Saturday, October 5, 2013

If it's so great....

Hitler Jr., Dinghy Harry, and Nut-Case Nancy will stand in front of podiums and teleprompters and openly lie to Americans about Obamacare and expect people to believe them. The sad news is they are getting away with it. Their news briefings are full of lies, and with a straight face tell us how great Obamacare is going to be for us. However, Obamacare is not good enough for them, and their 1,472 friends.  And every member of Congress receives 72% subsidy for Obamacare. I guess they really are better than us.

And our great informative ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will not even ask that most infamous question; "If Obamacare is so great why are there so many waivers to it"? Why are these moronic baboons trying to convince Americans that Obamacare will be great for all of us, but will not sign up for it themselves?

If Obamacare is so great why are union leaders asking for more waivers from it, and complaining that the very man they supported for the presidency is shortening the 40-hour work week to 30 hours? In fact, the Teamster's Union sent a scathing letter to the president admonishing him for taking abolishing the 40-hour work week for Americans.

And how 'bout dem glitches? Obama supporters, along with their fawning MSNBC said there were glitches because "so many Americans were hurrying to sign up for this great plan". Of course that's an out-and-out lie. The truth is the system was so faulty that not a single person could get through to register. 

Liberals want you to believe many people were trying to get through to register. Truth is if a person tried twenty times, but couldn't get through, the Dems counted that as twenty people, not one person times twenty attempts. Those that did get through, especially the young, opted for penalties rather than sign up.

California, arguably the most liberal state in the country has yet to register a single person in Obamacare. It's the same for Connecticut, Missouri, Kansas; a fact is less than one per cent (1%) of Americans in the entire country have yet to successfully register for Obamacare. Wonder why?  I'll tell you; because it's a horrendous, horrific, terrible plan designed to rob one-sixth of America's economy.

Hitler Jr., Reid, and Pelosi want to hurt us so much to make their point that they have even taken to shutting down tourist sights throughout the entire country. Obama is even closing down the WWII soldier's grave site in Normandy, France that is U.S. subsidized.

How evil can a man get to shut down our WWII memorial in D.C. prohibiting our great WWII heroes from visiting this great memorial? How evil is a man that will shut down all the famous memorials throughout the country while he declares November as "National Muslim Month"?
This evil man wants to "fundamentally transform" us into a failed nation while he promotes his Muslim Brotherhood.

In the year 2000 authors A. LeBor and R. Boyes wrote the book "Seduced by Hitler". I strongly encourage all to read this 330-page book. Adolph Hitler didn't start out as the evil maniac monster that he became. He was a great orator. He started out very much like the man living in our White House now. Soon Adolph Hitler, with all his promises began to take over Germany, and the rest of Europe. 

More chilling news about Adolph Hitler is that history shows Adolph was very supportive of Islam and the Muslim way of life. Are we sure that Adolph and his protege Barry Soetero don't share the same DNA?

By the way; the latest official word is "the affordable health care web site is temporarily shut down to repair suspected glitches".  Yeah, right.

November, 2014 is our only true real hope folks; let's not waste it please. Get the word out now>

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.


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