Saturday, September 7, 2013

'splain someting to me OK Lucy?

I can see the current Obama-Syria scenario playing out on the Lucille Ball TV show "I Love Lucy".  Remember when Ricky would act like he was upset and yell out "Lucy, please 'splain someting to me OK"? Us old timers can remember with great laughter when Lucy would do something crazy and Ricky would scratch his head trying to understand what she just did.

What's my point? Well, I listened to Hitler Jr.'s press conference at the G-20 Summit while he was answering questions from the press corps. This man would not give a truthful answer to any question asked of him by the reporters. Never have I watched a person speak so many words without really saying anything truthful, sincere, nor worthwhile.

As he kept rambling on with his "answers" I continued to scratch my head, turning to my wife, asking, "what the heck is he saying? Is he or is he not going to attack Syria"? All this caused, of course, was my wife becoming irritated with me as she responded, "why are you asking me...I can't make heads or tails out of what he's saying....makes no sense to me at all".

So then a reporter asks the fateful question, "Mr. President, if Congress does not approve your request to attack Syria, will you go anyway"? And for the next ten minutes this man rambled, and rambled, and rambled so incoherently that I defy anyone to understand what his major point was. I declare that even he didn't know what he wanted to say. If anyone could really understand what he was saying, please contact me. He actually sounded like that double-talking comedian that Huckabee had on his show Saturday night.

First, in 2012 he threatened Syria with an attack if they "crossed the red line".  This threat was seen and heard by billions throughout the world, and so last week our liar-in-chief denies the ever spoke those words.  Like I wrote earlier, "someone please 'splain".

When G.W. Bush was president he received the approval of Congress to attack Iraq, along with several U.N. countries, including our strongest ally, England. Today, Hitler Jr. not only is without any support of any other country, it appears our own Congress will not approve his request to attack Syria. He initiates his infamous sequester to weaken our military, and now he wants to send "my military" in harm's way to attack Syria. Well, that's what he said last week. Right now we still don't know what he's going to do. As I said, please 'splain this to me.

Now, we add to that the indecision and back tracking by this man just shows Congress must step forward to impeach this man.  This man cannot be allowed to be the leader of this country  that he is sworn to protect from all adversaries. He is making a laughing stock of this country to the world.

He attempted to appear so presidential last year when he threw down the gauntlet against Syria with his red line threat. At first the very same Democrats that condemned George Bush for attacking Iraq and initially supporting Hitler Jr. are now slowly beginning to withdraw their support of attacking Syria. 

Now it appears that our very own president is standing alone with his 2012 red line threat of attacking Syria. Suddenly, the U.S. president is withdrawing his red line threat, stating "I never threatened Syria with a red line threat".  Then in his arrogant hubris manner he proudly states, "my credibility is not on the line here...Congress and the American people's credibility is on the line".

Really, is this the type of indecisive leader our country wants or needs now?  Of course not! We need a strong leader; someone who represents all American citizens. We are being ridiculed and laughed at by other countries, especially the mid-east countries. This is certainly not what the American people want or need right now. 

This Tuesday Hitler Jr. will be speaking via TV to the American people. I can't wait for his double talk as he tries to 'splain to the American people what he's going to do.

If we had a fair media, and a fair Senate, and a fair minded Supreme Court Justice this man would be in the midst of impeachment hearings right now. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops



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