Bush started, so of course, "IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT". Of course I always expect that when Democrats are stuck for an intelligent answer.
Some of the finest law-abiding, Second Amendment loving citizens I've ever met have been on the pistol range shooting at stationary targets with their .38's, .22's, 9mm.'s, etc. Has anyone ever seen a thug criminal on the pistol range? I never have.
Yep, my firearms are still laying there as I left them. Do you think that just maybe, "guns don't kill people....people kill people".
By the way, this week there will be over a thousand car accidents in the country, and over one hundred killed in car accidents. Will you please help me in my quest to take all automobiles off the highways so we can save prevent auto accidents and save hundreds of citizens. Can I count on your help?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
When I returned home I put my 300 spent casings in the tumbler to clean for my reloading later. Then I thoroughly cleaned all three firearms. I love the look and feel of a stainless steel firearm after its cleaned and polished.
Then I placed my three firearms in the designated areas in the house, informed my wife, and told her all three firearms were loaded. Then I headed for the shower to get ready for lunch.
Then a strange phenomenon occurred for several hours after I placed the guns in their designated locations. The three firearms did not move at all. I kept looking in on the two .38's and the .357, and they remained motionless.
I couldn't get over it. All three firearms remained still, and did not rise up and shoot at any target or person for that matter. I knew something was wrong. I silently kept reminding myself what the gun-control advocates have been telling us for a long time now. The advocates keep telling us that these horrible weapons are solely responsible for killing people. These guns must be taken away from Second Amendment, law abiding citizens.
The firearms used in Tucson, Aurora movie theater, Newtown, D.C. Naval Yard, and on the streets of Chicago just yesterday appeared on their own and mysteriously began firing. No humans were involved in the firing of these weapons.
Sorry that I'm taking so long to write this blog. Every few minutes I stop typing, and go check up on my firearms in the house. Yep, they're still laying their motionless. According to the gun control advocates maybe my firearms would just rise up and start firing away on their own.
CBS, CNN, and MSNBC, along with many Democrat congressional leaders like Barbara Feinstein claimed the Naval Yard massacre occured because of the AR-15 assault weapon. At first CNN and CBS in their eagerness to "be first" even identified the wrong man as the shooter, and kept reporting about the AR-15 used in the shooting.
Please excuse me for a minute....I'm going to check on my firearms to see if they've moved at all. I'm back again, and my firearms are still not moving.
Have you ever given any thought what would happen if all law-abiding Second Amendment citizens had to surrender their hunting rifles, and handguns, and all firearms? Simply put, "if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns".
I can't seem to get an answer from a gun control advocate when I ask them, "Why is the highest gun crime in the U.S. in cities that have gun-free communities? Their only answer is a long drawn out diatribe that ALL guns must be taken off the streets. When I ask if they think criminals will surrender their firearms they just continue with some senseless diatribe.
Believe it or not; some even blame gun crimes on the poverty that Bush started, so of course, "IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT". Of course I always expect that when Democrats are stuck for an intelligent answer.
Some of the finest law-abiding, Second Amendment loving citizens I've ever met have been on the pistol range shooting at stationary targets with their .38's, .22's, 9mm.'s, etc. Has anyone ever seen a thug criminal on the pistol range? I never have.
Yep, my firearms are still laying there as I left them. Do you think that just maybe, "guns don't kill people....people kill people".
By the way, this week there will be over a thousand car accidents in the country, and over one hundred killed in car accidents. Will you please help me in my quest to take all automobiles off the highways so we can save prevent auto accidents and save hundreds of citizens. Can I count on your help?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Sunday, September 15, 2013
what are you complaining for?
Short blog today. Watching my Brownies play the Ravens, and switching over to hope that Furyk wins the BMW golf tournament today.
Talk about buyer's remorse. All that you read about, hear on the radio, and see on TV is what a horrible job this president is doing. Well folks, millions of us saw this in 2008, and voted the right way, but with the aid of a fawning media and some "suspect" balloting, the "community-organizer-in-chief" managed to attain residency in our White House.
You would think America saw the "signs" back then. First he proclaimed he was going to "fundamentally transform" our great country. Many G.W. Bush haters, along with the progressive left wing liberals, thought this was a great idea. Then he surrounds himself with unqualified friends that will agree with everything he does and proposes. I mean, really, Holder, Jarret, Axelrod, Cutter, and maybe a very clear signal was his VP selection, Joe Biden. Then, this man, elected to the highest office in the land, travels to other countries with apologetic speeches about all the "faults" our great country.
Did anyone really believe that a man with no job experience, no military experience, and having served only 143 days as a Senator, that voted "present" nearly all the time, could really become the leader of the free world?
Remember that famous saying, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me"? My point is we Americans have no one really to blame on the way this man is trying to ruin our country but ourselves. You'd think we would've learned from the first four years, but no, not us. I remember an acquaintance of mine that said he's was going to vote for Obama again, because "he needs another four years to fix the mess that Bush got us into". Now that's true Obama loyalty for you.
Why continue to blame this poor inept man who has no idea whatsoever about being a leader. Hey, I would like the job of being President. I'd appoint my lawyer cousin as Attorney General.
Then my crazy high school brawling friend Bob would be Secretary of Defense. My good friend Ted would be my national security adviser, with my wife as my Vice President.
I would have a blast. It would be great. I mean, if you citizens are crazy enough to vote me in office I will accept the job. Just think what I'd be doing; living in that great big house with parties every Wednesday with Hollywood stars, scores of Secret Service opening doors for me, while guarding me. Dining on festive lavish dinners with leaders of other countries, with photo ops.
And every time a problem would arise, I would just call it a "phony scandal", and lie about it in front of my teleprompters. When something occurred that really needed attention, I'd just send out one of my friends that I gave good positions to, then go golfing. I would promise the unions, and all my donors everything they wanted, then just lie about it.
It would be great. Golfing with my buddies, vacationing with my wife to exotic places while you stupid Americans pay for it. Wow, is this a great country or what?
Well, the truth is that you Americans really would be stupid for voting me into the highest office in the land. But then, isn't that what you did do, not once, but TWICE, so what are you complaining about so much.
And you know the truth? I could do just as good job as the guy that's in there now. We'd sure be drilling and fracking, and telling the middle east to "pound salt".
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Talk about buyer's remorse. All that you read about, hear on the radio, and see on TV is what a horrible job this president is doing. Well folks, millions of us saw this in 2008, and voted the right way, but with the aid of a fawning media and some "suspect" balloting, the "community-organizer-in-chief" managed to attain residency in our White House.
You would think America saw the "signs" back then. First he proclaimed he was going to "fundamentally transform" our great country. Many G.W. Bush haters, along with the progressive left wing liberals, thought this was a great idea. Then he surrounds himself with unqualified friends that will agree with everything he does and proposes. I mean, really, Holder, Jarret, Axelrod, Cutter, and maybe a very clear signal was his VP selection, Joe Biden. Then, this man, elected to the highest office in the land, travels to other countries with apologetic speeches about all the "faults" our great country.
Did anyone really believe that a man with no job experience, no military experience, and having served only 143 days as a Senator, that voted "present" nearly all the time, could really become the leader of the free world?
Remember that famous saying, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me"? My point is we Americans have no one really to blame on the way this man is trying to ruin our country but ourselves. You'd think we would've learned from the first four years, but no, not us. I remember an acquaintance of mine that said he's was going to vote for Obama again, because "he needs another four years to fix the mess that Bush got us into". Now that's true Obama loyalty for you.
Why continue to blame this poor inept man who has no idea whatsoever about being a leader. Hey, I would like the job of being President. I'd appoint my lawyer cousin as Attorney General.
Then my crazy high school brawling friend Bob would be Secretary of Defense. My good friend Ted would be my national security adviser, with my wife as my Vice President.
I would have a blast. It would be great. I mean, if you citizens are crazy enough to vote me in office I will accept the job. Just think what I'd be doing; living in that great big house with parties every Wednesday with Hollywood stars, scores of Secret Service opening doors for me, while guarding me. Dining on festive lavish dinners with leaders of other countries, with photo ops.
And every time a problem would arise, I would just call it a "phony scandal", and lie about it in front of my teleprompters. When something occurred that really needed attention, I'd just send out one of my friends that I gave good positions to, then go golfing. I would promise the unions, and all my donors everything they wanted, then just lie about it.
It would be great. Golfing with my buddies, vacationing with my wife to exotic places while you stupid Americans pay for it. Wow, is this a great country or what?
Well, the truth is that you Americans really would be stupid for voting me into the highest office in the land. But then, isn't that what you did do, not once, but TWICE, so what are you complaining about so much.
And you know the truth? I could do just as good job as the guy that's in there now. We'd sure be drilling and fracking, and telling the middle east to "pound salt".
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
You think we're stupid?
I mean, really, Mr. President, how stupid do you think the American people are? Do you honestly think any of us are buying what you're saying and doing now? The only person that's happy with you right now is former president Jimmy Carter. You're making him seem like a decisive warrior. Do you think we don't know what you're doing? Or should I write, what you're not doing?
After you actually threatened to attack Syria you discovered that an overwhelming majority of Americans, including many in your own Democrat party did not want any type of attack in Syria. So you go on national TV and almost in the same sentence of speaking of an attack on Syria you almost whisper, "but I'll wait for Congress to vote on it".
You couldn't even get support from your Hollywood gang. I never saw the likes of Springsteen, Sarandon, Clooney, Moore, Jay-Z, Hanks, etc., along with the rest of your Hollywood posse remain so silent. It was laughable. So there you were in a hole you couldn't dig out of.
And talk about stupid mixed messages. Kerry comes out and with a strong presidential message supporting your stance with a promise to take action against Syria slaughtering it's people with chemical weapons, with a promise you were definitely going to move forward with or without Congress.
Later, you stand in front of a teleprompter for seventeen minutes with your usual diatribe of "I", "me", and "mine", expecting the American people to believe your comment that you're going to wait for Congress to decide. As I wrote earlier; do you think we're stupid? You are so spineless, you couldn't even stand by your 2012 "red line" decision.
Even your fawning slave media began to question your leadership. Well there is that Sharpton guy over at MSNBC, who still thinks you're the greatest. Of course we know of his credibility.
Even your famous "thrill up my leg" Chrissy Matthews began to question you.
And what happens while you shrink into the background, unable to make a decision, and desperately seeking someone to lead? Here comes one of our country's worst adversaries, Vladimar Putin, and what does old shirtless Vlad do? He makes you look like he's your pimp, and you're his b****.
In just a few hours Vladimar Putin turned you into the biggest disgrace the office of the Presidency has ever known. Late night TV comics made you the blunt of their jokes. One even suggested we trade to Russia for Putin. Another TV comic said to his audience that your ratings have dropped so low that even Kenya is denying your were born there.
Have you felt the tide starting to turn a little Mr. President? And it couldn't come at a better time. We're just a little over a year from the mid-term 2014 elections. Thank you for all the ammunition. Here we come Mr. Disgracer-in-Chief.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
After you actually threatened to attack Syria you discovered that an overwhelming majority of Americans, including many in your own Democrat party did not want any type of attack in Syria. So you go on national TV and almost in the same sentence of speaking of an attack on Syria you almost whisper, "but I'll wait for Congress to vote on it".
You couldn't even get support from your Hollywood gang. I never saw the likes of Springsteen, Sarandon, Clooney, Moore, Jay-Z, Hanks, etc., along with the rest of your Hollywood posse remain so silent. It was laughable. So there you were in a hole you couldn't dig out of.
And talk about stupid mixed messages. Kerry comes out and with a strong presidential message supporting your stance with a promise to take action against Syria slaughtering it's people with chemical weapons, with a promise you were definitely going to move forward with or without Congress.
Later, you stand in front of a teleprompter for seventeen minutes with your usual diatribe of "I", "me", and "mine", expecting the American people to believe your comment that you're going to wait for Congress to decide. As I wrote earlier; do you think we're stupid? You are so spineless, you couldn't even stand by your 2012 "red line" decision.
Even your fawning slave media began to question your leadership. Well there is that Sharpton guy over at MSNBC, who still thinks you're the greatest. Of course we know of his credibility.
Even your famous "thrill up my leg" Chrissy Matthews began to question you.
And what happens while you shrink into the background, unable to make a decision, and desperately seeking someone to lead? Here comes one of our country's worst adversaries, Vladimar Putin, and what does old shirtless Vlad do? He makes you look like he's your pimp, and you're his b****.
In just a few hours Vladimar Putin turned you into the biggest disgrace the office of the Presidency has ever known. Late night TV comics made you the blunt of their jokes. One even suggested we trade to Russia for Putin. Another TV comic said to his audience that your ratings have dropped so low that even Kenya is denying your were born there.
Have you felt the tide starting to turn a little Mr. President? And it couldn't come at a better time. We're just a little over a year from the mid-term 2014 elections. Thank you for all the ammunition. Here we come Mr. Disgracer-in-Chief.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Something's wrong with me!
I think my wife may have spiked my coffee with something this morning. What the heck is wrong with me? I mean, really, I'm a good American. I grew up with this strong disdain, and even hatred at times, for the infamous USSR, Communism, and don't even get me started on the infamous KGB.
I proudly wore the U.S. Air Force uniform for four years, went on to college, and lived the good American life. Speeding and parking tickets are the only laws I've ever broken. I just love this great U.S.A. I live in.
I never thought global issues surrounding the U.S. and the world would get as confusing and mixed up as they have become lately. I'm having a tough time having more confidence in a former KGB agent, who is the former USSR prime minister, and the current president of Russia than I am in our own current American president.
This spineless man that plays golf from our White House is more interested in his legacy and what is good for him, then he is in what's good for the people of our country. Does anyone believe he cares what Americans want? Of course he doesn't. He only wants what's good for him.
There are evil dictators all over the world slaughtering their own people, however these tragic stories don't even make our evening news programs. With the exception of a few humanitarian assists, and some Hollywood types that want to feel good about themselves like Clooney and Angelie, our own U.S. along with the U.N. Council, does just about nothing to stop the genocide that occurs daily in these dictator run countries.
And we all know why, but hide behind the truth don't we? These other countries have nothing to offer the human race except dirt and dirty water. And, of course, we all know why we jump like kangaroos when there's a "burp" anywhere in the middle east. The answer is OIL!!
As a father of six and a grandfather of nine, my heart sinks and I shed tears when I see children suffering from chemical weapons in the streets of Syria. But you know what would cause me to shed more tears; if chemical warfare happened here on American soil to our own children.
I know I may catch some flak for this, but what's going on in Syria is NONE OF OUR DAM BUSINESS! And it doesn't take a brain storm to realize that Putin is only doing this "aid", so that he can control the flow of oil and energy. You know what will happen then.
And if we fracked and drilled for our own oil here and in Alaska, and built more refineries, we could become energy independent, and thumb our noses at the evil dictator Asaad, and Putin. Why go into Syria, give arms to Islam radicals that hate the U.S. anyway, and will most likely turn those weapons on our own assets someday.
Citizens of Syria should find their own leader and over-take the evil Asaad. We have no business spending time and funds to arm and free up rebels that hate us. Yes, it's sad and horrible that Asaad is using chemicals to kill his own children. But, while this may sound caustic, can our children here in the U.S. be assured that those children we save won't grow up to take up arms against our own children someday? Of course not.
I have several reasons for my strong dislike of our president Hitler Jr., but my utter disgust, disdain, and hatred stems mostly from his refusal to push for our own country to become energy independent by drilling and fracking right here in our own country. Tens of thousands of Americans could be put back to work while drilling and fracking. Gasoline prices at the pumps would plummet.
These are the main reasons I continue to question why this Hitler Jr. will continue to buy oil from his Muslim people, instead of helping grow our own economy here. I know something is wrong with me; I don't trust Putin, but I respect him more than our own Hitler Jr.
Hitler Jr. must be impeached. He's destroying our country from within.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
I proudly wore the U.S. Air Force uniform for four years, went on to college, and lived the good American life. Speeding and parking tickets are the only laws I've ever broken. I just love this great U.S.A. I live in.
I never thought global issues surrounding the U.S. and the world would get as confusing and mixed up as they have become lately. I'm having a tough time having more confidence in a former KGB agent, who is the former USSR prime minister, and the current president of Russia than I am in our own current American president.
This spineless man that plays golf from our White House is more interested in his legacy and what is good for him, then he is in what's good for the people of our country. Does anyone believe he cares what Americans want? Of course he doesn't. He only wants what's good for him.
There are evil dictators all over the world slaughtering their own people, however these tragic stories don't even make our evening news programs. With the exception of a few humanitarian assists, and some Hollywood types that want to feel good about themselves like Clooney and Angelie, our own U.S. along with the U.N. Council, does just about nothing to stop the genocide that occurs daily in these dictator run countries.
And we all know why, but hide behind the truth don't we? These other countries have nothing to offer the human race except dirt and dirty water. And, of course, we all know why we jump like kangaroos when there's a "burp" anywhere in the middle east. The answer is OIL!!
As a father of six and a grandfather of nine, my heart sinks and I shed tears when I see children suffering from chemical weapons in the streets of Syria. But you know what would cause me to shed more tears; if chemical warfare happened here on American soil to our own children.
I know I may catch some flak for this, but what's going on in Syria is NONE OF OUR DAM BUSINESS! And it doesn't take a brain storm to realize that Putin is only doing this "aid", so that he can control the flow of oil and energy. You know what will happen then.
And if we fracked and drilled for our own oil here and in Alaska, and built more refineries, we could become energy independent, and thumb our noses at the evil dictator Asaad, and Putin. Why go into Syria, give arms to Islam radicals that hate the U.S. anyway, and will most likely turn those weapons on our own assets someday.
Citizens of Syria should find their own leader and over-take the evil Asaad. We have no business spending time and funds to arm and free up rebels that hate us. Yes, it's sad and horrible that Asaad is using chemicals to kill his own children. But, while this may sound caustic, can our children here in the U.S. be assured that those children we save won't grow up to take up arms against our own children someday? Of course not.
I have several reasons for my strong dislike of our president Hitler Jr., but my utter disgust, disdain, and hatred stems mostly from his refusal to push for our own country to become energy independent by drilling and fracking right here in our own country. Tens of thousands of Americans could be put back to work while drilling and fracking. Gasoline prices at the pumps would plummet.
These are the main reasons I continue to question why this Hitler Jr. will continue to buy oil from his Muslim people, instead of helping grow our own economy here. I know something is wrong with me; I don't trust Putin, but I respect him more than our own Hitler Jr.
Hitler Jr. must be impeached. He's destroying our country from within.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Whaddya expect?
At first I was going to skip writing a blog today, but as I sit here and watch my Brownies play another season opening loss, (please no Cleveland Browns jokes, I've heard 'em all) I decided to write a blog to help me forget about the game.
My wife walked by and I asked, "got any ideas for a good blog today"? So, as she's leafing through a magazine, without looking up, she responds, "why not write about why this country is expecting so much out of a guy who's nothing more than a community organizer"?
As always, my wife is right (I ain't sleepin' on the couch tonight), so I came to the conclusion Barack Obama as president of the U.S. is like allowing me to perform brain surgery because I sold medical equipment for thirty years and knew all the medical terms.
Did we really expect this man to make any effective leadership decisions, when his only experience is that of a community organizer? Sure he looks good in a blue suit, and he is very adept at reading a teleprompter, but come on people, what else has he done?
It's so bad that 51% of Americans voted for a man that "claims" to have credentials that cannot and will never be verified. There are some major issues, however, that we do know about this man. First of all, the only "job" this man ever held was that of a community organizer. By the way, what does a community organizer really do? Let me know if you ever find out OK?
This man puts a whole new meaning to "leading from behind". He certainly knows how to lead from behind all right.....way behind; like from another planet. Whenever a tragedy or crisis arises testing the mettle of our country what does this man do? He runs and hides and lets others make a decision. If the decision is correct, which is seldom, he parades out his famous words, "I", "me", and "mine".
And when it's a bad decision or bad result, as is usually the case, this man either denies it, or is nowhere to be found. I am still ready to offer a bottle of 15-year old single malt Scotch to anyone who can tell me where this man was when our Benghazi consulate was under attack.
I am not surprised that no one has contacted me yet to claim their bottle of Scotch.
Just a few days ago, looking sharp in his dark blue suit, teleprompters in place, and his ever loyal Joe Biden at his side, our president announces that he's going to attack Syria. And what does our president do next? Instead of meeting with his generals or cabinet members to discuss strategy, why, instead, he jumps in his golf cart and heads to the links.
I mean, really folks, did you expect anything more from this man? Actually, I should probably thank this man. He's made a "prophet" of me since he first ran for office back in '07. I knew back then this man would turn out this way, but did anyone listen to me...NO, of course not. As my brilliant wife always says to me, "no one's listening to you".
Well, at least I can now brag, "neener, neener, neener, I told you so, so there". Don't know about you, but I'm so looking forward to this upcoming week.
Our president is "taking his show on the road" to try to convince the major TV networks that "attacking Syria is the right thing to do", and as if that isn't enough guess what he's following that up with? On Tuesday, the 10th., he's putting on his pretty blue suit, getting his teleprompters primed up, and at 9:00 PM EST he's going on TV to try to convince the American people that "attacking Syria is the right thing to do".
I know I'm not the only one questioning this overkill. This man must think the American people are really stupid. We know why he's all over the TV networks with his nonsensical plea to attack Syria. It's simply because he knows Congress is not going to approve an attack on Syria, so he's trying to save face with the American people.
I confidently predict this man will ramble on and on to the American people Tuesday night on TV, and make a complete fool of himself, and no one will understand a word he's saying. I almost find myself with pity and feeling sorry for this man...nah, not really. I mean, he's just a community organizer to me.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
My wife walked by and I asked, "got any ideas for a good blog today"? So, as she's leafing through a magazine, without looking up, she responds, "why not write about why this country is expecting so much out of a guy who's nothing more than a community organizer"?
As always, my wife is right (I ain't sleepin' on the couch tonight), so I came to the conclusion Barack Obama as president of the U.S. is like allowing me to perform brain surgery because I sold medical equipment for thirty years and knew all the medical terms.
Did we really expect this man to make any effective leadership decisions, when his only experience is that of a community organizer? Sure he looks good in a blue suit, and he is very adept at reading a teleprompter, but come on people, what else has he done?
It's so bad that 51% of Americans voted for a man that "claims" to have credentials that cannot and will never be verified. There are some major issues, however, that we do know about this man. First of all, the only "job" this man ever held was that of a community organizer. By the way, what does a community organizer really do? Let me know if you ever find out OK?
This man puts a whole new meaning to "leading from behind". He certainly knows how to lead from behind all right.....way behind; like from another planet. Whenever a tragedy or crisis arises testing the mettle of our country what does this man do? He runs and hides and lets others make a decision. If the decision is correct, which is seldom, he parades out his famous words, "I", "me", and "mine".
And when it's a bad decision or bad result, as is usually the case, this man either denies it, or is nowhere to be found. I am still ready to offer a bottle of 15-year old single malt Scotch to anyone who can tell me where this man was when our Benghazi consulate was under attack.
I am not surprised that no one has contacted me yet to claim their bottle of Scotch.
Just a few days ago, looking sharp in his dark blue suit, teleprompters in place, and his ever loyal Joe Biden at his side, our president announces that he's going to attack Syria. And what does our president do next? Instead of meeting with his generals or cabinet members to discuss strategy, why, instead, he jumps in his golf cart and heads to the links.
I mean, really folks, did you expect anything more from this man? Actually, I should probably thank this man. He's made a "prophet" of me since he first ran for office back in '07. I knew back then this man would turn out this way, but did anyone listen to me...NO, of course not. As my brilliant wife always says to me, "no one's listening to you".
Well, at least I can now brag, "neener, neener, neener, I told you so, so there". Don't know about you, but I'm so looking forward to this upcoming week.
Our president is "taking his show on the road" to try to convince the major TV networks that "attacking Syria is the right thing to do", and as if that isn't enough guess what he's following that up with? On Tuesday, the 10th., he's putting on his pretty blue suit, getting his teleprompters primed up, and at 9:00 PM EST he's going on TV to try to convince the American people that "attacking Syria is the right thing to do".
I know I'm not the only one questioning this overkill. This man must think the American people are really stupid. We know why he's all over the TV networks with his nonsensical plea to attack Syria. It's simply because he knows Congress is not going to approve an attack on Syria, so he's trying to save face with the American people.
I confidently predict this man will ramble on and on to the American people Tuesday night on TV, and make a complete fool of himself, and no one will understand a word he's saying. I almost find myself with pity and feeling sorry for this man...nah, not really. I mean, he's just a community organizer to me.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
'splain someting to me OK Lucy?
I can see the current Obama-Syria scenario playing out on the Lucille Ball TV show "I Love Lucy". Remember when Ricky would act like he was upset and yell out "Lucy, please 'splain someting to me OK"? Us old timers can remember with great laughter when Lucy would do something crazy and Ricky would scratch his head trying to understand what she just did.
What's my point? Well, I listened to Hitler Jr.'s press conference at the G-20 Summit while he was answering questions from the press corps. This man would not give a truthful answer to any question asked of him by the reporters. Never have I watched a person speak so many words without really saying anything truthful, sincere, nor worthwhile.
As he kept rambling on with his "answers" I continued to scratch my head, turning to my wife, asking, "what the heck is he saying? Is he or is he not going to attack Syria"? All this caused, of course, was my wife becoming irritated with me as she responded, "why are you asking me...I can't make heads or tails out of what he's saying....makes no sense to me at all".
So then a reporter asks the fateful question, "Mr. President, if Congress does not approve your request to attack Syria, will you go anyway"? And for the next ten minutes this man rambled, and rambled, and rambled so incoherently that I defy anyone to understand what his major point was. I declare that even he didn't know what he wanted to say. If anyone could really understand what he was saying, please contact me. He actually sounded like that double-talking comedian that Huckabee had on his show Saturday night.
First, in 2012 he threatened Syria with an attack if they "crossed the red line". This threat was seen and heard by billions throughout the world, and so last week our liar-in-chief denies the ever spoke those words. Like I wrote earlier, "someone please 'splain".
When G.W. Bush was president he received the approval of Congress to attack Iraq, along with several U.N. countries, including our strongest ally, England. Today, Hitler Jr. not only is without any support of any other country, it appears our own Congress will not approve his request to attack Syria. He initiates his infamous sequester to weaken our military, and now he wants to send "my military" in harm's way to attack Syria. Well, that's what he said last week. Right now we still don't know what he's going to do. As I said, please 'splain this to me.
Now, we add to that the indecision and back tracking by this man just shows Congress must step forward to impeach this man. This man cannot be allowed to be the leader of this country that he is sworn to protect from all adversaries. He is making a laughing stock of this country to the world.
He attempted to appear so presidential last year when he threw down the gauntlet against Syria with his red line threat. At first the very same Democrats that condemned George Bush for attacking Iraq and initially supporting Hitler Jr. are now slowly beginning to withdraw their support of attacking Syria.
Now it appears that our very own president is standing alone with his 2012 red line threat of attacking Syria. Suddenly, the U.S. president is withdrawing his red line threat, stating "I never threatened Syria with a red line threat". Then in his arrogant hubris manner he proudly states, "my credibility is not on the line here...Congress and the American people's credibility is on the line".
Really, is this the type of indecisive leader our country wants or needs now? Of course not! We need a strong leader; someone who represents all American citizens. We are being ridiculed and laughed at by other countries, especially the mid-east countries. This is certainly not what the American people want or need right now.
This Tuesday Hitler Jr. will be speaking via TV to the American people. I can't wait for his double talk as he tries to 'splain to the American people what he's going to do.
If we had a fair media, and a fair Senate, and a fair minded Supreme Court Justice this man would be in the midst of impeachment hearings right now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
What's my point? Well, I listened to Hitler Jr.'s press conference at the G-20 Summit while he was answering questions from the press corps. This man would not give a truthful answer to any question asked of him by the reporters. Never have I watched a person speak so many words without really saying anything truthful, sincere, nor worthwhile.
As he kept rambling on with his "answers" I continued to scratch my head, turning to my wife, asking, "what the heck is he saying? Is he or is he not going to attack Syria"? All this caused, of course, was my wife becoming irritated with me as she responded, "why are you asking me...I can't make heads or tails out of what he's saying....makes no sense to me at all".
So then a reporter asks the fateful question, "Mr. President, if Congress does not approve your request to attack Syria, will you go anyway"? And for the next ten minutes this man rambled, and rambled, and rambled so incoherently that I defy anyone to understand what his major point was. I declare that even he didn't know what he wanted to say. If anyone could really understand what he was saying, please contact me. He actually sounded like that double-talking comedian that Huckabee had on his show Saturday night.
First, in 2012 he threatened Syria with an attack if they "crossed the red line". This threat was seen and heard by billions throughout the world, and so last week our liar-in-chief denies the ever spoke those words. Like I wrote earlier, "someone please 'splain".
When G.W. Bush was president he received the approval of Congress to attack Iraq, along with several U.N. countries, including our strongest ally, England. Today, Hitler Jr. not only is without any support of any other country, it appears our own Congress will not approve his request to attack Syria. He initiates his infamous sequester to weaken our military, and now he wants to send "my military" in harm's way to attack Syria. Well, that's what he said last week. Right now we still don't know what he's going to do. As I said, please 'splain this to me.
Now, we add to that the indecision and back tracking by this man just shows Congress must step forward to impeach this man. This man cannot be allowed to be the leader of this country that he is sworn to protect from all adversaries. He is making a laughing stock of this country to the world.
He attempted to appear so presidential last year when he threw down the gauntlet against Syria with his red line threat. At first the very same Democrats that condemned George Bush for attacking Iraq and initially supporting Hitler Jr. are now slowly beginning to withdraw their support of attacking Syria.
Now it appears that our very own president is standing alone with his 2012 red line threat of attacking Syria. Suddenly, the U.S. president is withdrawing his red line threat, stating "I never threatened Syria with a red line threat". Then in his arrogant hubris manner he proudly states, "my credibility is not on the line here...Congress and the American people's credibility is on the line".
Really, is this the type of indecisive leader our country wants or needs now? Of course not! We need a strong leader; someone who represents all American citizens. We are being ridiculed and laughed at by other countries, especially the mid-east countries. This is certainly not what the American people want or need right now.
This Tuesday Hitler Jr. will be speaking via TV to the American people. I can't wait for his double talk as he tries to 'splain to the American people what he's going to do.
If we had a fair media, and a fair Senate, and a fair minded Supreme Court Justice this man would be in the midst of impeachment hearings right now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
Friday, September 6, 2013
Crisis after crisis after crisis!
OK, can you guess what all these "news stories" have in common; Benghazi, IRS spying, DOJ spying, Fast & Furious, $17.Trillion national debt, Obmacare, unemployment, jobs, our failing economy, welfare, and of course, Joe Biden. OK, have you guessed what all these topics have in common? Sure you have!
Well, I've concluded through one of great news surveys, that all the aforementioned topics have not been talked about for over a week now. Syria, Syria, Syria, Asaad, Asaad; now there, I've written it; the only words that are highlighting all the news reporting for the past week. Oh yes, let's not forget the other two favorite words; red line.
Remember when Rahm Emanuel said, "never let a good crisis go to waste"? Well, this current administration has taken it one step further. King Hitler Jr., along with his followers and his slave media now is taking the stance: LET'S CONTINUE TO CREATE CRISIS AFTER CRISIS SO THAT AMERICANS WON'T TAKE THE TIME TO FOCUS ON THE TRUE ISSUES HARMING THE COUNTRY TODAY, ALONG WITH THE PREVIOUS CRISIS.
I remember a time when all the news reports were about illegal guns crossing the Mexican border, and one of those illegal weapons killed our own border patrol agent. Yes, we even nick-named it "Fast & Furious". In fact, congress was getting "uncomfortably close" to indicting Eric Holder and his merry band for criminal behavior. Then presto, the investigation went away, as we noticed another crisis emerging on the horizon.
Suddenly, we were all shocked at the news outbreak of a terrorist massacre in our American Benghazi consulate. Ambassador Stevens, along with three American heroes were slaughtered by radical Islamic terrorists. Soon the Benghazi massacre became the number one news story, and "fast & furious", along with the death of the border agent was soon forgotten.
Then along came the IRS spying on conservative businesses, and Benghazi was forgotten. The IRS and Lois Lerner were almost immediately forgotten with the advent of the NSA spying on Americans.
With all these scenarios floating throughout Hitler Jr.'s slave media it was easy to get confused and focus on any one definitive issue. Seems as though these media scenarios were actually created. Remember when Hitler Jr. called these issues "phony scandals made up by Republicans"? Gee, Mr. President, it wasn't the GOP or Tea Party that made up these "scandals".....it was you, with the help of your slave media.
Last year Hitler Jr. sat back and did nothing while over 100,000 Syrians were slaughtered by their president Asaad. Hitler Jr. tried to sound presidential and said if Asaad used chemical warfare against his own people, that would be considered "crossing the red line".
Remember recently Hitler Jr. went on a bus tour to promise middle class citizens that the economy and jobs were his number one priority. The slave media won't tell you that Hitler Jr.'s job approval ratings dropped significantly while he was touring the states with his false promises.
Nothing seemed to work for this man. He seemed to be failing in all his endeavors, including the ever-rising national debt, unemployment, IRS, NSA, Benghazi, and on and on. Soon his own supporters seemed to question him, while his ratings continue to drop more and more.
And then just when Americans began to think about all the issues confronting our country it seemed another "saving crisis" appeared; Asaad used chemical warfare on 1,426 of its own citizens, including women and children.
And just like that, another "crisis" appears and presto, soon the American people, with the help of the slave media, all too soon forget about our failing economy, unemployment, food stamp crisis, Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, and all the other failures to our country initiated by Hitler Jr.
It's clear our country needs a strong decisive leader to challenge the pitfalls that face our great nation today. It's also clear that Hitler Jr. is not the man for the job. When a serious crisis arrives on the scene you can bet Hitler Jr. can be found at a fund-raiser or on the golf course.
It's gone so far that late night comedians are even making Hitler Jr. the blunt of jokes belying his failures. We will never know what truly happened in Benghazi, Lois Lerner of the IRS will continue to get paid, and probably even promoted, Eric Holder will continue to avoid the fast & furious criminal fiasco, the NSA will continue to spy on Americans, and before Hitler Jr. leaves office our national debt will be close to $20.Trillion.
President Bush had fifty countries supporting him when he declared the Iraqi attack on Sadam Hussein. The majority of the slave media, and the progressive liberal Democrats labeled President Bush a war-monger, and called him names unfit to write in this blog.
Yet, today, because of his "red line" mistake and his ego Hitler Jr. wants to insert out military into an unknown civil war. The community organizer in chief announced last week he wants to attack, then instead of contacting other country leaders or his generals, he goes golfing.
I know I'm not the only one who has noticed that Hitler Jr. cannot garner one single ally to support him in his ego maniacal move. And have you noticed the very same Democrats who criticized Bush for his attack on Iraq are the Democrats who now support Hitler Jr. with his "lonely" attack on Asaad.
Has anyone else wondered just what the next "tragedy" that Hitler Jr. will conjure up to make us forget Syria, as he fails there, just like he's done to make us forget all the other "scandals" this evil man has conjured up.
My dream is to take back the Senate next November, keep the house, and get Chief Justice Roberts out of Hitler Jr.'s back pocket. Then maybe we can start impeachment proceedings.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Well, I've concluded through one of great news surveys, that all the aforementioned topics have not been talked about for over a week now. Syria, Syria, Syria, Asaad, Asaad; now there, I've written it; the only words that are highlighting all the news reporting for the past week. Oh yes, let's not forget the other two favorite words; red line.
Remember when Rahm Emanuel said, "never let a good crisis go to waste"? Well, this current administration has taken it one step further. King Hitler Jr., along with his followers and his slave media now is taking the stance: LET'S CONTINUE TO CREATE CRISIS AFTER CRISIS SO THAT AMERICANS WON'T TAKE THE TIME TO FOCUS ON THE TRUE ISSUES HARMING THE COUNTRY TODAY, ALONG WITH THE PREVIOUS CRISIS.
I remember a time when all the news reports were about illegal guns crossing the Mexican border, and one of those illegal weapons killed our own border patrol agent. Yes, we even nick-named it "Fast & Furious". In fact, congress was getting "uncomfortably close" to indicting Eric Holder and his merry band for criminal behavior. Then presto, the investigation went away, as we noticed another crisis emerging on the horizon.
Suddenly, we were all shocked at the news outbreak of a terrorist massacre in our American Benghazi consulate. Ambassador Stevens, along with three American heroes were slaughtered by radical Islamic terrorists. Soon the Benghazi massacre became the number one news story, and "fast & furious", along with the death of the border agent was soon forgotten.
Then along came the IRS spying on conservative businesses, and Benghazi was forgotten. The IRS and Lois Lerner were almost immediately forgotten with the advent of the NSA spying on Americans.
With all these scenarios floating throughout Hitler Jr.'s slave media it was easy to get confused and focus on any one definitive issue. Seems as though these media scenarios were actually created. Remember when Hitler Jr. called these issues "phony scandals made up by Republicans"? Gee, Mr. President, it wasn't the GOP or Tea Party that made up these "scandals".....it was you, with the help of your slave media.
Last year Hitler Jr. sat back and did nothing while over 100,000 Syrians were slaughtered by their president Asaad. Hitler Jr. tried to sound presidential and said if Asaad used chemical warfare against his own people, that would be considered "crossing the red line".
Remember recently Hitler Jr. went on a bus tour to promise middle class citizens that the economy and jobs were his number one priority. The slave media won't tell you that Hitler Jr.'s job approval ratings dropped significantly while he was touring the states with his false promises.
Nothing seemed to work for this man. He seemed to be failing in all his endeavors, including the ever-rising national debt, unemployment, IRS, NSA, Benghazi, and on and on. Soon his own supporters seemed to question him, while his ratings continue to drop more and more.
And then just when Americans began to think about all the issues confronting our country it seemed another "saving crisis" appeared; Asaad used chemical warfare on 1,426 of its own citizens, including women and children.
And just like that, another "crisis" appears and presto, soon the American people, with the help of the slave media, all too soon forget about our failing economy, unemployment, food stamp crisis, Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, and all the other failures to our country initiated by Hitler Jr.
It's clear our country needs a strong decisive leader to challenge the pitfalls that face our great nation today. It's also clear that Hitler Jr. is not the man for the job. When a serious crisis arrives on the scene you can bet Hitler Jr. can be found at a fund-raiser or on the golf course.
It's gone so far that late night comedians are even making Hitler Jr. the blunt of jokes belying his failures. We will never know what truly happened in Benghazi, Lois Lerner of the IRS will continue to get paid, and probably even promoted, Eric Holder will continue to avoid the fast & furious criminal fiasco, the NSA will continue to spy on Americans, and before Hitler Jr. leaves office our national debt will be close to $20.Trillion.
President Bush had fifty countries supporting him when he declared the Iraqi attack on Sadam Hussein. The majority of the slave media, and the progressive liberal Democrats labeled President Bush a war-monger, and called him names unfit to write in this blog.
Yet, today, because of his "red line" mistake and his ego Hitler Jr. wants to insert out military into an unknown civil war. The community organizer in chief announced last week he wants to attack, then instead of contacting other country leaders or his generals, he goes golfing.
I know I'm not the only one who has noticed that Hitler Jr. cannot garner one single ally to support him in his ego maniacal move. And have you noticed the very same Democrats who criticized Bush for his attack on Iraq are the Democrats who now support Hitler Jr. with his "lonely" attack on Asaad.
Has anyone else wondered just what the next "tragedy" that Hitler Jr. will conjure up to make us forget Syria, as he fails there, just like he's done to make us forget all the other "scandals" this evil man has conjured up.
My dream is to take back the Senate next November, keep the house, and get Chief Justice Roberts out of Hitler Jr.'s back pocket. Then maybe we can start impeachment proceedings.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
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