Saturday, October 19, 2013

Our chance is coming!

I'm sure we all agree that it's safe to say the man in our White House is "fundamentally transforming" our country into a monachy-dictatorship with him at the helm. Americans must never lose focus of what this man has done, and maybe more importantly, what he has not done.

At this point there is no need to dredge up all the stories about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, NSA spying, DOJ unlawful acts, IRS spying,  and the biggest debacle Obamacare. We all know the stories of how this Monarch-Dictator has handled these horrific stories.

Moreover, we know that as long as the Senate, the DOJ, and even Chief Justice Roberts is part of this monarch and dictatorship we will never have any semblance of accountability to the American people. The most recent evidence of this is yesterday when Fox News reporter, James Rosen,  asked Jay Carney a valid question regarding the Benghazi massacre, and the White House spokesman just turned and walked away with no answer at all.

What kind of American president would raise welfare/food stamps 358% since he's been in office? What president would double our national  debt to $17.Trillion in his first four years in office? What president would refuse to drill for oil right here in the U.S.A., so that Americans can continue to pay over $4.00 a gallon?  What president would shut down memorials that honor the very same Americans that died for the freedoms in this country?

Have you ever known an anti-military president like this monarch-dictator? He is downsizing our military to the weakest it has ever been while at the same time the Jihadist Muslim threats are growing in leaps and bounds.

Can anyone think of a U.S. president that would do this? I know I can't. We all know that the only reason 2,977 UNREAD pages called Obamacare was ever enacted into law is because our Monarch-Dictator-in-chief had the support of a Democrat controlled House & Senate; plus he had Chief Justice Roberts in his back pocket.

However, another great tool Americans must never, ever lose sight of is what our Founding Fathers provided for us; it's called THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Article I, Sections 2,3, and 4 provide all American citizens with the greatest speaking voice we are all entitled to. And that is our right to VOTE in all elections.

Next November, 2014 Americans have the greatest opportunity to overthrow this monarch-dictator in our White House. If we didn't have elections Barack Hussein Obama would realistically become another Adolph Hitler. Do you think Adolph Hitler would have remained in power so long if legal elections were allowed in Germany in the '40's? Of course not.

Americans cannot afford to lose sight of this opportunity to take our first step in gaining back our Senate and keeping our House. We need to do this so we can repeal Obamacare, start drilling for oil here, incentivize businesses to create jobs. And maybe, just maybe we can start impeachment proceedings against this monarch-dictator.

If we don't take advantage of this opportunity given to us by our Founding Fathers next November, then we'll have no one to blame for what this monarch-dictator will do in his last two years in our White House, and Americans will get what it deserves. Don't let this happen!

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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