Yesterday morning I went to the pistol range with my two .38's and my .357. I fired over 300 rounds at stationary targets, and had a great time.
When I returned home I put my 300 spent casings in the tumbler to clean for my reloading later. Then I thoroughly cleaned all three firearms. I love the look and feel of a stainless steel firearm after its cleaned and polished.
Then I placed my three firearms in the designated areas in the house, informed my wife, and told her all three firearms were loaded. Then I headed for the shower to get ready for lunch.
Then a strange phenomenon occurred for several hours after I placed the guns in their designated locations. The three firearms did not move at all. I kept looking in on the two .38's and the .357, and they remained motionless.
I couldn't get over it. All three firearms remained still, and did not rise up and shoot at any target or person for that matter. I knew something was wrong. I silently kept reminding myself what the gun-control advocates have been telling us for a long time now. The advocates keep telling us that these horrible weapons are solely responsible for killing people. These guns must be taken away from Second Amendment, law abiding citizens.
The firearms used in Tucson, Aurora movie theater, Newtown, D.C. Naval Yard, and on the streets of Chicago just yesterday appeared on their own and mysteriously began firing. No humans were involved in the firing of these weapons.
Sorry that I'm taking so long to write this blog. Every few minutes I stop typing, and go check up on my firearms in the house. Yep, they're still laying their motionless. According to the gun control advocates maybe my firearms would just rise up and start firing away on their own.
CBS, CNN, and MSNBC, along with many Democrat congressional leaders like Barbara Feinstein claimed the Naval Yard massacre occured because of the AR-15 assault weapon. At first CNN and CBS in their eagerness to "be first" even identified the wrong man as the shooter, and kept reporting about the AR-15 used in the shooting.
Please excuse me for a minute....I'm going to check on my firearms to see if they've moved at all. I'm back again, and my firearms are still not moving.
Have you ever given any thought what would happen if all law-abiding Second Amendment citizens had to surrender their hunting rifles, and handguns, and all firearms? Simply put, "if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns".
I can't seem to get an answer from a gun control advocate when I ask them, "Why is the highest gun crime in the U.S. in cities that have gun-free communities? Their only answer is a long drawn out diatribe that ALL guns must be taken off the streets. When I ask if they think criminals will surrender their firearms they just continue with some senseless diatribe.
Believe it or not; some even blame gun crimes on the poverty that Bush started, so of course, "IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT". Of course I always expect that when Democrats are stuck for an intelligent answer.
Some of the finest law-abiding, Second Amendment loving citizens I've ever met have been on the pistol range shooting at stationary targets with their .38's, .22's, 9mm.'s, etc. Has anyone ever seen a thug criminal on the pistol range? I never have.
Yep, my firearms are still laying there as I left them. Do you think that just maybe, "guns don't kill people....people kill people".
By the way, this week there will be over a thousand car accidents in the country, and over one hundred killed in car accidents. Will you please help me in my quest to take all automobiles off the highways so we can save prevent auto accidents and save hundreds of citizens. Can I count on your help?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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