I think my wife may have spiked my coffee with something this morning. What the heck is wrong with me? I mean, really, I'm a good American. I grew up with this strong disdain, and even hatred at times, for the infamous USSR, Communism, and don't even get me started on the infamous KGB.
I proudly wore the U.S. Air Force uniform for four years, went on to college, and lived the good American life. Speeding and parking tickets are the only laws I've ever broken. I just love this great U.S.A. I live in.
I never thought global issues surrounding the U.S. and the world would get as confusing and mixed up as they have become lately. I'm having a tough time having more confidence in a former KGB agent, who is the former USSR prime minister, and the current president of Russia than I am in our own current American president.
This spineless man that plays golf from our White House is more interested in his legacy and what is good for him, then he is in what's good for the people of our country. Does anyone believe he cares what Americans want? Of course he doesn't. He only wants what's good for him.
There are evil dictators all over the world slaughtering their own people, however these tragic stories don't even make our evening news programs. With the exception of a few humanitarian assists, and some Hollywood types that want to feel good about themselves like Clooney and Angelie, our own U.S. along with the U.N. Council, does just about nothing to stop the genocide that occurs daily in these dictator run countries.
And we all know why, but hide behind the truth don't we? These other countries have nothing to offer the human race except dirt and dirty water. And, of course, we all know why we jump like kangaroos when there's a "burp" anywhere in the middle east. The answer is OIL!!
As a father of six and a grandfather of nine, my heart sinks and I shed tears when I see children suffering from chemical weapons in the streets of Syria. But you know what would cause me to shed more tears; if chemical warfare happened here on American soil to our own children.
I know I may catch some flak for this, but what's going on in Syria is NONE OF OUR DAM BUSINESS! And it doesn't take a brain storm to realize that Putin is only doing this "aid", so that he can control the flow of oil and energy. You know what will happen then.
And if we fracked and drilled for our own oil here and in Alaska, and built more refineries, we could become energy independent, and thumb our noses at the evil dictator Asaad, and Putin. Why go into Syria, give arms to Islam radicals that hate the U.S. anyway, and will most likely turn those weapons on our own assets someday.
Citizens of Syria should find their own leader and over-take the evil Asaad. We have no business spending time and funds to arm and free up rebels that hate us. Yes, it's sad and horrible that Asaad is using chemicals to kill his own children. But, while this may sound caustic, can our children here in the U.S. be assured that those children we save won't grow up to take up arms against our own children someday? Of course not.
I have several reasons for my strong dislike of our president Hitler Jr., but my utter disgust, disdain, and hatred stems mostly from his refusal to push for our own country to become energy independent by drilling and fracking right here in our own country. Tens of thousands of Americans could be put back to work while drilling and fracking. Gasoline prices at the pumps would plummet.
These are the main reasons I continue to question why this Hitler Jr. will continue to buy oil from his Muslim people, instead of helping grow our own economy here. I know something is wrong with me; I don't trust Putin, but I respect him more than our own Hitler Jr.
Hitler Jr. must be impeached. He's destroying our country from within.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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