My wife and I live in rural Northeast Ohio, and have been fortunate to endure six successful surgeries at the Cleveland Clinic. Three of those surgeries were diagnosed as major surgeries. Of course to this old timer, any surgery is major.
The Cleveland Clinic is located in the heart of Cleveland, Ohio, and has the honor and distinction of being one of the most advanced hospital facilities in the world. Their advanced medical technology is among the cutting edge now and for the future of specialized medicine.
And in today's dire economy the people of Cleveland have been grateful for what the Clinic has provided them, and that is EMPLOYMENT. Yes, the Cleveland Clinic employs thousands of Cleveland workers. For decades thousands of Cleveland workers have depended on the Cleveland Clinic for successful years of employment.
In 2009 the evil man that resides in our White House proclaimed that all medical entities should follow the path of the Cleveland Clinic. Do you remember that particular part of the speech when he said, "the Cleveland Clinic knows how to do it, and they do it right. This affordable health care law will aid in the continued growth and success of this outstanding medical facility in Cleveland, Ohio".
Well, two days ago the Cleveland Clinic announced that due to Obamacare they will need to cut over $300.Million from their operating budget. Furthermore, plans are underway at the Clinic to reduce their work force by 3,000 employees. I am curious; I wonder how many of the 3,000 Cleveland Clinic employees that will be laid off actually voted for this man in our White House.
This man in our White House knew beforehand that his signature trademark Obamacare was going to bankrupt the country and cause economic havoc even before his infamous health care law was enacted. He blatantly lied about his affordable health care plan, beginning with "if you like you plan you can keep it....if you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr.". Even the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has proven this to be a lie by our president.
While this man in our White House, along with his supporting cast of liberal progressive liars, continues to mislead the American public. This is definitely treasonous.
While this treasonous man continues to preach that his health care act will provide affordable health care to millions of Americans, investors are refusing to invest, big companies continue to downsize and lay off employees, mid-size and small businesses continue to cut back on hours to employees. Some employers are now offering less than 29 hours to workers, so they won't have to participate in Obamacare.
While the polls reflect that an overwhelming majority of Americans do not want Obamacare to go into effect October 1st., our White House Hitler Jr. is spending hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers money to hire "navigators" to go around signing up young citizens for this ridiculous plan.
And these "navigators" will have access to ALL your personal and financial data. Isn't that great? Just what we need to help the IRS and NSA; another government group to spy on us.
Whether the navigators are successful in signing up people for Obamacare, what do you think they're going to do with all that personal information about you?
To date there are 1,472 entities that have been granted waivers from participating in Obamacare. They include unions, members of congress, and certain large Demorat donors. However, the good old middle class hard working Americans must either participate or go to a healthcare plan that will increase their premiums or may even cancel their healthcare policy.
A great analogy of this would be to invite guests to your house for dinner, serve them the food you have prepared, and then not put any of your own cooked food on your own plate. Then your guest may ask, "How come you're not eating any of the food you've cooked"? Then you reply, "Oh, I wouldn't eat that's terrible". Welcome to Obamacare folks.
First the Cleveland Clinic, which will be surely followed by other medical facilities throughout our country, followed by corporations, followed by health care insurance companies dropping customers, or raising premium prices. Can anyone honestly say this is what the American people want? The latest is even hard working Americans may not be able to keep their Doctors and their policies.
The only people who believe Obamacare is "a good deal" are those that are getting health care coverage free with no strings attached. Instead of focusing on tort reform and purchasing healthcare policies across state lines, we force hard working Americans to pay for healthcare for those that do not work.
Years ago my Dad had a saying, "the guy who puts two sandwiches in a brown bag and goes to work every day is the one getting squeezed in this country". Are you feeling squeezed yet?
This man in our White House is treasonous; and must be impeached right after his Obamacare is repealed.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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